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The Scott


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Well had another fantastic day at the Scott the weather could not have been better for spectating, i was up bright and early trusty camera in hand and set off to take my customary 300 to 400 shots and all was going to plan i nearly got all of the riders through reels head which was a real stopper today and i only saw a few cleans with three's being the order of the day,and it was a quick dash over to whaw bridge to get some more shots, by this time john sunter was way in front and flying and its great to see a real local heading the field, well i got a lot pictures here of the riders and i was off again to my last section of the day and here is where it all went wrong for me got my self in a good position in the section just ready to get the riders as they made there way back, and my camera decided to play silly buggers and i got the message on the screen that no photographer wants to see in big bold writing "CARD ERROR REPLACE CARD" and my heart sank, i did have another card which i duly put in the camera but i knew my day was done and my heart was not in it any more i did get a few shots(which i will post later) but all i could think about was the other card

well back home and my worst fears have been confirmed i have lost the lot about 400 shots from the trial today and i am to say the least gutted :crying: but on the bright side it was a fantastic day for the riders and spectators alike and i would like to thank Richmond motor club for putting on the BEST trial in the world

i will be back next year hopefully with better luck

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Thats bad luck Neil. Have you tried any file recovery software, don't format the card until you have. You might recover some of them.

I had a great day too, like you said the weather was best I've known for Scott day for years. I went to Shaw Gutter for the first time and can recommend it. Then on to Tank Trap which had a few cleans from front runners then became very greasy for the mid pack. We then intended to do Surrender but I have never seen so many cars and vans. Couldn't get within 1/2 mile of the bridge so went to straight to Reels Head but Sunter beat us there. Looking forward to the results.

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I feel like some sort of stalker. I was at Shaw Gutter, Tank Trap and Reels Head. I am also a member of Consett Club. The Scott was awesome as usual. You have got to admire the Richmond Club, all those volunteers putting on such a huge event, absolutley brilliant. Long may it continue.

Thanks Scragg

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Top day out as usual, respect to all who got round. Went to Underbanks for the 1st time since I rode the trial last (2003 I think?), have they put another stone onto the last step, I can't remember it being that high!

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Sorry to here about the card. I had a 500gb hard drive die on me and used some software called. Get data back. And I worked a treat got most of the stuff back.

When is the awards pres?? Interested to know how Murray Whittaker (rider 68 I think) got on.

anybody know????

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well guys been trying all night to get the images back but to no avail they have gone!!!!oh bugger

Download Recuva it's free - if you havn't formatted the card it will get most of the pictures back. The better version can even recover formatted cards. :thumbup:

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hi tricks we tried that one last night and i didn't work along with every other program out there, i have now just chalked this one down to one of those things, and i have been told of the family to stop going on about it :crying: but they don't understand how big the Scott is

oh well i will be back for more next year

and it was a fantastic win for jono really pleased for him he only lost 2 fives all day

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