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Whos On Scorpa?


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I've heard the Wins/Sells phrase, thrown around in motor racing circles. May not apply to Trials, they do it for fun. :banana2:

I choose bikes on other criteria, like local product support, that and Italian quality :banana2: . Still hope Dougie takes it up to the Spanish Duo this year.

Shame there isn't a production championship. I'd hate to see WTC go the way of Aussie Supercars (Touring Cars), and turn into a two horse race, on machines that bear very little resemblance to the production models.

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Having a works HRC machine would certainly be better than having a customer bike but in my opinion the top five would still be the same top five in the same order.

As for what sells at 'mr average' events, heres the bikes at Sundays Midland Centre Trial.

Beta 21

Gas Gas 16

Montesa (2 & 4t) 11

Scorpa 10

Sherco 6

Is that typical of any 60 club riders in the UK? If so, it makes a mockery of the 'what wins sells' saying.

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I think this depends where you live, some bikes are better in mud some are better on rocks.

BUT if you want quality then its a BETA, SCORPA or MONT choice.

In terms of performance for the trials I ride there is only a gasser or a sherco to choose from. My sherco has been far more reliable than the Gas Gas Pros I had previously but I accept that the build quality on a beta, scorpa or mont is better.

Frankly its my cash and i couldnt care less what wins at wtc level. The riders are much better than me and it doesnt matter how much cash I have I can t buy the bike they ride, so why take any notice ?

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Frankly its my cash and i couldnt care less what wins at wtc level. The riders are much better than me and it doesnt matter how much cash I have I can t buy the bike they ride, so why take any notice ?

Spot on.

The bikes, the rules and the sections have very little to do with the kind of trials in which I'm going to ride.

My riding companion has a 300 Raga and loves it. I'd loose another 25% of marks if I rode it in a trial, so even if it was the best bike inthe world I wouldn't buy one.

Horses for courses.

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my bro was thinking bout signing for scorpa next year he's pretty handy i have seen him lift the john hardy cup at the east yorkshire 2day NATIONAL!!!!!!!!!!! event before.He took the trophy on a yamaha TYZ 250cc That day i saw a legend been born on zone 17 on the sunday he was the only clean of the day as he was the only one that had the balls to make the pivot turn around a rock actualy touching the front wheel on a tree then dropping in 1 and a half foot into the stream.This inspired a young rider you might no as michael brown to further his trials career as he still talks about the zone now even tho he dropped his ice cream in amazement!!!!!!!!!!!!

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