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Week 117 - So Where Were The Professionals?


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Probably a dumb question and with my business head on, why cant the trial be moved to a later time of the year when at least warmer weather is more likely. Surely that would swell the visiting numbers and ensure the area does better out of it financially?

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Probably a dumb question and with my business head on, why cant the trial be moved to a later time of the year when at least warmer weather is more likely. Surely that would swell the visiting numbers and ensure the area does better out of it financially?


Seriously, that would be almost sacrilegious. First week in May it is, always has been and must remain. Fort William is busy in the summer months with coach tours etc. They'd never get permission to use the car park in high season for starters and accommodation would be less plentiful.

In reply to Mike's suggestion that other professional riders ought to ride the event, whilst it would be good to see the likes of Bou & Raga there, they are different class to the rest of the world right now. To mark the Trial to try and take marks off them would surely make it impossible for the clubmen who are the backbone of the SSDT.

I'd like to see Fuji ride it one day as he did with the Scott. He'd love it.

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Thouroughly endorse every word in your report exept perhaps a better choice of words regarding vicious observers. Yes it is somewhat of a lottery regarding different judgements but all observers have a system of being fair to all the riders so in the end the result is as fair as you could expect. Believe me 5 days of pouring rain (Friday was nice) is a trial of endurance and patience with 10 hour days ( including 6 hours on the section) mistakes can occur but if you crunch the numbers there is a very small percentage of errors. For example one rider came to a double sub on the moors he said he cleaned the first section and 3 in the second ; If he had been marked in the way he would have to accept as fair it would have been a clean and a five which would have cost him dearly in the final results..... this sort of dispute is not pleasant but the observers are on the spot for all the riders and not there to be bullied or intimidated. Regarding going to Scotland later the weather is always more of a lottery than further south but you wouldn't like the midges either!. It is also a real reliability trial it was good to see an ordinary sort of guy get around the six days carrying no tools on the Xispa. For me when it comes to choosing a bike it doesn't matter who finishes where in the top 10 or if they are works riders exept that I recognise that I am paying for it in the price of the bike.

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Believe me 5 days of pouring rain (Friday was nice) is a trial of endurance and patience with 10 hour days ( including 6 hours on the section)

The observers are absolute stars. At least when I got soaked I could move on when I wanted or go dry off a bit in the car. They didn't have that option. Fantastic job done by all in very difficult conditions. :P

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To mark the Trial to try and take marks off them would surely make it impossible for the clubmen who are the backbone of the SSDT.

I'd like to see Fuji ride it one day as he did with the Scott. He'd love it.

Don't think you would have to change it, as the rider that does well is the one that copes with the SSDT the best, concentration over the 6 days, early starts, late finishes, the weather!!! etc. etc is what makes the SSDT hard to win?

Mike made the point about Ian Austermule twice on the podium, but 19th last year! Look at Browny and Dibs never really showed all week when you we all picked those two plus Dougie to fill the podium on Saturday night? The top boys may consider the SSDT sections easy but taking into account the above mistakes will be made and still a good enough challange for the likes of Mr Bou and Raga.

I too would like to see the likes of Bou and Raga there, but realistically I don't think it will happen maybe due to their contracts? Wonder how the ''Destroyer'' would cope in Gortex 30 miles down the road in the rain to Laggon Locks??? and those moor crossings???

I reckon Andy on your WTC travels you need to ask them they get free water!!!!!

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having stood close to observers to note how they marked in a 'non stop' trial they certainly didnt allow even the slightest pause of forward motion. i might have thought that a rear wheel caught on the lip of a step whilst the rider hauls it over physically might be a hard earned three but these lads as soon as the thing stopped moving forward the pencil was out.

accepting that as the standard though, riders can be certain that the marking was consistant with riders of all levels were treated exactly the same by the decent number of observers i 'observed'

the scottish is the greatest trial in the world, and the world trials championship and the world rally championship in the same way are weaker for events where decent local riders cannot line up and compete on the same route as the world stars. that the worlds best riders choose not to particpate is because it is too much of a trial for them during there season of hops skips and jumps.

The manufacturuers lose out. how much will riders ( bike buyers) note that beta finished 1-2-3, i did and judging by the no. of evo's many already had made a simaler descion. and yet the worlds best rider was not told to ride by the manufacturer of the worlds most expensive bike that he must ride, is niether sure of there own abilities?

change the date? legends are made of 6 days in the rain, swollen rivers, ice and snow, sun and midges, lochs and glens.Without those ingredients it might as well be any other trial in a quarry..

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Thanks for the comments on the date!

Sterling effort by Wiggy it has to be said. He must be very happy with that result :P

He wasn't actually, mainly I think because he was so close and had dropped a 3 in the second section of the trial cleaned by allot of ordinary riders.

I'm sure on reflection his opinion will change, rightly so. Third attempt and one mark off the win, terrific.

Not too sure I understand mikes logic of why Austermules performance is more worthy. Haslam was in there too and never gets a mention.

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Not too sure I understand mikes logic of why Austermules performance is more worthy.

Maybe because the likes of Doug, Browny, Dibs, Wiggy and Sam who ride at a much higher level at WTC and ride full time, where as Ian who has a full time job and does the sport for pleasure at weekends??

Just my thoughts before you jump in and shoot me :P

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He wasn't actually, mainly I think because he was so close and had dropped a 3 in the second section of the trial cleaned by allot of ordinary riders.

Doesn't tie in with what Julian told me last night when we were outside the presentation being dirty smokers. Yes, there was a little bit of frustration, but more than happy to walk away with second place.

Not too sure I understand mikes logic of why Austermules performance is more worthy. Haslam was in there too and never gets a mention.

Mark summed it up. Fair play to Ian and also to Sam :P

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You can't change the dates, you get the weather as it happens it's the same for everyone, you really can't change the style of the event because that's what makes it the Scottish. The club riders are the basis of the trial not half a dozen superstars it must remain as it is.

However, I'd love to see Bou and Raga riding now not at the ebb of their careers but more than anything, I'd love to see Fuji at the Scottish, why? I'll tell you: The excitement and extra atmosphere having him at the Scott was palpable, you could feel the anticipation of what he could do (I'd love a fiver on him this year now he knows the event) yesterday was the same with Doug. On the Ben the atmosphere was intense, you could cut it with a knife and when Doug dropped it, you could have heard a pin drop, It was simply amazing.

The other thing is the connection, it's been said that this is the only event where cr@p riders like me could line up next numbers to the likes of Doug. Even more yesterday when Doug dropped the 5, every other trials rider present would have felt the connection with him, that instant thought of ballocks and I don't know that there's many other sports like that. The Scott and the Scottish are the two most important events on the calander because they are the only events where these connections can be made in a single event.

Do we need the Pro's? Maybe they would improve the event but if it had to change that would be a hugely detrimental change to the trial.

Edited by Slapshot 3
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Doesn't tie in with what Julian told me last night when we were outside the presentation being dirty smokers. Yes, there was a little bit of frustration, but more than happy to walk away with second place.


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