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john collins

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A long explanation – with a short shelf life.

As a starting point for any future debate I feel it is quite important to look at the ACU structure – in a sort of historical way if you like. I apologise in advance to those like Rabie, Start C and many others who obviously already know all this – but I really do get the impression that many do not – and this then often sets us off on unnecessary deviations. So - although boring – please allow me to start at the beginning so to speak.

I will obviously take a simplistic approach.

This will obviously be long – so I suggest Andy leaves it on a few days and then just deletes it – and we can discuss matters which I am sure most will be more interested in.

In actual fact this has little to do with Trials, Enduro or probably the other individual disciplines and the T &E Committee actually have no more input into this side of things than any of you reading this post.

There is little point at present debating too much of this – it is for present set – I offer it only as explanation

If we start with the concept that long before any of us were born – like minded souls were riding around on motorcycles and enjoying themselves. (Lucky sods) Soon – as with all sport – the competitive element crept in – and for sporting and social purposes, Clubs would have been formed – usually on a town/area basis – sometimes perhaps on a make/marque concept. This would probably the same from Pigeon Racing Clubs to Bowls.

Now without dwelling too long on the pure accuracy of the matter I think it then follows that in most Sports – there will be a need for an overriding Governing Body/ HQ/Association/ Commission/Federation – call it what you like. In our case of course – the good ole ACU

For me – the most frustrating thing I hear and read every day is that the ACU should do this/that or the other – as if we are talking about some great body ensconced somewhere in the Midlands – for sure this is the conception. Staurt C and many others have already correctly mentioned this – but I will re-emphasise the fact. The ACU – is us. Full stop.

The clue is in the title – Auto Cycle Union. It is a “ Union” of Clubs and members. I have no intention of going down the road of defining articles of association/memoranda etc lets keep it simple.

So – going back - we have many hundreds of Motorcycle ( some like mine were originally combined with cars) Clubs. These all need to come under a Governing Body / Federation - the ACU.

Again like many sports – to make things easier to handle etc all these clubs are grouped together in regions/areas - in our case geographically – and we call these Centres. ( Regions often the word used in lots of sports)

Ok We have Individuals who ride / interested/ organise events on bikes – all grouped into Clubs

We have these Clubs grouped geographically into regional Centres.

We need to group all these Centres into a Governing body/association – in our case the Auto Cycle Union.

Probably – if it was all starting again today – I tend to think the Clubs would be very specialised. I.e. Trials Clubs, MX Clubs etc. Traditionally however I think it fair to say that many of our Clubs did – and many still do, run and get involved with several –if not all the disciplines. Certainly many clubs will have riders who compete – or have competed in many disciplines. I believe this is very important. There is no doubt it is often mentioned that things should be more separated i.e. Trials have now’t to do with Road Race etc and we should have totally separate bodies. ( I am sure we will return to debate this) I certainly do not agree – or ever will.

I base my view on the adage “ Together we stand – divided we fall” . With the World seemingly against us – I see no advantage whatsoever into dividing a Union up. Certainly there is a need to separate the disciplines/ money/ rules etc – but this is just a mater of administration.

I should mention here that all my explanation of structure until know has dealt with UK. Somewhere along the way – World matters come into play – and then we revert to the FIM – the Governing body of International Sport - and more recently the UEM – which if you like is the European arm of this.

So what has all this got to do with the price of chips? And how will it affect how the observer marks me on Sunday , or what events will be in the Championship next year etc, Lets move on.

Believe it or not the Governing body – ACU is an extremely democratic one. Possibly too much so.

From what I have already explained you see it is made up from Club members/Clubs, Centres.

There are approx 600 plus Clubs – some very small, some very big. Most I think you will agree no longer see their members pile through the door at the weekly/monthly Club meeting at the back of a pub etc. As with many sports – Clubs were once very strong – socially as well as competitively. Sadly it seems to me the majority are now not . We are not alone in this – society has changed – but I am afraid it is part of our problem – which we will surely return to.

Most Clubs tend to have a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer – and most I think have some sort of Committee to make decisions about finance and other matters. In the main I am sure these Club Officials are totally unpaid – possibly the larger Clubs pay the Secretary some honorarium etc to help defray the costs incurred etc.

Yes – many of these Club Officials may appear when you go along as old farts - that is because all too often they are the ones who year after year are the only ones who will take the job on. They were young farts when they started - but no-one has filtered through to replace them. If a younger member turns up – he/her are often frustrated with the views of the older people doing the jobs – and unfortunately tend not to come again?

Big big problem – but the way of the world – hands up the parent who has never known better than the youngster? What I absolutely know for sure that these Club Officials – especially the Club Sec’s work extremely hard and give up many hours of their time – and are honestly the lifeblood of the whole shooting match.

I know many of you are interested in the money side of things. I think on average it seems that it costs us around

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Well done John, respect is due for an explaination which I believe few if any could have given.

A pertinent point and one which I feel should be made is the long winded way it is to try to introduce an idea/propsal and how the forum (cancelled) and now TC can short cut this.

Democracy rules and the little mans voice IS heard.

Can't wait to start.

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Nice words John.

I think that explaination should be in the ACU handbook every year so every member knows the full picture, then thers no cause for slagging of the people who put some serious time in to keep our sport what it is. :D

Edited by pitley
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Well done john respect to you, if all this had been said before maybe some of the missinformed comments would'nt have been made. :D

Just think if this ACU British championship unification thing gets off the ground we could have a fourm on the Saturday evenings and everyone would be there.:D

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