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Interesting Night And Day


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Practicing with Dennis Sweeten and Odus Lambert today, trying to get in shape for the ssdt, so riding that type of creek section all afternoon.

I was riding my Sherco 4T, Odus on a stock 4rt, Dennis on a 4rt with a re mapped ignition, really soft for the type of section and terrain we were riding.

I couldn't believe the difference between Dennis's bike and Odus's bike, Odus's bike would pull hard and you had to try keep up with it, Dennis's bike was so mellow and easy to ride, even Odus thought the same thing, the bike was twice as easy to ride in that type of section.

I think the programmable ignition would be the number one item on my spares list if I owned a 4rt.

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Sherco was lower geared than both Mont's, giving me more time to pick my line.

I cleaned the sections easier on my bike but was closer on Dennis's bike than Odus's.

Two entirely different feeling bikes the Mont and the Sherco, I was most comfortable on mine, it suits my style of riding, but so it should I set it up for myself.

One comment Dennis made after riding my bike up a section, he said he wouldn't go back to riding a two stroke.

I'm not going to say one is better than the other, because it's personal preference on what bike people choose, my topic starter was more about being able to liven or soften the bike up, just by hooking it up to the computer, I do think it will become an option on many brands in the future.

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I heard that Wayne Braybrook had also been trying the softer map. I could have done with it yesterday!

Watched someone ride my bike to, and you notice how the wheel spins very easily when they release the clutch. I find I use a lot more rear brake even when de-clutching to try and get a smoother take off - where a 2T seems better. I rode a 315 for comparison yesterday.

A set of Mitani clutch plates hit my door mat this morning, so will be very interested to see how they go.

Is the softer map on the HRC disk ? Or was it something that Dennis had played with.

I'm also interested to hear where his tick over was?

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Is the softer map on the HRC disk ? Or was it something that Dennis had played with.

Just what I'd like to know too, as the one thing I'd like to do with mine is slow up the throttle response off idle.

Also interested to know how you get on with the Mitani clutch plates too as the clutch on my bike can be an absolute nightmare. Sometimes works well, normally in a non-critical part of a section, but on other occassions it hits like a sledgehammer, usually at the cost of marks as it shoves the front wheel out on turns with all the subtlety of a pub bouncer ejecting a drunk. Why Honda can't get it right I don't know, the clutch on my '98 315 was bloody awful and TLR250 and early RTL bikes were crap too. They can revolutionise fuelling with the 4RT, fit brilliant suspension, but can't do a simple clutch... :D Why..?

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there is a softer mapping on the HRC disk, I've tested it and I found it very smooth little to smooth for my liking so edited it so the ignition isn't as retarded. I think it's easier now to control it around idle, it also feels like it's stronger at low revs but that can just be me dreaming.

anyone know if they really changed anything in the clutch because my new repsol feels totally different from my dad's 05. it's less drag and little more on and off but it's a big difference

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Too many questions :D I was riding bikes up a beck hole, not doing a engine tuneing report, I would think if you go to the US montesa site and email questions to Dennis, you are more likely to get the correct answer, rather than me trying to remember what he said.


Edited by ishy
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Interesting reading, I've been watching both Montesa and Sherco fourstrokes at recent local events, both seem very snappy..the sherco being more so.

I like the fourbangers BUT, if I'd have paid over 4k for a bike I would want it perfect, not have to be buying clutch plate kits etc etc..surely that must p*** you guys off a bit ?.

And at the end of the day are they any better in the grip dept than say a new Sherco 290 ?

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Interesting reading, I've been watching both Montesa and Sherco fourstrokes at recent local events, both seem very snappy..the sherco being more so.

I like the fourbangers BUT, if I'd have paid over 4k for a bike I would want it perfect, not have to be buying clutch plate kits etc etc..surely that must p*** you guys off a bit ?.

And at the end of the day are they any better in the grip dept than say a new Sherco 290 ?

In the grip department having ridden both the 2.9 and the 3.2 a lot, stacks more grip on the fourstroke.

Not sure on the hard hitting, I found the opposite, the power rolls on with smooth linear feel.

Clutch, engagement, common on many bikes, but you had the little 125f Scorpa, it was on off like a light switch from stock, knurled plates and easier pull cable made it smooth, sherco, if they start grabbing, the cure is clean and rough the steel plates up with emery paper so they carry more oil up, looks like the Mont is just the same type of deal.

One thing I have noticed about the Mont 4rt, now they have a year behind them and people see what the bike is like, I think interest and sales are growing fast.

For club riders, in my opinion the mellow mapped form is the way to go, the bike become a pleasure in mud, and creeks, but for the rider who likes it fast for big dry rock type section, they have that option.

Did I say that right Doug :D will you pay me now or shall I collect it later :beer:

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anyone know if they really changed anything in the clutch because my new repsol feels totally different from my dad's 05. it's less drag and little more on and off but it's a big difference

My Repsol also drags less than my previous std 05 our importer doesn't yet have the parts list update and can't confirm that any changes have been made. The drag on my 05 was only really noticeable when trying to start in gear, it showed no tendency to drag in a section and the bike could be pulled back easily when running and in gear.

Neither of the my machines grab although the action was originally to fast for my preference, however stuck with it and now find no problem at all. In fact it releases so quickly when needed at the top of a step or when the front end is lifting that my stop go riding has improved considerably.

I have continued to use the recommended Elf oil,I wonder if those having problems have used another oil?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Regarding the programing for the RT4, i'm sure a lot of riders will look at the setting software on the laptop with a blank as i did. Hence a call to Sandifords to install Wayne Braybrooks higher power setting. This transforms the responce of the engine. Hats off to Wayne and Sandifords. A softer programme that Wayne has developed is also aviable.

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