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Google Earth Wierdness


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Playing around with GoogleEarth the other day and I zoomed into London. Great resolution, but I noticed something very odd.

In the attached image:


you'll notice all the shadows run top to bottom or north to south. What gives? Was the sun rising or setting in the south? Go figure.

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To get the detail required most of these things use a multiple scanning technique. Therefore you will have scans taken at different times and a composite image with shadows all over the place.

We have a scan of Aberdeen at work, it covers a linear distance of about 8 miles north to south but is made up of of over 300 passes. Much of the shadow has been eliminated but if you look closley at it you can count the passes by the changes in the sea.

Tim, I'd have been more worried about that huge golfball in the middle of the bridge!!!

Edited by Slapshot 3
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the shadows are also of some big building (so when compounded with the winter, 3-4pm thingy) - to the left of blackfrias bridge is the sea containers HQ (IIRC) and to the right is Tate modern in the old power station (a mini batersea power station design)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'd say just before midday. Sun in the South, shadows fairly long so not Summer.

But look at that bloody big letter "i" driving up towards the bridge and a collision course with Slapshots golf ball.

That's not an "i" its a p e n i s. I'm told there are a few in London!

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