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Inter Centre Team Trial


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We did - Midland Centre :)

Good trial, very enjoyable mix of sections, seven or eight groups spread around a 22 mile road course. 22 miles is a hell of a long way on a Pre65 that maxes out at 35mph....

Best individual score on observation was Barry Husband who posted a very impressive 1 mark loss but had 11 on time poor sod. Next best on observation was Chris Griffin who lost 5 due to his bike stalling, otherwise could have been clean. All sections cleanable but several requiired inch perfect lines to do so, plenty capable of stealing marks very easily. Three or four toughies thrown in.

Some very impressive machines in use to. Some of those cubs.....

All of the above scores subject to confirmation of course.

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Next best on observation was Chris Griffin who lost 5 due to his bike stalling, otherwise could have been clean.

Would that be Griffo from Beta UK? :)

Don't know as I don't know anything about Beta UK or what Griffo is doing now, but it is Griffo who used to be a supported rider back in days gone by if that helps... Still good now too... Tony Calvert was also riding. Nice to see these blokes out now and again. Really was a good day.

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Aye Woody damn good day out.

Shame Barry got that time penalty, reckon next time to crack on and not go round as a team to take the p--s

out of each other :(

Still think the twinshocks should be allowed a go too!

Most bikes at the event were as good as, if not better than most twinshock bikes around today!

Thanks to the South Birmingham MCC for a good days sport


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Aye Woody damn good day out.

Shame Barry got that time penalty, reckon next time to crack on and not go round as a team to take the p--s

out of each other :D

Still think the twinshocks should be allowed a go too!

Most bikes at the event were as good as, if not better than most twinshock bikes around today!

Thanks to the South Birmingham MCC for a good days sport


You're right about cracking on, but it is hard not to do the latter... :( - I lost 12 on time also. :( At least the old Beesa made it round - although it consumed more oil than Paioli does cider...

I think the Pre65 Inter Centre is too well supported in its own right to add twinshocks but if support started dying then it should be considered.

I'd like to see a seperate Inter Centre twinshock event as I'm sure with the 2 routes it would be well supported. I did raise it about 3 years ago but it still seems that twinshocks are the poor relations in the UK when it comes to, shall we say, prestigious events.

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Woody , do you think a ICTT for twinshocks would get the support?

Two routes a must, may be 2 laps of 16, as to cut out the work and observers?

There has to be lots of twsh bikes out there still registered for road use, also a cheaper alternative to brit?bikes. :)

Plus they go qicker on the road to save getting stuffed for time!!!! :(

I got 15mins penalty btw A--E :(

Edited by pitley
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Difficult to say, when I first mentioned it to our ACU rep a few years ago I'd have said yes, but now, with the way entries have declined in the Classic I don't know. I'm going to mention it again and see what they think. There's enough twinshocks out there....

One thing I am going to have to get for the C15 is a trials gear set - it is woeful on the road, although it wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't so scared to hold it open on more than half throttle - might get 40 odd out of it if I did but it sounds worrying at that speed.. I remember the last Miller round when Mr Willmore came past me on the road on his 500 matchless like I was standing still - he missed a good trial on Sunday - I told him it would be too

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i don't see why you can't run the twin shocks alongside the pre65's , the sections last sunday would

have been just right for twin shocks, as most of the so called pre65's are just as good and some

better than most of the twin shocks out there.

i'me sure most centers could get 3 riders for a twin shock team and if it took off you could even have

more riders per team or even a seperate event, it just needs someone/club to start the ball rolling.

did think the easy route was way to hard in places, after all it is the best team at the end of the day

not the best rider that the trial needs to be marked out for.

as for woody's bike drinking more oil than i can drink cider NO Fu****G WAY BROTHER!!!!! :)

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