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Posts posted by vinnied
  1. I drilled a hole on the lowest part of the airbox, and inserted a valve stem with a clear tube on it, then a bit more valve stem on the other end of the tube so I could put a valve cap on the open end.

    If she get's upside down or floods the airbox, I can see, and easily drain.

    Brilliant idea :)

    Vinnie :wacko:

  2. Very nice job, lovely looking bike complete with period cow-horn bars... One of those was my first proper trials bike and I have one in the shed waiting to be rebuilt like that - one day...

    Woody how many bikes do you have,

    it sounds like you have the bug as bad as Big john

    vinnied :angry::D

  3. nose.jpg

    There's always one chap picking his nose isn't there :ph34r:

    thats a famous Trials Rider from the Past guess who

    Vinnied :chairfall:

    Weren't they travelin around together. If you look at some of Vinnie's pics you can see his Ubergeekness's bonce in many of them

    Yup, I was taking the old fella round. His heart even survived the Scooby. He did get a "Vinnie, move yer right leg in!" after a few shots...



    ...but I took him to the CB for a beer or two and he didn't seem too disturbed by the experience ;)

    Had a great time Andy, much appreciated, great fun the Scooby

    Hiya Vinnied. Great pics ;)

    Would you mind me using the pic below on Ross's site please?




    Looks like you must of been standing next to Andy as he took this one below a few seconds after you :)


    No Problem

    Vinnied :blink:

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