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Montesa 4rt Wins Ssdt

cota kid

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Someone else advised me of this fact and I have shamelessly nicked it. (Yes I was wrong it was 41 years and not 31. My excuse is I wasn't born when a 4 stroke last won the SSDT before Dib's overwhelming victory).

Dibs win on the Future Trials Racing Montesa is the first four stroke to win the SSDT for 41 years.

Well done Dibs and well done Montesa.

Edited by Cota Kid
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Someone else advised me of this fact and I have shamelessly nicked it.

Dibs win on the Future Trials Racing Montesa is the first four stroke to win the SSDT for 31 years.

Well done Dibs and well done Montesa.

well done to Dibs and all the support crew,but I think a massive credit to alexz.

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This year, A fourstroke wins the Indoor WTC and now the SSDT and one is likely to win the outdoor WTC too.

Fourstrokes are Back :thumbup:

Disclaimer - Obviously, the riders on them have to be pretty good :(

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Congrats to all the riders, but the top twenty were mostly two strokes, and I wager that Jarvis would have won if he had been on his 290. - The Four stroke thing is all political.

Can you enlighten me as to how you can prove that Jarvis would have won the 2007 SSDT if he was on a 2 stroke? Can you travel through time and alter history?

Edited by Cota Kid
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Congrats to all the riders, but the top twenty were mostly two strokes, and I wager that Jarvis would have won if he had been on his 290. - The Four stroke thing is all political.

Have you spoken to Jarvis and has he stated that? If you haven't then your statement is impossible to qualify in my opinion.

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Dom/Atom i'm with the outlaw on this one, the evidence of those there that the Sherco 4t was suspect in the conditions on the Monday when jarvis lost 18, is pretty near the mark. Possibly I accept early number versus dibs late one, but this is all academic and not provable either way.

What is imprtant is DIBS WON!!!! :thumbup:

This heralds in the "new era" who knows what might have been it matters not, but with Michael Brown second equal and Alexz thereabouts these 3 are going to give us something special in the next few years, of that I'm sure. :(

Would anyone bet against a win for these boys in the TDN 2009? :)

And really isn't it time the ACU used the talent and experience of Jarvis Colley and of course Doug got these together and do something with the talent we have now?

(Sorry didn't want to hijack thread)

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The young Brits are impressive.Look out Spain !!!

Three four strokes in the top four.

and they were from 3 different manufacturers.

Why are the four strokes political? I thought they were motorcycles and I like all motorcycles.


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Would of, could of, should have.

Jarvis or Sherco made the decision for him to ride the 4 stroke and it didn't pay off, bleating about Jarvis winning it if he was on a 2 stroke are totally and utterly pointless. Lets concentrate on the fact that Dabill beat all the opposition regardless of whether or not they are 2 stroke, 4 stroke or even back stroke.

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Awfully touchy now aren't we boys!!!!! I believe Outlaw Dave's statement was an opinion, one that would be shared by more than a few I'm sure due to the fact that the Sherco 4T has been suspect in the past with some teeting problems. As well, Grimbo's limited time spent on it before the SSDT.(Yes I know he's riding the BC on it too).

The political issue is an easy one. In case you didn't know, all these four strokes started appearing when the FIM informed us that the manufacturer's will be legislated to produce and rider's only compete on 4strokes..............a political mandate with a target date (which has since been changed twice). Don't get me wrong, I would love to own a 4stroke. But I think it is detremental to the sport to mandate these bikes into production and then the factories have to charge considerably more money than the 2strokes which have nothing wrong with them, mechanically or enviromentally.


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Not sure on the Jarvis thing. we marked out some pretty tuff stuff at St Davids and a lot of it was big grippy stuff that you would think would favour the 2 strokes. Jarvis was convincing there so I think he has the hang of the 4 stroke????

To equal out 2 and 4 strokes (and maybe make trials ridding cheaper) why don't we have a minimum weight limit on bikes. Something that would stop the 4 strokes having to be super light and trick and allow the 2 strokes to be better made and more reliable. (75kg say)

level playing field just chose the power you prefer!!

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