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Silencer Rubbing On Tyre Problem!


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Is there still no sure fire long term, in fact stuff long term, permanent solution to this!! Youd think that Gas Gas could have sorted this out by now they seem to have been like this since the first JT's. I have just aquired an 09' 250 and the exhaust has already been rubbing on the tyre so much that its wafer think in onw point and if you stick your palm over the end of the tail pipe it blows little bubbles out of a tuny pinhole!!

Is there really no decent solution to this, does anyone do a replacement silencer for a decent price? Also failing that does anyone know where I can have an aluminium patch tig welded on to mine by a compitent welder close to Manchester? :o


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It is strange but, I,m now on my sixth ( I think) Pro and not one has had this problem that you and some others have expierenced.

Yeah to be honest mate i;ve just got the bike and its like this already, personally I would have done something about it the minute I noticed it rubbing, some people are either just too lazy, too dumb or have too much money, with this guy I think it was the latter. Anyway im left now to sort it out, im gonna try to get a nice patch welded on it tomorrow somewhere as im off work then i'll probably make a spacer for the exhaust mount on the middle section that should pull it out plenty at the rear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't worry about tig welding a patch on. I've done a couple now with a nicely made thin aluminum patch pop riveted on. If it rubs through just drill out the rivets and stick on another on. Take time forming a nice patch and use nice small rivets it doesn't look bad at all.

Why GG haven't fixed this problem yet I'll never know. Unlike some after sales questions on other parts I can't imagine they sell many replacements rear boxes so there is nothing in it for them. A slightly different box form or properly spaced in the first place would be easy.

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  • 1 month later...

Just got 09 280 pro and the tyre is rubbing. After further investigation and a lot of bad words i noticed the wheel was not in the middle of swinging arm 15mm to exhaust side. Have sat down with spoke key seems to be better now.

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