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Anybody Going To Telford Dirt Bike Show?


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Hi all,

anybody off up to the show this weekend?

I will be exhibiting all 4 days so if you have any sticker / logo / graphics needs for next years bike / helmet / car / van, drop in and i'll do some special rates for 'trials central' members



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It's just up the road from me so I'll be going, don't know much about it other than the ads that have been in TMX, the guys from Stoneliegh show seem to be a bit paranoid when you read there adverts.

Do the guys who do the Stoneliegh show think everyone's going to spend all there money at Telford or something? :o

How much of it will be for us Trials guys??

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Hey Went to the dirt bike show yesterday, I think if your into MX and enduros its the place to go, There was one 3 trials stands, Beta, scorpa and gg. The live shows are very good. Just a let down on the trials side  :D

Agree Gasserboy,

The Trials front was a bit of a let down, bought myself a nice Hebo Jacket off <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central> Stand,

oh yeah...did you check out them *lovely girls* on the GG stand dressed in them spray on GG suits :):(:D:hl:

Edited by Marky G
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