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I'm Crap At Trials!


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Hi all, Just a quick hello

Just started entering for trials about a month ago, never been on a trials bike before till about 6 months ago

have entered a few trials so far & keep getting the wooden spoon!! every time

i dont care tho cause i love it.

2nd last would be better tho

does the suspension setup matter on the bikes?

I've got a 2002 Beta 250, just got it

had a 2002 Sherco 290 before, got rid because it was more like a scrambler, couldnt master the throttle on it, it was all or nothing with it!

any tips appreciated,



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Bike is probably ok unless you have noticed a major problem with it. It just takes time so ride as much as you can.

A friend to mentor is a big help, or pay for a proper school to get you going. There are LOTS of hints and tips!

The Ryan Young video is well liked by most! And a good reference in the future as well.

Many are awaiting his forthcoming ADVANCED video as well! ;)

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champagne...its a skill just like anything else..and practising doing it wrong will only make you better at doing it wrong...so get some lessons!!..if you're in UK there are some schools advertised on here..like Steve Saunders school or Dougie Lampkin schools. You'll never regret it!!!!!!!!!!!!..a sound investment

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Try to break your problems down. Make a list of things your not good at and then put them into order of importance. eg.


Riding across a slope

Closing your eyes - Yeah I do that one ;) You'd be surprised how far I can ride with my eyes closed. Trouble is... Its not always in the right direction :D

Now try to work on improving just the thing at the top of your list.

If you go to one of the classes think about what you want to learn from the class and TELL THE TUTOR !!!

Watch other people. It took me ages to work out the technigue for ballancing but once you have it, your away.

But most importantly....


Edited by Blocky
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Do not worry about being 'crap'

I was for ages but eventually got up to a satisfactory standard just by keeping at it.

I found I progressed most when I 'taught' my son to ride and actually started looking more carefully at how each stage of a section was attempted.

Good Luck ;)

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:D 6 Months??!!...6 months??!!...It's taken me 9 years to work my way up to 'crap' standard.

Ride with someone above your ability.

If you can't, then ask a clubman rider or expert how they managed to do something you could not .

It may look like you are doing the same as them ..but failing!.. when in reality they are applying very subtle techniques to clean an obstacle/section.

Keep at it and like you say....keep it fun ( humour takes the edge off a painful dismount). ;)

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Hidude, I havnt rode for 20 years and had a go on a Sherco the other day, what fun. The best bit of advice that I was given was watch the others closly and keep watching. I hope im OK on my first one for 20 years... ;)


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ive been riding for nearly a year now and i practise every week (almost) and i feel i dont struggle to do the simple stuff now, like huge logs (4-5 ft i can only do this because this is the nearest thing to a rock near me and i always try it in the hope that when i do ride rocks this is a little similar) The only thing i have trouble with is steep climbs with little run up but im getting better and am hopefully moving up to the intermediate route next trial

which unfortunately isnt tomorrow as my dads not well :angry:

Still practise makes perfect or near enough.

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:angry: I wouldn't worry about it mate. That should be my middle name as I am a bricklayer and I find I say it a lot through the day when there is a question re work etc. Anyway back to subject in hand, nobody is worried, you go out you have a go and you learn as you go along. I am crap so I have just enquired about about Steve Saunders school 1 day course. A mate has been helpful(Pitley) and as with anything you will always learn in life. My advice is get involved at the other end, observe for the club you are a member of, that helps a lot. You are involved and you can watch all abilities etc. Good luck :P
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