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California Youth Team


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Well our California Youth Team is once again getting geared up for the Youth Nationals at the TTC in July. We have a few fund raisers going on to help us with the large expense to get the kids and bikes back there. First at our local ATA events my wife runs the youth team Hot Dog stand in which we sell hot dogs, drinks and snacks. Everything is on a donation bases so you can just pay what you want, our riders and family's are very kind and we often have 10's and 20's even though nobody eats that much :thumbup: After one event we found a $100.00 dollar bill in the jar and we don't know who left it, we thank that person very much :D

Next we are having our own youth team trial on April 14th. It is going to be a fun trial at Romoland which will consist of four loops. After the event we are going to have a BBQ and hand out the ATA year end awards. flyer

We are also having a raffle that night with lots of good stuff including,

set of Dunlop tires, set of Answer riding gear, Rental Dougie bend bars, Pro Taper trials bars. Donated from RYP(thank you) NZI tri vent helmet & videos and such.

You need not be present to win and I will send all winning items free of charge. I hope I don't get in trouble for selling something, but tickets are $2.00 a piece if anybody is interested. Make checks to ATA-youth team

15687 Pico st.

Riverside, Ca. 92508

I hope more states or clubs can do something like this for their kids, (I know our club has been very supportive) Maybe it would help more kids to come out to the Western Youth Nationals at Donner.

Again thanks to all those who have helped us out.

Edited by sirhc
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Well our California Youth Team is once again getting geared up for the Youth Nationals at the TTC in July. We have a few fund raisers going on to help us with the large expense to get the kids and bikes back there. First at our local ATA events my wife runs the youth team Hot Dog stand in which we sell hot dogs, drinks and snacks. Everything is on a donation bases so you can just pay what you want, our riders and family's are very kind and we often have 10's and 20's even though nobody eats that much :thumbup: After one event we found a $100.00 dollar bill in the jar and we don't know who left it, we thank that person very much :icon_salut:

Next we are having our own youth team trial on April 14th. It is going to be a fun trial at Romoland which will consist of four loops. After the event we are going to have a BBQ and hand out the ATA year end awards. flyer

We are also having a raffle that night with lots of good stuff including,

set of Dunlop tires, set of Answer riding gear, Rental Dougie bend bars, Pro Taper trials bars. Donated from RYP(thank you) NZI tri vent helmet & videos and such.

You need not be present to win and I will send all winning items free of charge. I hope I don't get in trouble for selling something, but tickets are $2.00 a piece if anybody is interested. Make checks to ATA-youth team

15687 Pico st.

Riverside, Ca. 92508

I hope more states or clubs can do something like this for their kids, (I know our club has been very supportive) Maybe it would help more kids to come out to the Western Youth Nationals at Donner.

Again thanks to all those who have helped us out.

Chris contact me via email I can donate something to help out



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Thanks Ron, that is much appreciated.

I prefer to make the kids work and just give-um some money! Builds Character! Whatever?

Ya, I am hoping to have the kids make most of the sections, knowing the kids though I'm sure I'll have to tone down the sections a little. I also plan on sitting back and letting my eight year old design a section by himself....should be interesting :icon_salut:

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  • 4 weeks later...

We had our little fun fund raiser trials and raffle this weekend......68 riders! Our club supported the kids big time! Many donated much more than the standard entry fee! A big thank you goes out to any and all ATA members who donated.

At our little trial we even had #2 in the Nation Cody Webbpost-2409-1176700638.jpg

We also had Kerry Aaron riding and her husband hanging out. There was also a guy riding a XR 50 who I saw later in the results was Nick Mantzoros.

Of course the real story is how much all the local riders supported the kids, over 3,500 for the event and a little over 5,000 for the year!!

This years team is

Andrew Oldar-15post-2409-1176700279.jpg

Eric Storz-14post-2409-1176700191.jpg

Ian Delaney-13post-2409-1176700226.jpg

Ty Cullins-8post-2409-1176700306.jpg

For the other states or clubs I encourage you to start something like this, trials people are great and know how tuff it is to make long hauls and are willing to help out if given the chance!

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Hey Sirhc count me in for $25.00. I hear we may beat Texas or at least that Copey guy.

Anyone out there want to match me or beat my donation, I dare you :o

Check is in the mail and you can just mail me my hotdogs

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hope more states or clubs can do something like this for their kids, (I know our club has been very supportive) Maybe it would help more kids to come out to the Western Youth Nationals at Donner.

I think its great california has a concentration of riders and the effort and organization to achive this. It cost a lot to go to the youth nationals even making the trip from here in missouri. Our plans at least at this time is to forgo all nationals (except ttc national)and almost all local (if 200 miles is local)events and just go to the ttc youth nationals

The California team should have a huge advantage with funds to go the ttc and if i understand it right if they dont win the overall in tennesee they can ride the regionialy located event way out in california and share the ama recognition. Would love to be able to make the western youth nationals but with no support it doesnt seem possible..If we really have to have 2 winners i would like to see a fund for all 0 line riders at the U.s. youth nationals being able to get to california for the western youth nationals. It must be extremely hard for northeastern riders to make both events In the future will there be an eastern youth nationals with ama recoginizing the overall winners there also?

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Harker told me that Cullins kid was pretty tough

Cope, I had written something fun about how he is anything but tough, but my wife made me delete it :(

No Jive, I'm coming up to Oroville this weekend. I'll stick one of the hot dogs next to the turbo on my truck on the way up so it will be nice and toasty when I get there :wall: You should have sent it before the raffle, you could have won something cool like a old trials movie.

Hensley, I'm not quite sure how to take your post so I hope I don't come off wrong.

The California team should have a huge advantage with funds to go the ttc
Well, the money we get this year per rider should pay for the fuel to get us there. Obviously that is a huge help, but taking a family of five across the country and being gone for two weeks it doesn't start to cover it.
and if i understand it right if they dont win the overall in tennesee they can ride the regionialy located event way out in california and share the ama recognition.
Just to let you know our "regionally located event" is in Donner and that is as far away from me as the TTC is to you. In fact you are closer to Donner than I am to the TTC, so if we both went to both events you will have traveled less than me. The trials I'm going to this weekend is about 500 miles away!
It must be extremely hard for northeastern riders to make both events
How about a North Western rider? Chad Redman has gone to both events the last two maybe three years and he is from Washington.
In the future will there be an eastern youth nationals with ama recoginizing the overall winners there also?
That's the way it is now with the TTC being the eastern round, so if Homer & Ty win this year we can just party at the AMA banquet in Las Vegas this year :o Edited by sirhc
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[/That's the way it is now with the TTC being the eastern round, so if Homer & Ty win this year we can just party at the AMA banquet in Las Vegas this year


I didnt want to sound or be negitive especially on a youth topic ive been there and done that already. my geographic location isnt bad i do feel for the northeast riders If they travel to both youth event plus compete in the youth or high school class at the nationals thats a lot of travel. I think the effort put forth by both california and texas clubs is excellent and one of the most positive things being done in trials, today. As far as celebrating at the ama i think thats only for the overal winners. I think we will all agree the ttc has established a fantastic youth event well attended by entrys from across the U.S.im sure its a great sacrifice for the most western riders to make the trip and really adds to the event having them there. I know in todays society much emphasis is put on rewards everyone wants a piece of the pie. Im just wondering if it wouldnt be better if there was one winner the winner being the winner the event was the most attended by the best cross section of the U.S.

getting off topic a little my local county has been swamped lately by people moving here from California mostly retirees looking for cheap property. could you send us a couple of good young trials riders it gets awful lonely at times riding here on the farm.

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I didn't think you where trying to be negative, I was hoping my response didn't come off negative either.

As far as the AMA banquet, all the class champions get to go up on stage and get their medallion. It's only the overall youth winner that gets to make a speech, as does the top male rider (Geoff Aaron) and the top female rider (Louise Forsely). All the kids got to go up on stage at the same time and stand behind Geoff as he talks, any adult champions from the national series that come get to do it too, it's really a lot of fun! I will admit though if the banquet was on the East Coast I'm sure we would skip it, we are only 3 1/2 hours from Vegas.

Sorry we can't spare any riders, are team is down by six riders this year! Two due to expense, one moved away, one is too old, one doing all the regular nationals and skipping the youth, and who knows what Leavitt is doing. Where are you at in Missouri? my wife has family there and wants to visit them on the way home, whats a few 100 extra miles :o

Oh and last you are 100% right, the TTC has fantastic youth event, that's why we make the trip :wall: In fact my two oldest kids have so much fun they want to move to Tennessee when they get older.

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Chris, I have to admit that I am totally torn over this Texas vs Cali thing at the youth nationals! Team Sherco and all that!

But since it is late in the day, and I have not managed to p*** anyone off today, would you like to make a small wager toward the outcome of the Youth Nationals overall wins?

I am not even sure which age groups we have represented, to be honest! I am always confused with the Mizell kids!

All proceeds toward the next years fund of the winner! $100 gets you in! :o

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If I did something like that then I would never get into the trials hall of fame. Of course if there ever was one I wouldn't be there anyways. Besides betting on the kids sounds like something Lane would do(my team is better than yours stuff) Then you say all proceeds go to the winning team, I'm all for helping the kids even if it is Texas kids! The problem for me is if all the kids do well we can only win a maximum of three! Two of our four kids are in the same class and I'm sure there is more Mizell's riding than that. Can we count former California riders? There's one in Kentucky that could help our odds a bunch. With the new rules for the classes(which I like even though it makes it less likely for my kid to win) that would still leave us with a possible of three. Oh what the heck, I'm good with it as long as nobody on either side starts talking smack :o

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sir hc

You have given me something to think about with a whole stage of representation at the ama awards that ought to give trials a little more representation. Im still going to think of the ttc event as the youth nationals not eastern youth nationals but maybe with a national round coupled (that is a great idea)with the western youth nationals attendance will be up. I would love to go but im afraid time and money will prohibit this year. If things turn out good next year it might be a different story.

im located near springfield mo if it works stop by on the way back here is a link to a blogspot i just created, has some pics of what there is to ride. http://swmissouriobservedtrials.blogspot.com/

Speaking of advantages while Homer has only a couple of old men (one of them a poor rider ,me) and one 28 year old brother to ride with, no other kids. he has 2000 acres( most of it belongs to neighbors) right out his back door to ride anytime he wants.

I hate to hear you are down to six riders Hope Leavitt makes it, and what about Sandavol both of them really add to homers class. Roper would also be in homers class ,is Arizona close enough to count him. Also i saw Bailey Tucker from Colorado ride at Oklahoma not sure how old he is he can really ride.

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OK Chris, we may have to do some adjustments in all fairness, so things are more head to head as far as age groups, we will see. We may only have 2-3 in the same groups anyway, all to their benefit!

We may not know untill sign-up, but I have to trust you as I cannot be there, but the results will be posted.

I think Mizell has 4 kids riding now(no bike for himself), Duvall's, Martenez kids, Schuberts?

Man I really loose track, and it all depends upon their ability to make the trip and their planning. Who else?

If I forget that I shot off my mouth by then, I am sure you will remind me! :o

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