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Posts posted by hrc2002
  1. Its too unlikely to say anything. Think of this in their shoes (or ski's), you buy the skis, you train, you go to places like Scotland to ski...maybe once in 6 months?

    Us, we buy the bikes, we practice anywhere that is ridable, and compete in any club we like...and we think we have it bad.

    How p***ed off would you be if suddenly, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, etc suddendly was overcome with minus tempretures and then all the clubs turned into ski resorts?

  2. When Tarres went off the boil he did it pretty quickly. It must be VERY hard to adjust to not winning.

    I agree, It cannot be easy for him, he has some very strong competition now, and cannot simply walk it though as he did the last few years, he must work over time in order to win.

    Is there light at the end of the tunnel for Lampkins trials rain? I hate to think so, although he has to work hard, and I hope it pays off.

  3. Bit of a different story...

    I was down practicing at the local spot, and my dads mates turned up on their quads.

    Trusting him, I let him have a go on my bike, being a WIDE open field, there was nothing to hit exept his own quad.

    He was slowly going around and could stop well, and then he got confindent and took it up a gear, then another, and another. He then got to the far end of the field and into a shallow mud patch, this slowed the bike down and traction was not at its best anyway.

    To prevent stalling he took it down into about 3rd, when he gave it some revs, I drove past him (with plenty of room) and watched all the mud fling up, and heard the bike screaming in 3rd, when suddenly...GRIP! The bike flung up into a Steve Colley type wheelie, then into Jason Finn. The rider let go and fell flat on his a***...I watched the bike wonder off on the back wheel, then it dropped forwards and landed perfectly, and dropped to its side.

    I jumped off his quad and ran to put my bike into the recovery position, I picked her up. and inspected her over.

    Result was a slightly cracked fender, bent bars and crushed rear silencer. The rider had a mear scratch on his arm...he paid for all damages.

    Its a good example that people may think that they can ride a bike, in which they can, but a trial bike has strange effects on people.

  4. I find it hard to believe that they would not have any special planned for the 100th...or maybe it would just be decals reading

    'Beta Rev 3 - 100th Edition'

  5. Warmer sock? A stick to flick the snow off?

    I doubt there will be many suggestions for riding in snow as we have such little amounts, try asking JTT, he does snow racing, he'll proberbly have some good tips for keeping warm.

  6. It is in the mud holes of Debryshire. Not so much now, as it is beginning to dry out, but when its wet it turns to really thick mud, and it flings up off the tyre and all over the airbox, fender, my back, my helmet and the silencer.

    Not a serious problem, I was just curious.

    Cheers All!

  7. Hi steve and others,

    I have very little ammounts of anything getting though my filter. I was just curious as to if anyone has done this before.

    Although now it comes to think about it, adding a thin mesh to the airbox would not be a good idea, for that it would collect the dirt and block the airbox.

    However, adding a small peice to stop dirt and crap going into the silencer doesnt seem a problem to me, I know that if you restrict the airflow of the silence the bike will 'suffercate' and die out, or a slight restirction will cause a loss in power and make the bike run s**t.

    But, It is a very, very thin peice of mesh, inwhich you could perfectly breath though and I wouldn't image it to restict flow that much. But I'd rather not risk it.


  8. Hmm, not sure if someone has already said this, but...

    I dont see much point in asking other riders for there mod's to the bike, you might do these mods and find out the bike is nothing to what you would expect, and you could really dislike the feel...result? Waste of money, time and effort.

    You have to ride the bike, and see what your likes/dislikes are and work around them, everyone as different opinions of there bikes and what they prefere, these do differ.

    However, you can get a good idea of what you might want to change from here, but test it out first rather then making such big changes.

  9. I got 1, never use it on the bike though. I used to, but found that it blew my bearings out and so I whiched to normal hose.

    Although they are exellent when you come back from the trial and the bike is plastered in mud and the pressure washer just blasts it straight off.

    Normal hose suits me fine though.

  10. As looking on Dave Mawers website, I seen that he has used a kitchen sieve (not sure on the spelling) as the vents on his seat to prevent all the dirt getting in.

    And I wondered, as a seive doesn't restict airflow, could it be used elsewhere?

    Such as the cap for the air filter, over the end of the silencer to stop all the mud getting in and many many more.

    However, the sieve will reduce the ammount of dirt that enters, but there will be a build up of dirt, which isn't good for the air filter. But the silencer may be an idea? I've had to take apart my silencer to remove all the mud build up that it creates due the conditions I ride in being so muddy.

    Just an idea, what are your opinions, corrections, ideas..?

  11. Howdy,

    Just been flicking though the websites of Montesa and found Apex Sports, and looked at downpipes (As mine need painting) and looked at the prices.

    The 97-99 downpipe (Matt Black Painted) Is $156.68, which converted in to roughly

  12. Just found this from a trials forum website (bike trials) of a group that are organising a bike trial at Bracken Rock (just a practice/mess about)


    I dont think You'll get in mate.

    he says nobody is to go practicin at all, only time its gunna be open is when a motobike trial is on.

    Have a look in the TMX (trials and motocross news) and look in the back at trials dates and see if there is a trial this weekend.



    The date was Nov 13 2003 so its a little old...

    But is this true?

  13. No idea what your talking about, but if you want to make something stick, try Evo-Stick which is a contact glue.

    Apply the glue to the bike and to the stuff your putting on, leave for a few minutes until it is touch dry (done tacky) then join together.

    It wont come off easily!

  14. Hi Niki,

    My trousers are the same, and annoyed me when they were new, but you'll soon get used to it.

    Yes there should be lining on the inside, if it continues to bother you, you might wish to sew a softer, more comfortable material over it (on the inside of the leg) to stop it irrortating.

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