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It Is In The Garage!

wayne thais

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I picked up the new 09 3.2 4T on Thursday and it is now in the garage of our new house (new to us).

I followed Ryan's starting suggestion and it started right up, kick it 2 or 3 times with the choke on (until it pops) and then take the choke off, kick it 2 more times and it will start - NO THROTTLE. It worked perfectly, started right up, my wife and I both noticed that it is quieter than the 08, they must have installed the quite pipe on the standard model. The bike looks really good with the white/red color scheme, it also has some nice touches. I think that I will leave the little taillight on and install a switch for the lights. The footpegs are new the center is removed, should stay cleaner. I even received an owners manual along with a took kit, something I have never received before, nice job on Sherco's part.

It is going to be a few days before I will have a chance to test ride it in the woods but hopefully I will be able to ride around the new neighborhood in the next day or so, it is supposed to warm up and maybe the snow will all melt.


Edited by Wayne Thais
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nice, looking forward to your thoughts on the 09, i almost took the plunge on one., had a blast for a day on a 10th anniversary, started first kick every time, right hand completely off the throttle is the key, i put my hand on the bar clamps to make sure there no possibility of a small 2t twist.


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Have fun Wayne, so your saying that on there 11th year in production that they finally have an owners manual. I road the 09 about 4 months ago for the day, very nice bike. I'd like to hear it sometime if you have the quiet muffler.

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On the sherco.com site the "Trial R.P." option on the download menu leads to a pdf which list a "racing" and a "low noise" version of the muffler for the 4t. I'm wondering if the 2009 4t comes with the "low noise" muffler and earlier ones came with the "racing" version? Looking forward to hearing more about your 4t!


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I'm happy your pleased with your new bike. I took you at your word from my other post (2.9 vs 3.2) and ordered one for myself, its coming in March. I am really looking forward to it. Perhaps once I get it we can compare notes and insights on maintenance. Will you be attending the VT or NY Nationals this year?

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Well I can say for sure my 09 doesn't have the quiet muffler. I don't notice it being to loud when I ride it, but when I let my son ride it and he revs it like his 125 :D it's pretty loud. I might try the quieter muffler sometime.

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Well, give us a report on what you think of it, Chris! Done any trials yet?

I rode a two day trials with it the day after I uncrated it.

It's working awesome. The rear suspension is defiantly improved. Power is great as with the previous models. Riding it this last weekend I also noticed it running even better now that it has more time on the motor. My '07 did the same thing, I had just forgot it got better with more hours on it.

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