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Contact No For Martin Crosswaite


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An advert for Scorpa UK in last weeks comic said call Martin on 01274 566111/566122 or or 07974 932904. The ad talked about selling some ex display bikes plus some new 250's and 175's in a box. Guess this is him ?

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Has anyone seen the Loris Gubian replica sy 125. I saw one at the youth a + b champs. It had all the parts of the 250 and sounded lovely. Just wondering if anyone had one and if i could get some feeback on what they are like.

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There are 2 models of 125 the tys and the sy the tys is the cheaper one and is about 2800 retail, the sy has the same running gear as the sy250 and has a retail of about 3400. the tys has cheaper forks, a twin piston front brake caliper, a tubed type rear wheel and a few other little differances.

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I had the cheaper one of the two and it was a cracking little bike, in fairness the extra cost isn't worth it in my eye's, the suspension and brakes on mine were fine..My advice would be go for the cheaper version

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