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Show Me Your Rulebooks Please...


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I'd like to see how other organzations run thir events. Our clubs attendence is low and we have very few returning "new" riders. I would like to see if its something we are doing wrong or if its just because of the U.S poor econmical state.

If you have an online rulebook could you either PM me the link or post it here. You can also email it to me to the addy below.


Heres ours...I appreciate your help.


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I'd like to see how other organzations run thir events. Our clubs attendence is low and we have very few returning "new" riders. I would like to see if its something we are doing wrong or if its just because of the U.S poor econmical state.

If you have an online rulebook could you either PM me the link or post it here. You can also email it to me to the addy below.


Heres ours...I appreciate your help.


Sent an email of ours to your email address.


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I'd like to see how other organzations run thir events. Our clubs attendence is low and we have very few returning "new" riders. I would like to see if its something we are doing wrong or if its just because of the U.S poor econmical state.

If you have an online rulebook could you either PM me the link or post it here. You can also email it to me to the addy below.

Ours are at: http://www.neott.com/standings.asp under club rules.


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I'd like to see how other organzations run thir events. Our clubs attendence is low and we have very few returning "new" riders. I would like to see if its something we are doing wrong or if its just because of the U.S poor econmical state.

If you have an online rulebook could you either PM me the link or post it here. You can also email it to me to the addy below.


Heres ours...I appreciate your help.


I just had a read of the New England rulebook and while there are some differences to how we run things, I couldn't see anything that would be affecting rider numbers.

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I just had a read of the New England rulebook and while there are some differences to how we run things, I couldn't see anything that would be affecting rider numbers.

Your rulebook looks fine. You may look at ours at INWTA.com.

Our club is also dwindling. A good turnout for us these days is 20 total riders, that was the case before $4.00 a gal. gasoline etc., now I'm worried it will get worse.

I used to think that we needed to make it easier and less expensive for new riders. I've tried implementing a trailbike class open to any bike with a rear trials tire (I've offered free used tires to anyone who needs them), and made new lines suitable for big bikes. I've gotten no response. To bad since this might convert some of the trail riders who are now destroying our trails with their knobbies.

I've also tried offering a loaner bike to new riders. I have had some takers on that offer but never gotten a new rider out of the deal.

Looking at our novice class (our largest class) I see mostly newer Pro Model bikes and I know that several people in the area have bought new trials bikes and don't ride competition events so it doesn't seem to be the cost of admission thats keeping people away.

I'd like to hear what other clubs do to attract and keep members. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Your rulebook looks fine. You may look at ours at INWTA.com.

Our club is also dwindling. A good turnout for us these days is 20 total riders, that was the case before $4.00 a gal. gasoline etc., now I'm worried it will get worse.

I'd like to hear what other clubs do to attract and keep members. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

We run 10 club trials per year and rider numbers have increased from about 20 (total) in 1995 to 60 (total) at present. This year the numbers riding at events has ranged from 25 to 45. Most riders live within a 150km radius of the riding sites. Some drive 1800km (1080 miles) each way to attend the 2 day events but that is only two or three of the riders and they only come twice per year.

Most of our riders live in one of two regional centres separated by approx 120km, both around 50,000 population. One is heavily industrial, the other heavily agricultural (beef cattle). The industrial centre tends to have more riders per unit of population (probably due to a high proportion of petrol heads)

Successful strategies for us are:

Running all-day riding demonstrations at weekend markets, swap meets, machinery shows, car shows and annual regional shows. We have a permanent riding display site at the Historical Village of one of the towns and a portable set of obstacles including fake boulders, real logs and a creek with waterfalls (made of fibreglass).

Getting a story with a photo in the local papers during the week preceeding the trial

Making posters and having then displayed at motorcycle shops

Inviting the local TV station to come and take footage - they usually stay for the first lap and put 30 seconds coverage on the local evening news.

Running a club email list for everyone who shows an interest in trials

Running a club website with lots of interesting photos (not just top riders on obstacles - lots of people shots)

Supporting the use of older bikes (for people on tight budgets) with donations of parts and help with keeping them running

Keeping as many second hand bikes in the local area as possible. This has worked very well with the growth we have seen because new riders can buy a 2-3 year old bike without having to travel long distances to a capital city.

Having an annual final 2 day trial/Christmas party with a catered meal and award presentations

One of the riders produces an annual DVD of the years events with very high production values and this is first shown at the party. The contributing footage is communal.

I just converted our local "gas" price into US units and it is $US6.87 per US gallon. The people who drive from 1800km away pay more like $US8.00 per US gallon on most of their trip.

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