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Posts posted by hrc1
  1. Well, yesterday I fitted a VHST to my 175 Gasser. These come with same std carb/jetting as 125 (so one of 'ems wrong!).

    It could be the float vlave, as I understand these need upsizing to 250 or 300 to work. See posts on this forum somewhere - lots on the Beta page.

    The VHST uses the HE needle jet, I assume that's different than orig carb.

    Anyway, I started with 266HE, D36, S37, 300 float valve & clip 2 from top. I only used the 266 as no 268s were available.

    After testing, I lowered needle clip to groove three and then went to pilot 34.

    I'm using Boyesen reeds and the small flywheel too.

    Definately an improvement, before the 175 was a right wizzer, almost too much go. Now the go is still there when required, but the bottom half of rev range is smoother & has more torque, feels like a trials motor now! I could ride tight dry sections in 3rd & 4th now, not ideal, but a good test to see if you've progessed with the tuning.

  2. Riders wanted for our AMCA South Coast group trial. Open to any rider. No licence required. Three routes with all the usual clases. 12 sections 3 laps set out by Hrc1 and our local 4RT ace - King Clint and all in 70 acres of beautifull Surrey woodland.

    Unusually, for this series, its pre-entry only. Looks like we missed the deadline for the TMX regs so we've extended the deadline until the 7th May.

    Regs are on the club website, www.hrc1.org or see the TC calendar. Any info PM me or call 01403 257626, Thanks, Mike

    last years report: http://www.trialscentral.com/cms/showartic...?articleID=2221

  3. I hadn't ridden this for a few years and had forgotten how good it can be, particularly when the sun shines at Easter. Using the same venue, and rocks, as last years French world round was a shock for some of the English riders. Later the sections returned to the standard I remember - easier than all the other French trials, which is fine by me on the S3 route.

    Small things make the days easier - no real time limit, food and fuel supplied and an amostpheric arena style final section that turned out to be one of the trickiest on the top 3 routes too. Michael Brown was best expert and Ben Wibberley third in S1 class. Scarborough clubmen topped the S4 and Randonneurs classes too.

    A few pics I grabbed are here: http://picasaweb.google.com/motomerlin/3JoursTrialEnIndre07 mainly from that last section.

    The organizing club's webpage is here: http://trial.lachatre.free.fr/

  4. I had a 640 Enduro - had two sets of off road size wheels, one with knobblies, one with smooth tyres. Could change wheels, discs & gearbox sprox in 30 mins. The one bike does all idea didn't quite pan out, still I rode the Welsh, an LDT & a French trail trip on it but sold it in the end - I couldn't stand the vibes no more...

  5. [

    I take it you have personal experience of their poor build quality then??

    My mate has one...............snapped frame..................snapped steerer tube.............only good thing is the engine

    Where did the frame break - I've had one or 3.5 years now & you've got me worried! Was this wear & tear or the result of a stunt?

    As for T ride looks great & just what I need. However I suspect these will not sell for Pampera money.......

  6. Like Totalshell my cub ran best on a TL125 carb. These are hard to find, but with all these pit bikes about now - small carbs are everywhere now (see Eblag).

    I understand there's a Villiers carb that works & is still within the rules. However - rules differ & it may be worth having different carbs or different series.

    Memo to self .....must resurrect that cub..... :lol:

  7. keep see people talking about folk oil changes, and piston slapping.......

    Folk need oil changing regular - best to warm them up first. Then go and slap your piston.

    If you slap too much you'll get tired and that won't do.....

  8. Beg to differ, old chap. I tried the vee force on my beta and it flattened the power like it was restricted. However this was a 250. So off they came. I've tried various reeds over the years - Active, J.Clerch, Boyesen etc. And all except the Boyesen appear too stiff. Maybe these stiffer reeds only work on the bigger motors of engines with higher compression - anyone confirm?

    Btw - used Boyesens on my Pampera 280 for years ( best for smooth torque) & just added a set to the new toy - a 175 Gas Gas.

  9. Had a couple of hours riding in the yard & setting up the 200 on the day before, but its funny how it needs to be ridden in a trial to really set it up. Which is why I stalled it in section 1......... 15 sections later I moved levers, bars & brake pedal to ease control & the next laps were better. Tricky trial though , that Dunlop trial, even on the Inter (middle) route.

    So what did I learn about this 07 200 Gasser? Its a rocket! Certainly no shortage of revs or power. Even on the low gearing (9T front) it blitzed all the hills easily and only in second. However that power is largely at the higher revs and so needs a different technique than the 250s I've had before. My result would suggest I'm still searching for that technique....

    It feels like a turbo 125 rather than the tamed 250 feel a 200 Beta has. So some mods required - Boyesen reeds, flywheel & slow throttle are to be added before this weekends club trial.

  10. Motorcycle Trials Bibliography - compiled a few years ago.....

    Trials Riding Max King 1st edition 1955 Temple Press

    Trials Riding Max King 2nd edition 1960 Temple Press

    Trials Riding Max King 3rd edition ???? Temple Press

    Trials Riding Max King 4th edition 1972 Temple Press

    Trials Riding Max King 5th edition 1975 Temple Press

    Clean to the Finish, Sammy Miller 1974 BMS

    The Greatest of all Trials, Phiilip H. Smith 1963, early Scott trial history

    Two Wheel Horse the Enjoyment of Dynamic Balance, M. Camps Cardona 1971 Bultaco book

    Sammy Miller on Trials, Sammy Miller, 1969 Transport Bookman

    How to Ride Observed Trials Just for Fun, C.Shipman, 1973

    Mick Andrews Book of Trials Tom Beesley, 1976, Patrick Stephens

    The Will to Win, Jeff Clew, 1976, Sammy Miller story

    Motor Cycle Trials Lane Leavitt & Len Weed 1978 Motor Cycle Trials

    Ride It-the Complete book of Trials Riding, Don Smith ???

    How to Win Motorcycle Trials, Sammy Miller/BMS

    Trials Bike Riding, Don Smith 1980 EP Publishing

    The Castrol Book of the Scottish Six Days 1982 Haynes

    Observed Trials Bernie Schreiber & Len Weed 1983 Clean Sheet Enterprises

    Classic British Trials Bikes Don Morley 1984 Osprey

    British Trials Motorcycles, Ralph Venables, 1985 Bruce Main-Smith

    Classic British Two-stroke Trials Bikes Don Morley 1987 Osprey

    The Scottish 1900-62 Tommy Sandham 1988 Willow Publishing

    Spanish Trials Bikes Don Morley 1988 Osprey

    The Scottish 1963-89 Tommy Sandham & John Dickinson 1989 Willow Publishing

    Four-Stroke Finale The Honda Trials Story Tommy Sandham & John Dickinson 1989 Willow Publishing

    Trials - A Riders Guide Don Morley 1990??? Osprey

    The Pre-65 Yearbook 1990-91, Deryk Wylde, 1991, Willow Publishing

    The Sammy Miller Story, Jeff Clew 1993

    The Scott Trial, Harry Bradley, 1994 Ariel Publishing

    Phototrial 1994, Mario Candellone 1994

    Phototrial 1995, Mario Candellone 1995

    Phototrial 1996, Mario Candellone 1996

    Six Days in May, Jim McColm 1995

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