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Week 159 - Did They Get It Wrong?


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Mike, I agree with your comments on the crazy scores at Scarborough but like you did not attend. I did however, attempt the Milnthorpe Cup today and can only agree with your comments. What a great event. My only possible criticism would have been about the road marking but you've just answered that one. I had no idea that ramblers own the Lakes.

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What these twats don't realise when they rip out markers, is that instead of having each rider pass this point just once in a calm and unflustered manner, the result of their actions is lost riders buzzing around in different directions getting more and more flustered and irate whilst they try and pick up the route again.

Self defeating really as instead of getting rid of the bikes they are likely to see them many more times than just the once....

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:o with scores like that there is no doubting they got it wrong, everyone will have an opinion, some for and some against, but ask me where the gain is to have the best rider in the country on 80 and going down the order we nearly have a maximum. i presume the weather was good, i really cant see any justification for the scores.... just a further nail in the coffin for btc.... the riders would of been far better off at the Milnthorpe Cup, where they would of experienced a real trial with real sections..... and the sort of event that would of been a btc round of yesteryear, when will the circus of fake events end and the return made to what is trials. oh i forgot, its all in the hunt for the next world champ...... stop dreaming!!! wake up see sense and next time come for a ride round the Lakes! by the way, yes many markers were moved, but this was rectified in the morning(nothing new beleive me) and should not have had too adverse an effect on the event. also point of note, the trial doesnt have planning permission as it doesnt need it, they dont have that much hold on us yet!! why are we allowing people to wreck our sport at the top, what should be an event remembered for all the right reasons, will now be remembered for all the wrong reasons, get a grip and stop spoiling our sport.... look forward to seeing the comments on how they got it so right! :) Edited by toeneybow
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Hey we've all got the severity of a section wrong and with hind sight wished that we'd made it easier (or harder). It must be so difficult to judge what is needed to get a result at this level, the difference between testing and impossible is so close.

But it does make me wonder, why when every rider failed section four on the first lap, was it not eased for the second lap?

Scores like these do look rather high (and must be demoralising for some) but is that not better than a row of clean sheets giving no result?

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Hey we've all got the severity of a section wrong and with hind sight wished that we'd made it easier (or harder). It must be so difficult to judge what is needed to get a result at this level, the difference between testing and impossible is so close.

But it does make me wonder, why when every rider failed section four on the first lap, was it not eased for the second lap?

Scores like these do look rather high (and must be demoralising for some) but is that not better than a row of clean sheets giving no result?

Everybody fived section 4 every lap. It was man made at the top. Micheal Brown and Sean morris asked for fives last lap,both without looking. This disappointed me as I had paid my

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Mike you have managed to invoke the conclusions many of us have previosly made regarding circus trials and real trials. I do hope that the guys who put on these lakes trials and have had to redo thier work don't give up. The groups of ordinary people who seem to get AND EXPECT preferential treatment regarding land access have arrived at this position by design and not entirely by accident. Over many years they have been organised and prepared to fight, demand, beg, bully or do whatever it takes to get what they want. They clearly don't want horrible motorbikers enjoying themselves in thier countryside. I, like you and many others have to conclude; the only course of action open to us to appease them by being as nice as possible to everone we meet (not a bad philosophy for life really) and just keep on doing what we are doing.

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Let's get it right now, my head line "did they get it wrong" referred to the Scarborough Trial NOT the Milnthorpe.

The Milnthorpe was superb, run by local lads who know and live locally and understand the problems. In fact the route marking was in place all day long as far as I could tell, but was a bit sparse in places. Having ridden the Milnthorpe many times, I did have a fair idea of where we were going, but this year it was run in the opposite direction to past years and that threw us a bit. If you did get lost, there were enough riders to put you right and I doubt if anybody failed to finish because of the route marking, though a few did miss sections - but that's careless as flags led to all of them, even at thre back of the entry where I was.

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I'd be interested to hear the view of riders from the BTC Championship route. In particular those that are riding the WTC. Section for section the scores of Dabill & Brown are probably comparable to what they would lose in a WTC. Perhaps this is what they want to train on? Did the Championship riders not ask the ACU to create harder Championship class trials?

Much is written of the wish to get bigger entries in the BTC Championship. Whilst its a nice idea, with the WTC as it is, this is probably an unrealistic goal. Perhaps we should just accept that at this level the standard is by its nature, elite. UK riders have been very strong in the Youth & Junior WTC for the past few years, but have not quite made the leap into the full WTC, which has been pretty stagnant at the top for the past few years, since Bou broke through. If we want WTC success as a nation, perhaps this is the price to pay.

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So, as a paying spectator at the BTC yesterday I can only commend the scarborough club for a great event, yeah, the scores were high, yeah the conditions were horrendous underfoot, but was it good to watch the top boys in our sport have a tough time?? YOU BET !!!

after the sharp frost of Saturday night I suspect it may have been wise to ease SOME of the sections slightly, section 4 for example, however it was possible as Alexz cleaned it on Saturday (however I was not there to witness it). I for one had a great day out, the sections were tough, the day was warm, the crowd was fairly large and well mannered as usual, the 5 quid per car entry made it a real bargain (just look at the tough one for a comparison) and the day was a success.... even the burgers were edible !!!! now that is a first for me !!!!

All in all a huge thanks go to the organising club and to all the guys and gals who worked hard to provide us with a great day of entertainment, even if it was not the normal feet up everywhere sub 15 marks dropped for the entire top 10 !!! can we have the same again next year please???

Edited by Dave_Askham
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Well said dave, some people on this site are way off the realities of common sense who have no idea about the complexities of settin up, running, planning, problem solving a live event. Support your sport. Its very easy to critisise after an event. Lets not forget scarborough club ran a hugely successfull event last year, the crowds were massive, the best event by miles and perhaps you were one of those commenting how good it was. I for one am sick of this weather but its mother nature not human nature that dug in. SDMC is in my opinion the best club in this country and im sure anything that could have been done at the time was. Be supportive to your sport not destructive guys.

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Right here is my take on the Scarborough BTC round, and yes it was a tough day at the office???

It all boiled down to the weather unfortunately for the club and as Slapshot will agree there is no control over that??

I was there both days so lets start with the Saturday! As people said with snow, rain and all God could throw at Low North Camp the sections rode really well and far easier than on the Sunday, it was wet but the riders although struggling were getting the traction, but the severity was maybe a touch on the hard side but none were impossible as all were conquered and I did see Wiggy get up section 4. To give some idea for the people that did not go to Scarborough section 4 was a ride up a gulley with very little scope for altering the section so the right decision was to leave it.

The idea of the Saturday practice not only benefits the riders, but allows the CoC to alter any sections this was done and I happened to be there when the CoC was altering section 2 and 3, these was eased considerably and looking at them they looked a bit on the easy side compared to some of the other sections? (little do I know).

Sunday morning with a very deep frost made the sections really tough polishing the frozen clay on 2 and 3 like a mirror, even if the CoC would have set out a clubby section this would have been a challenge, but not spectator friendly?? Dibs ride on section 2 was unbeleivable and all the spectators that watched would agree and he rode it at its worst !! The rest of the day saw a slight thaw this made the conditions even harder infact most I talked to said the sections would have ridden a lot better if it had pi**ed down as more traction could have been found.

Was it tough YES, were the sections the right severity for a BTC YES, could they have done anything different given what happened NO (they are section plotters no one could guess what would happen to the ground) would the result in each class been the same if it was any easier PROBABLY.

One rider that got his head down and got on with the conditions was Jack Challoner and was rewarded with a well deserved place on the podium :)

Tough day at the office YES, but it was the same for everyone and well done to all at SDMC

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