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Posts posted by motorcycleemptyness
  1. Is there anywhere that reports on Ladies and Girls in UK Trials ? I thought there used to be a Specific Forum on here ? 

    I've looked on other Trials related websites and I'm struggling to find any coverage ? 

    With Ladies and Girls sports (especially ball sports) being heavily promoted I'm unsure why Trials is lagging behind ? Or maybe i missed something ? 

  2. On 5/14/2015 at 5:04 PM, heavywrecker said:

    Just a word of thanks to all the Sages on here for their advice & knowledge. 


    I have fitted an RD350 inlet rubber to my TY 175 and it DOES make a difference.


    Put some more holes in the airbox too. There is an induction noise now, excellent ! 


    Cheers !  :guinness:

    Which model RD350 is that from ? The one with the link pipe hole in the top ? 

  3. 10 hours ago, nigel dabster said:


    Your opinoin is bound to be wrong when based on no clear evidence, feelings and supposition are no substitute for facts and actual experience, in this case going to several WTC and seeing first hand what its like. Knowledge if you prefer.

    Perfectly illustrated by your "fleeced" comment. And the fact I rarely comment on the SSDT, cos Ive only been a couple of times to Fort William.

    I'm glad that you think its funny that I dont respect comments like " riders think the sport owes them a living" and prefer to challenge such sweeping untruths. But thats my perogative.

    I certainly dont have a desire to prove anyone wrong, but if i think someones coming from an opinion/feeling position rather than factual i'll call them out. Several times chasing that bone waiting for them to back it up, (which you couldnt) and now feel it better to avoid admitting an error resorting to vague personal insults. Twice.

    But thats your entitled opinion, but lets not fall out..

    Don't worry Andrew , we won't :)

  4. 9 hours ago, nigel dabster said:

    Its not having a difference of opinion to "the master" whomever that may be, its more if you have an opinion back it up with reasoned facts or experience, and surely in a much wider context we have had enough of lies and untruths this past year?

    My original strong disagreement with " the sport owes them a living" was a great illustration of an illinformed personal opinion accusing decent young lads trying their best in trials based on nothing, then when asked to actually show why he held that opinion unable to put a coherent reasoned argument together and refusing to name the riders he was pointing at.

    Having ridden and been involved in motorcycle trials since the mid 1970's i think i have some experience and knowledge of the subject in question.  My opinion is based on how i see things and may or may not be different to yours and or others . That in itself does not make it right or wrong. If my opinion does not match with yours then so be it , it's how i see things based on the knowledge and experience i have .

    Your issue across several platforms is that you seem to have this desire to prove everyone wrong and yourself right . That's your perogative , it doesn't bother me in the slightest , i actually think it's quite funny , and observe many who  regularly throw you a bone and watch you chase it . 

    This of course is merely my opinion and bound to be wrong , but let's not fall out about it . Life is too short for that .

    Yours in sport ?

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/24/2020 at 12:51 PM, nigel dabster said:

    Forums are for many things, it allows those with no hands on experience to promote opinions. In this case to base your opinion on heresay or what "you think or summise" is fair enough but simply not factually correct.

    Whoever shouts in a debate has lost the argument surely?

    And as if to prove my point I've never been fleeced, in fact more often than not got in for free. So there you go...........

    ???- must remember not to have an opinion that differs to the master .

    Merry Christmas. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 11/26/2020 at 11:16 PM, nzpeterb said:

    Now I see this question has been asked before.

    Front brake arm - SWM - Trials Central

    From this past forum discussion I see b40rt enjoys sparring and keeping the argument going, then resorts to being personal/rude.

    With no other useful contributions evident I will save everyones time and end my involvement in this topic, letting b40rt jump straight to being rude!

    You'll have to get used to that on here . It's no wonder why very few even bother to look on TC these days .

  7. 11 hours ago, nigel dabster said:

    So its ok to slag off WTC but youve never actually been, thats a bit daft.

    I think in its current format it's not working and i don't like it . I don't need to travel hundreds of miles and get fleeced at the gate to be bored by an irrelevant show. 

    It's just my opinion , I'm not trying to convince you or anyone else , just chipping in my thoughts , i thought that's what forums were for ? Or is it who shouts loudest is always right these days ? 


    • Like 1
  8. World Trials is so far away from what Trials is in the UK they'd be better off rebranding it as say ' Extreme Trials '.

    It's also boring to watch , turn , big step , turn , big step etc etc .

    The rules are not consistently enforced 

    There is little or no promotion whatsoever since Jake stopped his involvement (say what you like about J.Miller but he had the right idea with the free / live streaming)

    There is no real money in it unless you make the top 5 .

    Honda have a financial advantage over the others and can basically afford anything they need .

    Too many Spanish style sections . 

    Sorry if these points have already been covered , i couldn't be bothered to read all the argumentative comments above ?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. On 6/10/2019 at 7:56 PM, micm said:

    How about the new 2020 E Pure Race? It sports a proper hydraulic clutch (rev and dump etc), a variable inertia flywheel, 3 different and adjustable maps and a decent battery. 

    Out this July 2019, about 9 grand in the UK.

    Note picture comment!


    Would it be ok for a proper trial like say the Jack Wood ? or any other road based national ? For 9K it must be amazing .....


  10. On 2/3/2019 at 9:43 PM, 2stroke4stroke said:

    Someone on here recommended using Heldite on the spoke nipples.  I used it successfully on those that were leaking and reckon that you could just about do away with the rim tape.  Perhaps I'll  experiment next time I have a suitable rim.

    What happens if you need to tighten the Spokes in the future ?


  11. 1 minute ago, Andy said:

    If they were going to do something, they'd have done it before the Awards Ceremony and that was three weeks ago.

    They were my thoughts too . I have heard many stories over the years about blatant cheating at World Trials , but would have assumed with everyone pointing camera phones at everything nowadays that this would be more and more difficult to get away with. Makes you wonder how the non factory riders find the motovation to carry on :(


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