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Posts posted by motorcycleemptyness
  1. IMG_0067_zpsbc7708fc.jpg

    Can't seem to win on carbs with this bike,Oko ran sweet but flooded over regardless of my attempts to fix it, and had a random stall at times.Went back to Dellorto by purchasing a new one,I do not run Alcohol blended fuel.But I had another float,running a 40 pilot,and a 60 slide that has been cut a bit leaner,does run pretty good now. Stock main jet,needle and needle jet. To it's credit Dellorto wasn't flooding even with one float half full.

    Had exactly the same problem a couple of years ago with a brand new Dellorto Carb . Inmotion Sent out a replacement FOC , Problem solved 

  2. Relevance is, SSDT was stop allowed & it virtually killed the event. Less than 200 riders & no waiting lists. I can assure you from personal experience, most lads are very willing to carry a bike round the SSDT for 6 days but they wont do it for 20 5's a day just like the tourists get for not trying & holding their hands up for a

    Agreed. it's just a shame that the no stop rule leaves itself open to more observer discretion , which could effect the result of the top 5 % . I really hope it doesn't .

  3. You didn't follow trials in the early 90's then?

    Not like i do now , but i fail to see the relevance to this topic .

    I don't really mind what set of rules we run by ( no stop or stop allowed ) as long as the rules are enforced so that everyone is clear on what to do .

  4. So do you think all them people will turn up year in year out just to get 5's?

    Do you think the event can run with 100 bikes?

    Maybe if the rules were enforced as they should be , the sections wouldn't have to be so severe ?

    The SSDT will always be oversubscribed no matter what the rules or how severe the sections are .

    It is every trials riders dream to ride the SSDT.

  5. It's an International Event & the rules have been No Stop for the best part of twenty years.

    I'm sure what you don't grasp is this, make calls like this into a 5 & 2/3 of the entry will 5 20 out of the 30 sections a day.

    So if enforcing the current rules results in riders failing 20 out of 30 sections a day then so be it .

    That would suggest that the sections are too hard for 2/3 of the entry , if the rules are correctly implemented ?

  6. Right let me get something straight. We go round and record this event on video and it's a great privilege, don't get me wrong. Over the years we've seen and published many riders including top ten ones taking a stop without ultimately getting a 5 or having a dab(s) missed.

    This video appears to have kicked up a lot of fuss but I believe it's for no reason. Obviously we could have chosen not to include that clip but it's not often you catch the top few making errors and it COULD affect the outcome (looks unlikely now) so obviously it makes the cut for the day. Not to stir up debate but because it's interesting to most of us clubmen.

    I've spoke to the observer (who shares our hotel) and he's confirmed that all he did was be consistent. If he was giving Joe Blogs a 3 for making a real effort then he has to do the same with Dougie Lampkin surely. The observers here have a really tough job, try concentrating and looking through crowds of spectators for up to seven hours at a time and still catch every tiny thing. The sad thing about all this debate is the fact that the guy observing probably feels really bad now, not because of his scoring but because of the debate that's going on here.

    I don't think being consistent is the issue here . The trial is being run under No Stop rules , these rules should be enforced to the letter , otherwise they are open to abuse . This is a National Trial , arguably the Biggest Trial in the World . We need to stick to the RULES !

    I have a massive respect for all observers , it's just a shame that the no stop rule is so hard to enforce and observe .

    We are scaring observers away from our sport since no stop was re-introduced , and if this continues no-one will want to observe and we will have no sport.

    • Like 1
  7. Once again this highlights how difficult observing is under the no stop rules .

    Clearly he stopped , clearly he went backwards .

    Observer will get criticised whatever the decision .

    Not at all good for the sport.

    No Stop and Bad Observing Decisions are ruining trials .

  8. Well done for observing but surely here lies part of the problem. I could ride your section totally non stop using deliberate dabs to get round tight parts for a 3. The the next guy hops and stops, should be fived and gets away with a clean. How's that fair?

    If there's a set of rules we should stick to them, it's the only way. If it's still not working go back to hopping, the clubs can still run either at club level.

    But this is getting away from Ben's point. Ben I agree 100% with you and well done for airing your views.

    To be fair Steve , my section was not tight and could be ridden without stopping , it was a tough section for the clubmen and pre 65's , if a guy gets stuck on a log , both feet down , pushing till his eyes are popping out (momentarily stopping) should i five him ? or let him have a three for effort ? and what about the youngsters who need all the encouragement they can get ? You've got to use a bit of common sense , whatever the rules are.

    By the way , i do mark everyone the same .

    • Like 1
  9. When i try to rope people in to observe the most common reason they give for not doing so is that they have recieved or experienced in the past abuse or arguements from riders and they dont want to observe again because of that. Seriously thats the most common response i get. Second is they dont want to "get it wrong". It may be different in your area and clubs there are obviously inundated with people wanting to observe but i do know a lot of clubs struggle especially in this centre to get all sections observed. At our last trial only two turned up.

    The fact that you decided to observe a non stop trial to your own interpretation of what you consider the rules should be is between you and the clerk of the course and nothing to do with me.

    I observed the same way as every other observer in that club did , does and always will. I used common sense. No-stop is almost impossible to mark consistantly , that is probably what is causing said arguments and putting people off observing.

    By the way , down here in the south we have lots of problems getting enough people to observe , and if the observers job becomes more difficult as it has in my opinion , then that situation will only get worse.

    Getting back on topic , i have recently spoken to a few of the best riders in the country and every one of them without exception totally dislikes the no-stop rules .

    But what do they know ? :unsure:

    • Like 1
  10. Thats why every club is now struggling to get any observers at all. Wont be long before all the observing will be riders observing each other.

    Old Trials Fanatic , are you sure thats the reason why every club is struggling to get observers ? Of the last 3 trials i've attended , i have observed at 2 and ridden in 1 . The 2 that i observed at had a full compliment of observers and i didn't hear of any observer receiving any abuse .

    The trial i rode in had 16 sections and probably about 4 sections were self observed , Any abuse to observers ? Nope.

    By the way , from my recent experience , if i marked everyone to the letter of the 'no-stop' law , most riders would have fived my section at some point. But i didn't 5 anyone for stopping because i think the no-stop rules are OUTDATED , DANGEROUS , and IMPOSSIBLE to observe correctly.

    And did i get any abuse ? Nope .

    But what i did get were lots of smiling happy riders , thanking me for observing. :)

    • Like 1
  11. At first glance this seems a good idea however i think very soon you would find "works" tyres evolving. As long as the same mould is used the tyre would look to all intents and purposes the same as the tyre Joe Public buys but like a "works bike" it's what you cant see that matters. How apart from cutting the tyre in pieces do you check the construction? How do you test the rubber compound without a lab? etc etc etc Road tyres alrady have multi compound construction and track day tyres though they look similar to road tyres bear no resemblance in reality just try a set and be amazed. So tyres ? wide open to abuse i'm afraid.

    This i believe, is what happened in the 80's , at least one of the tyre manufacturers were making softer compound tyres in the same moulds as the ones being sold to the public , resulting in the top riders having softer more grippy tyres.

    Is this what you want ?

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