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this is a topic that might of been on here before if so sorry. but i was at a trial at the weekend where a observer took a mouth full of abuse from a rider. to me this just aint on yes sometimes you think they get it wrong (sometimes they DO get it wrong) but shouting swearing and acting like a prat wont change that the only thing it will do is potentionally stop that person doing the job again. I know how hard it is at some event's to get all the observers you need and beleive me it can be a pain in the back side. every rider reading this who has give up his ride to let the event go on will know exactly what i mean. so next time you think the observer got it wrong dont shout and swear have a calm rational talk or better still get back on yer bike naff off and enjoy the rest of your day coz i will bet good money there's some bloke there with a board in his hand gutted because he hasn't got the chance to do so. or better still observe yer bloody self next time.

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If its the same trial I was at (think it might be), the club did exactly the right thing by excluding said rider from the results.

I am just starting riding and have given up my ride a few times recently rather than wobbling round so that others more skilful than I can have a good trial, and hate to think I would have to put up with that sort of abuse when I was doing something for nothing and trying my best to give everyone a good days sport.

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Maybe the rider was taking his cues from Premier League footballers, who crowd the referee and blast him with obscenities when a decision goes against them. Maybe it's the way of the world nowadays, but it doesn't mean it's right. Besides, I've never seen an abused observer change his or her mind, so it's a futile exercise anyway.

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it might be a good idea to ban anyone found given serious verbal abuse to a observer, for 12 months from competing in all forms of trials by taking there ACU number away. extremely difficult to police, but it mght make a few riders think before they start ranting over a score given by the observer

speaking of observers anybody going to the experts trial at Penrith as they are short of this rare breed !!!!

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If this or any other rider gave myself a load of verbal, i would simply cross his number off the obsrever sheet and refuse to mark him at all,

if he persisted then i would just kick him in the b*lls

end of problem

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The NETA scorecards have a 25 point misconduct block. We also have a number plate rule that not only lets the checker know what line you should ride but who you are. It's important to make sure the checkers know they have the authority to give such penalties.

It's very important for trials masters back up their observers decisions unless there is a clear misunderstanding of the rules on the part of the checker. There's nothing more deflating then to come out of the woods and see that the rider who protested a call you were clear on whined to a clerk and got a gimme.

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