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The Worst 'ringo' Ever


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I saw Mick started a topic asking everyone's worst crash and for the likes of me, I don't know where to start. The comedian in me allows me to make fun of myself and not get upset when other people do so I thought I'd ask my fellow riders about the biggest "ringo" they've ever witnessed.

To verify: Anytime someone crashes big or wads up their bike or car in So Cal it is defined as a 'ringo' Getting the idea of how I ride?

So, all of you So Cal guys that read this and never respond, feel free to chip in a story.

I'll just start with the last time I was able to ride my bike:

I was out last weekend setting up sections for our upcoming National when I decided to ride the Pro line. I had great traction and an excellent feel as I manuevered the last corner and headed up the 20 foot accent. I realized when I got to the top of that part of the section that I hadn't 'walked' the rest and wasn't sure where to go so I went to dab but the 8 foot step off was a bit longer than my leg. I was able to get enough lift from my outside leg to jump off and land on my feet below but my bike came down sideways, all the way to the bottom and introduced the lower fork tube to a rock. It was noted as a 2.3 on the rictor scale as the other workers felt the ground tremble and I had to ride back to camp with no slide play in the fork. Of course this was a pretty mellow 'ringo' but my bike sure didn't like it. :rolleyes:

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not sure where ur from, but in north east england (especially north yorkshire) many people call the same types of incident a 'marty'.

as this is the guy that never just falls off, he always makes it spectacular, BUT NEVER GETS HURT!!!

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We used to have this Beta TR32 that went around the guys....you know, bought and sold between trials pals over the years.

Anyway, it's 3rd owner was out one day wearing wellies and fell off. The gear lever went through the side of the rubber, into his leg, hooked around the fibula (smaller of the two lower leg bones) and "hauled" it out. Serious "OUCH!"

We gave the bike a nickname "Damien"......from the film "The Omen". It was an uncontrollable ride......serious trials rubbish.....

In hindsight though we should have called it "Christine" (also from a film), because it only started "attacking" it's owner/riders after I had it (2nd owner) having restored it from a bucket of c**p to the pristine bike but crap bike it ended up.

It's gone now........I wonder where it is now?


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Hmmmmm,,, well, we also have the "Floyd" award, literally an award for the best crash, lets see I think last time it went to the little redneck (younger half of the entertainment committee) and the time before it went to the big redneck, (dad)

But Floyd definetely has a warm spot in our hearts. He fell backwards off about a 2 dwight hill and landed on his back against the other wall and was quite shaken and a little stirred.

As I was talking with him the next week or so, and said "man, what a nasty crash, how have you been doing?" and he said, much better after he got out of the Intensive Care unit........

Seems that in the crash he hit so hard that it collapsed one of his lungs, talk about knocking the breath out of you. He went to the E room on Monday short of breath and they had him in ICU in about 10 minutes. Said he should have been dead.

Big redneck won his award when his throttle stuck wide open and he launched his new bike off the one dwight high ditch into the creek and folded that pretty brand new rear wheel up.

Little redneck won his when having not been on the bike for quite a while, jumped on and dropped off a 2 dwight very steep hill and decided to turn the front wheel sideways and lock the front brake one dwight down the hill. As he launched face first into the bottom of the rocky creek with the bike on top of him and looked so bad it almost made me puke. Well, after I stopped horse laughing him at least.

Ask Doug sometime about riding in Shorts......

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I won't say it was my worst ever, but definitely the most spectacular. A group of us were in the Isle of Man riding the trials and watching the racing and chewing the cud with Juan and David Knight.

We were coming back across the Island when we approached a


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;) Talk about asking for trouble! A mate of mine used bolts to fasten the rear mudguard on his montesa (said it was all he could find lying around), with the bolt head underneath. THese bolts were too long and stuck out proud by about an inch. Yes you guessed it he looped the bike on the moors . ripped his pants off(almost) and carved a slot through each inner thigh--lots of claret everywhere. :rolleyes:
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