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Dellorto Model Number Suffix


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The PHBH26 off my '90 Zero has "TD" stamped after the model number:


I need to get a few parts for it and can't figure out if these two letters mean anything. Can anyone let me know if this suffix should be taken into consideration when order for this unit?

Looks like the parts can be got from http://www.dellorto.com/merchandise/products.asp?CategoryID=2&PartsectionID=24 but want to make sure.

Thanks for your help!

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From the dellorto UK site: T-means Terrific!

A note on carburettor model designations.


PHBH - Main body type, each body comes in a range of bores. - The effective diameter bore of the carburettor in mm.

B - Generally rubber sleeve "elastic" type fitting. A - Generally clamp type fitting. Other letters have no specific meaning - they have certain original applications - if you are unsure which model you need, contact us before buying.

S - "Sinistra" - "left" in Italian - Left hand idle mixture and idle speed screws.

D - "Destra" - "right" in Italian Right hand idle mixture and idle speed screws.

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