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Are we having our pants pulled down ?


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its not just clothing we get shafted on as well, lets face it a new rear mudgaurd sets you back £70-£90 for what <_< a bit of flimsy plastic with a few stickers, :( but you can get a full set of MX bike plastics for about £65 , A pair of flimsy riding pants are over £100 now, etc nearly all trials related parts and clothing are a complete rip off

Edited by PHB
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Must be the stickers that make the difference on plastics... Eh? I know!!! .. lets pay to advertise.. great idea...

....... wait for it....

Everything is far too cheap IF PEOPLE PAY £40 FOR £$%^$£G RIM STICKERS.


Edited by Rosey
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I buy mechanix gloves at about fifteen pounds a pair and the last two pairs are still in use after two years unlike the hebo boots I bought at the same time and the on and off trousers which lasted a year

Best part is i had Clice for years n it lasted years, even now the 7 year old stuff is usable but the new stuff is mega dear and complete crap for value. Parts plastics way over priced and i dont buy into the fact they dont make money out of us n struggle. Bikes n most things have gone up way above n beyond my mere 1-2 % yearly pay rise given a miss year or two.

OH no here comes the daughter inlaw wanting some freekin latest perfume in addition to everything else. Thats my

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