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I have a suggestion.

Since about 80% of the posted topics on "Across the Pond" turns into Lane making some unrelated remark against the NATC, why don't you give him his own category. That way it will not clutter up the Across the Pond forum. AND

In that way people who wanted to read this type of stuff could easily find it.

Any suggestion for a title? :beer:


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Had my own section over on Trialscomp till somebody complained and they took it down. It was a lot of fun!

If that's what the majority want, my own blog section on trials central, that's great Andy. That way anyone not wanting to read or respond can simply not go there.

Craig could also be part of it! Hey consider what Team Smage has done, a schoolboy rider competing and finishing 7th in the USA Championship this past weekend. Amazing if you ask me! He will kill the competition at the youth nationals, then grow up and win the US championship, spanking Geoff Aaron very soon.

Also consider that American fans also used to laugh at the Lampkins before they started winning the world championship. How soon those laughs turned to respect from the American fans. The same thing will happen with Smage and Craig.

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I have FINALLY come up with eh, the answer to all of the problems with trials in the US.

If Mich can find one of those illegal alien girls from Mexico that wants to be a Champion at something that PAYS PEANUTS and he can give her one of those TIGHT SPANDEX SUITS and send her to Spain where she can speak the language and get some World Round Pionts and work to help pay her own way by giving favors to the Brits and Scotts, I think we could have a contender.

Is that too much to ask?


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Look, I know I'm not supposed to mess with Texas, but you've crossed the line! White and pale, I resemble that remark! Actually having my own blog would be much easier that answering the endless amount of email from Ringo on how to really PARTY :beer:

Besides, if you Americans ever found out how Nirvana like it is up here, we'd be over populated in no time! Say hi to all my old Texan friends! Especially El Hombre.............Danny!

cheers, Steve

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