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Posts posted by jimmyl
  1. I for one would like to thanks Sandifords for the superb support at the 2006 and 2008 ssdt in which I rode.

    I also have had superb mail order service and technical service from Sandifords over the years and wish them all the best in what ever new avenues they turn down.

    They have been a cornerstone of UK trials for decades

  2. Hydraulic oil has to run at extreme pressures through pumps and bearings so a 4rt gearbox should not tax it too much. Not sure how the clutch plate would react though.

    But as the saying goes the choice is yours

  3. His technique and balance is some of the best ever I reckon. Super confident as well.

    If he sells his front tyres off second hand got to be worth a shout as its never on the ground

  4. Thanks to Gizza5 and Perce for advice and contact details.

    Thanks to Munch for conformation of the inevitable and super prompt supply of a new pump which despite my best endeavors to chuck away marks on the first lap allowed me to clinch an over 40 class win at todays at Welsh champ.

    Many thanks to all


  5. jmspear -I appreciate your frustration and also Mike's points must annoy the legitimate, but I think there has been a bit of a switch from fast road bikes to enduro/trail bikes (at least down his way) and some of these guys have no appreciation for the sport element. They can be very selfish in their attitude. We have been very close to loosing a very important piece of land as the farmer is fed up with trail riders thinking they have an absolute right to ride whenever they want.

  6. Would be nice to save the dosh but need to be 100% confident of the bike being right over the next few weeks.

    Got Over 40 Welsh Champ on this weekend then a Yorkshire Saturday club trial or something on the 24th Oct - Richmond area. 75 miles, 75 sections - don't want a bike breakdown as well as the physical one I'm likely to have.

    Might have a play with the dodgy one after these events tho (or might just leave it on the shelf. Don't have many other faulty 4rt bits).


  7. Thanks - tried that. Tank looked clean when I took it out. Did not remove filter from the end of the pump as looked bonded on but wiped away any contamination from around the outside - didn't look too bad. Also emptied and blew out the metal canister filter on the output side of the pump.



  8. Have spent a few hours today replicating the fault (apologies to the neighbors) Takes a good 25 mins tick over- gentle riding round the garden/drive and wrapping everything in towels to build up the heat.

    Then started trying to cool various items down once it started playing up Hose pipe and air line)

    Swapped Throttle body back to a standard one but no real success.

    I'm thinking maybe fuel pump as Gizza5 had.

    Going to swap whole tank, injector assembly next.

  9. My 05 4rt has just started playing up. Been running fine then last weekend Ok for first couple of laps then on returning back up to the car park struggled to rev out eventually getting worse - sounds bit like running out of fuel or a choke being left on with a carb bike.

    Stopped bike and started ok then gets worse again - seems ok in section for a while but not when riding back to start.

    Changed plug, checked every connection, cleaned throttle body etc. Checked tappits and general look round during last the week. Stripped all fuel tank and ancillaries out -

    Went out yesterday and still doing it.

    Seems worse when ridding slowly up rock streams for 10 mins then when trying to ride off its worse. Flat out across a bit of moor seems fine especially if I stop the bike with kill button then restart and instantly not as bed.

    I know Gizza5 had fuel pump issues but wondered if anybody else had similar.

    Definitely seems heat related - also possibly fiddling with wires coming out of generator seems to induce a miss fire but not 100% convinced.

    Was wondering if maybe loosing electrical output would cause electrical systems to run slow - fuel pump etc - Thoughts, comments welcome. Going to try a alternative fuel system (tank, injector pump- from a friends bike - when I ask him) which might help eliminate top end items.

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