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Posts posted by 0007
  1. Transmission oil won't cause your bike to not idle

    And you should absolutely acquaint yourself with the idle and air screw, have an experienced guy walk you through air screw setting and you will get it figured

  2. I don't think there is an answer as every head is different

    My Wulf pushes my ears forward, very annoying

    My Airoh fits like a glove and vents very well

    There's no way anyone can tell you a helmet is comfortable or not simply cuz it's all about fit, like shoes

  3. Whatever you do for an alarm is great but lock the crap out of everything, make one way in and one way out, I have a small man door that my bike won't even fit through as the only easy way in and out

    The rest is steel bars and pipes on windows and doors, bike is locked to the steel bike stand

    My alarm is cellular and monitored

  4. If you leave all of the clutch plates in and pressure plate removed you can apply some load to the plates with your finger

    Not enough to use a torque wrench but it will keep the hub from spinning while you hit the nut with an impact gun

    You need to be careful about knocking the dogs off transmission gears

  5. Allow me to be the first to mention that this oil discussion has been well documented time and time again

    Perhaps search would yield a vast amount of information for you to ponder

    Beware, every rider has a preference and every oil is better than the last including ATF

  6. i really like jason finn, but i thought he was an arrogant ******* for making that comment.

    julien dupont has only developed a new genre of trials riding in the exact same way jason did years ago. hypocrite much?

    I dunno, when you are #1 at your craft its hard to call it arrogant

    He has a valid point of view and it's from a classic trials background

    Skills wise I don't think Julien holds a candle to Jason, as much as I enjoy ride the world it's kinda illegal hooliganism

    If it was a gun video it would be a guy shooting at stuff in a city, some people would like it and some would think it's bad for the sport

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  7. Ya a coil can do many things

    Remember it's a thousand windings of wire that is not supposed to touch each other

    When it fails it touches at one or two spots so it can make no voltage or lots of voltage depending on where it touches

    I bet there are some shorted stators that run for years

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