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4rt Options


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Thinking of going the 4RT route.

I really fancy the programmable ignition.

I read there are also 2 button jobs.

Can someone clarify what options are avaliable, cost and from whom?

How can I tell if a bike is fitted with a programmable ignition.

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Has anybody tried the two map programmable ignition on the standard 4rt and what sort of difference it makes to the engine response and it's charecteristics. Does one setting make it docile and the other more snappy etc? Thanks in advance

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John.B Posted Today, 12:19 AM

Has anybody tried the two map programmable ignition on the standard 4rt and what sort of difference it makes to the engine response and it's charecteristics. Does one setting make it docile and the other more snappy etc? Thanks in advance

My bike has the two stage programable EFI. You can put in any two maps you want. Two soft ones, two fast ones or one of each, what ever you want :D My bike has one that is softer than stock and one that is more aggresive than stock. When you flip the switch on the bars you can hear the diffrence just by blipping the throttle while the bike is not in gear! The soft one is very smooth off the bottom and works great where traction is a problem and it also works nice when you want to make smooth tight turns, the aggresive one is good in sections with bigger steps and where traction is not a issue like we mostly have here in Southern California. In the last trial I even changed it in the middle of a section. I haven't done it yet, but it is cool to be able to tune your bike with a laptop instead of a wrench :lol:

mattylad Posted Nov 17 2006, 08:09 AM

Thinking of going the 4RT route.

I really fancy the programmable ignition.

I read there are also 2 button jobs.

Can someone clarify what options are avaliable, cost and from whom?

How can I tell if a bike is fitted with a programmable ignition.

You can get the standard 4rt and buy the programable throttle body that you can put a diffrent map in to change the power to your liking or you could get the two stage programable throttle body that has a switch on the bars that you can change between two diffrent maps. You could also find a 05/06 Repsol Replica and it will have the single stage programable EFI. The new 06/07 Repsols don't have the programable EFI. As far as where to got it, where are you at?

Edited by sirhc
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I know there has been a lot of post on the PTB but I have a few questions which I haven’t seen answered else where, unless I have missed them…..so if anyone can provide the answers I would be grateful:

1) Apart from the ability to store maps and switch between them is there any differences between the 1map & 2map PTB?

2) I plan to keep the standard front pipe for the time being so do I leave the restrictors in or take them out with the PTB fitted?

3) I was going to ask for a soft map for slippery conditions and a sharper map for dry conditions for normal trials but thought that for the SSDT a standard map (for sections) and an economy map (for moors and road) may be useful. Is there any real fuel economy savings to be had and what effect will it have on the bike between sections?

4) I wasn’t planning on buying a connection kit at the moment, but was wondering what the kit contains to make it so expensive…….is it possible to build a DIY connection kit?


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The thottle bodies look he same apart from a different part numbers, for non programable 1 map and 2 map. However the software discs are different and the 1 map software will not work for the 2 map and vice versa so I've been told, though not tried it myself.


Remove the header pipe and header to muffler leave in final muffler restrictor ( to nosey without) but others will advise differently. Try with all in, then remove one at a time until you find the way you like it. If you take out the header to muffler restrictor order a gasket 1st you will be very lucky to remove the middle restrictor without destroying the gasket :D (unless any Genius out there has a handy hint?)


Don't know.


I'd say not you would have to open up the sealed black box :lol: to see whats inside with a good chance of rendering it US if you did. Best to make friends with someone who has the wiring loom and bribe them with beer. :wacko:

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