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Posts posted by micm
  1. And I suppose you would get reported to the observer if you did a pivot turn or a small back wheel hop. I see a lot of regular riders of all ages on modern bikes use some techniques you could say are modern and car park style.

    Some clubs orientate their trials to 'technical and some to 'traditional.' It is enjoyable to try some modest versions the techniques of what the top riders do. If you want old fashioned trials ride a twin shock and enter the traditional championships.

  2. So you are saying that to start a recent Gasser you still have to find neutral and be very careful how you kick them, otherwise, no go and worse, you can break the kick start innards. My 07 250 was just like that, a crappy starter but the dealers just said I was unlucky to have a bad one and it was quote " just a weak spark." In fact no non expert rider could start it at all. It is a good job that this make of bike rides well. I dreaded stalling mine. I sold it to an expert rider who when warned said "yea I know" and fired it up first time. I went back to Shercos, at least they start easily.

  3. Is the preference for stop/no stop an age thing?

    Younger riders seem to prefer 'stop' but older ones generally want a return to 'no stop.'

    What has been lost visually in the 'stop' is the kind of flowing riding much admired by the older enthusiast.

    The 'stop' rider has terrific skill for aligning the bike to get as near to a right angle as possible before steps, but it is a bit boring to watch the build up.

    I disagree about queues there have always been sections long and slow or with difficult exits that have caused queues but somehow a road based trial

    often strung out the riders more and reduced bunching.

  4. I did understand that the 250 Shercos pre about 2007 were not ideal for Uk conditions being instead set up for dry sections of Spain. The UK importers MRS asked for minor changes and the more recent 250's imported to UK have a couple of small adjustments for wetter ground and are great. It may be apocryphal but it is what I heard.

    I suggest the usual TC advice, join a local club, and if you can, try all sorts of bikes.

    A 2004 250 Sherco, if it is in reasonable to good condition, sounds cheap at

  5. Montesa is generally a very reliable bike. I would say the older 2 stroke 250 is a bit out of date. The Sherco you were offered was probably a 290 and that would be a handful though I found mine to be reliable. Of the 2 I would choose the Sherco, but I am biased. All the makes are good. The 250 Scorpa is reliable and would be easier to ride for a re beginer, its engine is rather old. The Beta say about 3/4 years old has many followers though the riding position may not suit everyone, very tight steering though. Finally the Gas Gas perhaps the most likely to need TLC but probably the most agile lightest and up to date. Try them all.

    Ask around at trials you may find a bike for sale. you want a clean original one whatever is.

  6. You should go and watch a couple of trials, the ability of the modern bike and a good rider is quite something. There are quite a few events here in Hampshire most of the dates are in the weekly paper. This time of year there are the evening ones to go and watch as well as Sunday.

    Either you could go modern with the latest designs or you can ride in events for twin shock bikes like the ones you used to ride.

  7. I look forward to the next years Uk Trials World Round in Central Scotland. Nevertheless it is a bit of a slog from the South of England.

    Looking at the World Rounds Andorra stands out a bit. It's a hospitable place, has fair skiing, cheap booze and is the size of an iPod. But why has it got a round at all?

    Maybe no else wanted one. But doesn't this give our Spanish friends 2 bites at the cherry? You even have to fly to Gerona to get there. (Gassers pick up those oh so necessary spares!)

    So why not have a Scottish World Round and an English World Round. You could in theory hold one in the South of England sometimes perhaps in a hitherto unknown of combination of Seymour's Arena and Hook Wood. (The 2 best artificial/semi artificial trials venues created in the South).

    Is the problem like Uk soccer in the Olympics or something more political or the obvious that the Uk ACU etc feels one event is plenty.

    Oh yes and Wales should have a world round as well!

  8. Cope, why do you set the back suspension with an inch of static sag. Does this mean when the bike is stationary with no rider that you could lift the back of the bike up by an inch on its suspension. The 0-1 range you mention that is the 'floating' inch? Why have any sag in a bike at rest with no rider - excuse my ignorance!

  9. The 290's can stall and it can chuck you off the bike in a second.

    You need to be positive as the clutch on them is really just a switch.

    I would set the tick over to run a bit faster and make sure the clutch take up point

    is not to close to the bars so you can be sure if the clutch is in or out.

    A long clutch lever might help you a little.

    Not the easiest bike to learn on as they can be tiring.

  10. I think they are easy to work on. Basic stuff on a rev 3 looks harder to me.

    Fuel comparison is hard but if it is any help, a 290 Sherco seems better, using a bit less

    juice per hour than a 270 Rev 3, at least when riding southern UK climbs.

  11. There are a lot of 290's in comparison to the 250's though the difference in power between the 2 bikes is quite appreciable. Take someone to try it who rides one or the other they will know immediately. Both are good. The 07's are the first ones to have no cross brace on the bars.

  12. The Jack Wood trial is a trial where a later riding number is of some advantage. Of the last 20 riders, numbers 136 to 156 inclusive, 18 of the bikes were of one make. This clustering occurred nowhere else in the entry by a large margin. Included in the 18 bikes were the team manager and team mechanic respectively together with their sponsored riders. The particular make of bike is popular in South Yorkshire so one could make too much of this grouping. However it does look rather odd from an outsiders point of view, especially one who prays towards Harrogate!

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