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1st gear steve

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Posts posted by 1st gear steve
  1. Over the last 7 - 8 years this event always clashed with The M'bro 2 day trial @ Woodhouse farm, having lost that land a few years ago, the club finally has a venue where the 2 day can be resurected, & not only that, it Does'nt clash with this event this year.

    So if anyone else fancies a two day this weekend - M'bro DMC has one - I admit there are no specific classes for the classic riders, but the easy course & the newly introduced Seperate clubman A route, should be perfect for most abilities - did i mention it is a charity do also ( Great North Air Ambulance).

    I have gone & got me an old Moto Gori, so if it does not clash next year - i will be riding both.

  2. Just been up to Woodhead Farm - the New Venue for M'bro 2 day on sept 5/6, deep in Fryup Dale - Venue looks pretty Impressive, though still a lot of work to do. I am told part of the land was used for British champs round about 10 years ago (also used in the Cleveland trial many Moons ago), but now has the addition of a rocky stream & a hillside full of rocky out crops & climbs.

    Running as a charity event (North Air Ambulance) & has camping, farmer does'nt want open fires, but thin BBQs are OK.

    Club is also trying a new system - with 3 routes instead of 2 on each section.

    1 for easy (clubman B / Over 50 / Yth C).

    1 for Clubman A / Yth B.

    Then a hard course - however as there is a middle route, Inters & Youth A will not have to ride full hard course on all sections - giving the experts a chance to have a go at some big stuff, & not over stretching the rest. Hopefully this will please more of the riders & encourage some to have a go at moving up, whilst allowing others to ride in there correct class & have a good weekends sport - Sounds good to me?

    This is the clubs 1st 2 day since they lost Woodhouse Farm 5 years ago, i was passd the info below also....


  3. i was aware of a similar issue a few years ago with a certain rider that a regular observer refused to mark. Luckily he was never at the right end of the results & was given an average, however your dilema is different.

    As perc says as COC you can make THE decision, but then must stick by it, iam am sure all your club colleagues will support you whatever the decision is, for me as the data for this particular section is not accuarate i would be inclined to scrub the section. For the observer - even though they are a dying breed, they would have to be prohibited from officiating at any event , who knows who they may take a dislike to next week?

  4. I was Lucky enough to be up at Scotland Farm Recently, Has anyone been there before?

    Middlesbrough are running a charity trial (Great North Air Ambulance) there on Sept 7th. I went up to help them pick out the route & chop some bracken for them - I have to say it is quite superb, Some really good rock outcrops on the hillside, but the rocky stream in the bottom of the valley, really is the jewel in the crown, certainly for this centre i am not sure it gets any better. One of the guys just suggested we threw the flags in the air & where they landed that could be the section.......

    I took a couple of photos on my phone but can't seem to get them uploaded onto this, if you know how to & want to see them let me know (not a computer whizz), really something for all.

    I believe they are running usual adult classes, plus A/B Youth, charity on top of this - Win a back Tyre (raffle) plus some stuff donated by Clarkes & Charltons M/Cs, then a BBQ after - should be a good do?

  5. Just found out that Middlesbrough club is running 2 courses on it's next clubman / easy trial (May 24 - Battersby).

    I have rode this venue lots in the past, but not for a few years - always had one easy course, but lately as the 'clubman' rider gets better, the trial has been gradually getting harder in order to get a winner - the entry has been dropping, anyway just found out they are running an easy route for beginers / Clubman B & a slightly harder route for the more gifted (clubman A),as reported in this weeks TMX. I think this will please many more of the riders, might have a dabble myself. What do you think?

    Has anyone been up there themselves?

    I always remember it as a proper Clubman Saturday social trial, where section 11 was the Pub.

    Report also says that they have improved that long rock section up the top (for those who have been) It certainly needed it as i remember.

  6. Cant beat trying something New M.bro DMC have some brand new land! Th trial is next week (sept 9th) Scotland Farm Snilsworth Moor (not far from Chequers) nr Osmotherley, - A good rocky stream & rocky out crops. e-mail me if you want some info, but like they say "Variety is the Spice of Life" - maybe worth another Go. However the club is always needing observers.

  7. I was discussing this topic with a friend, we agreed to disagree......

    It came about whilst setting out for the M,bro trial for Sept 9th, which is a Brand New Piece of Land. (Scotland Farm, Snilsworth Moor)

    He feels that this should be good for ensuring us some extra entries, as Most riders jump at the chance of something new, especially with new venues hard to come by. As a result we should expect strong numbers

    I however feel that us lot are mainly creatures of habit & many go where they know/ feel safe, or wait until they are 'recomended' to a paticular trial, & that venues need time to take hold, this is why i am not expecting a recored turnout!! I also feel that the less experienced are also likley to try something new - am i right?

    There is a few pints on this, so feedback either way please.

    By the way the venue is superb, so hopefully will be a good event, either way.

  8. I always used to use spray paint, however now the clutch side often has a non smooth surface, i have been having trouble getting them to stick, changed mine last night in prep for the Reeth 3 day & used Rubber puncture repair glue, they seem to have set very well, so fingers crossed they hold...

  9. What about Mick Grant (remember his rivalty with sheene in the 70s/ 80s - i remember watching them race each other at olivers mount - s'bro)

    Rob Mclenea - a GP road racer in the 80s, them a team manager.

    I am sure there are loads more if you really sat & thought about it.

  10. i was'nt aware that there was an egine mod on the Gollner KT. My father & i had one for a couple of years. I thought the difference was obviously the frame, the fork rake was steeper to imptove steering, & the swing arm was a little different.

    Nice ones worth some money, practically give ours away. Wish we had kept it.

  11. Just Got THAT call from Angela Sunter.......

    Got an entry!!!! No.40 something

    Luckily (for me) someone has dropped out, i am even with people from the same centre, all good riders mind, not Clubman like me, hopefully the likes of Nev Pybus, Col Bailey, Jonathon frost will recognise me ( dont ride very regular now) & take pity if i break down.

    Wifes gutted....... Promised to take the family away at the weekend if i did'nt get an entry. I still am taking her away, not sure that watching bikes is what she had in mind though.

    See you there, If i am layed in a heap somewhere help me up, Please....

    Steve C :beer::D

  12. :thumbup: Just posted my first thing also, if you want long distance events, these tend to be roadbased, many at national status, so even for the clubman sections can be hard, though the ride round is usually worth the entry fee alone.

    Just rode an event in My local centre (east Yorks)a single 40 mile lap - with section routes to suit all.

    The at the the other end of the scale You have the Scott, with your enduro background you're half way there (not on the TLR though) - It's not till October so get training now!! Seriously though, if you have never been to the Scott, it's a spectacle all on it's own. I tried it once & that was once to many.

  13. Just Rode the Glaisdale 40mile trial for 1st time.

    Guisbrough club did a cracking job - a good old fashioned trial but with routes to suite all, like me.

    Hope they don't turn it into a national, as the rumour is this is a possibility, it's perfect as it is.

    Well done to all involved - doing the Wainwright this weekend - bet i dont get such a relaxed ride. :thumbup:

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