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3 Day Indoor Trials Event ?


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Well I thought I might try something new... but wanted to check if anybody has done anything similar... or people with more experience than I might be able to give some advice.

For the last 2 years I have worked with a local outdoor sport and RV show to put on a trials demo. The first year I had about 5 local riders and I brought in an old car and some junk I found in the parking lot and we demonstrated different trials techniques. Last year we had a much higher level rider from Quebec travel down with his Son (also an awesome rider) and daughter (novice rider) and we had a few local riders join them. They showed what a trials bike can really do by riding over much larger obstacles. more details here: http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/44665-trials-demo-in-nova-scotia/

This year I am thinking it would be better to actually have a competition. The issue I have is that we need to put on a show Fri, Sat, and Sunday... and at least 2 shows a day. We share the space with a local dog group that have dogs running through obstacles, and a lumber jack show with guys log rolling in a pool of water and throwing axes... etc. The bottom line is we have to move our obstacles between our time slots. The show organizer enjoys us riding around when the show opens so we have an hour or so to setup and warm up. Then we have about an hour to put on a bit of a show and tear down. Later in the day we would have an hour or so to setup do a show and tear down.

I would like to show that trials is a sport for a wide range of capabilities and have sections with both a hard and an easy line... My thinking is to setup 2 different sections (with 2 lines each) for each "show" then score the riders as they ride the 2 sections 3 times. The scores would be on a big score board and as the weekend progressed the scores would be recorded. So by the end of the weekend the riders would have ridden 12 different sections 3 times. Or maybe I would repeat sections and just have 6 that we use twice...

A ride off might be fun as well with 2 riders going head to head like they do at the pro indoor events.

We usually let kids try balancing on the bikes while we tear down and there would still be time to do a bit of hot dogging...

We really only have novice and advanced riders locally (no pro riders) but I might be able to talk a few into making the trip :).

It is in March so it is nice having a free spot to ride inside even it is only for 3 days (and in front of a crowd). The space is roughly 80ft by 30ft.

stop, no-stop ???

Any thoughts or ideas on this sort of event would be appreciated... including indoor obstacle ideas that are novice friendly... and need to be cheap to build :).


Michael T.

PS. - yes I know I am crazy...

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good luck, one year i did that down here in the south and we used a flat bed trailer about 16' long it was made to have two big steps when attacked from the rear and four even bigger steps when attached from the sides. i made ramps to alter the degree of difficulty for the less experienced and all i had to do was to tow the trailer in ride and tow the trailer out, very quick and easy. you can also use the trailer to haul the bikes and some other smaller obstacles in and out of the arena. if you can recruit some help it would be better to have a dedicated team to move and be responsible for the obstacles.

good luck and post some photos.


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A see saw, is a fun to ride, easy to make obstacle, with just black lines sprayed on it, so you have to stop when it drops down. stop is the only option inside. ps think you may call a see saw a teeter totter??

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Get stuff on pallets if you have use of a fork lift. Spectacular indoor has to be stop allowed, but show what novices can do too. With a ramp here and there you can get them up and over stuff.

Did you say logs and lumberjacks? that's your starting point for obstacles.

Yes we do have a fork lift which is really handy.

And yes we did drive over the lumber jacks last year which was good fun


Anybody have pictures / layouts of novice friendly indoor sections?

Edited by michael_t
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Sounds like fun.

I always wondered if there could be an indoor trials centre made for everyone to use.

I mean, go-karting is indoor and I presume they are just the same exhaust fumes as a bike?

Would be fun to have an indoor place to go to through the winter season.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I sent out a survey to the local riders and it seems there is enough interest to have a Novice and Intermediate class. I really like the obstacles in this video... and I can easily see how they could be arranged to have 2 lines for "easy" and "not so easy" sections.

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Given the very limited number of riders in the Province it was great to see enough that are willing to join in putting on a show...

By the way for people who are not aware of Survey Monkey it is a great (free) tool for finding out what people are interested in doing... most exciting for me was the fact that 6 people offered to host their own events next year !!! Of the 39 people I sent the survey to 30 responded (2 in email the other 28 in the survey). 5 years ago I was only aware of 4 riders so it is great to see the interest growing here in Atlantic Canada.


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