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2001 Rev 3 270


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I am looking at buying a 2001 rev 3 270 from a mates dad, I had a go on and I liked it a lot, when cold though the clutch has to be tightened up on the cable and then after riding for a while needs to be loosened off. Is this a major problem and what is the cure? When were hydraulic clutches introduced and can an after market one be fitted?

I was looking at getting a 250 but I know the history of this bike from new and it has only been in a few trials so is in good condition and therefore would be a good buy i feel. Are there any problems to look for on this model or year of bike?

I have ridden trail bikes but as this is my first trials bike I thought maybe a slow action throttle may keep the extra power more under control?

Any thoughts?

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2001 Rev 3 270 should have come from Beta with a hydraulic clutch. Betas have had hydraulic clutches standard in all Rev 3 and also the preceeding series which came out first in 1994 (Beta Techno).

Are you able to post or email a photo of the bike you are looking to buy?

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Excuse my ignorance, It probably has hydraulic clutch, I may be getting mixed up with the other bike he has too which was an old Tr34 or something.

I didn't actually have to adjust it, it was something we were talking about in the pub the other night. :P

Don't have any pics, it was bought by his neighbour who buys toys then loses interest immediately as he did with this so the only trials action it has seen is about 10 trials he has done and the rest of the time he just rode it around the fields etc.

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Thanks for that, now I think about it I can remember him telling me the beta had a bit of a clutch problem but it was his other bike that was a lot worse and needed cable adjustment when cold and again after warming up. I rode both but only for a few minutes and was concentrating hard on not falling off and knackering his bikes so didn't look at cables etc.

Going out for a proper ride in 2 weeks so will have a good look round the bike then and give it a better test.

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I've got 2 97 Technos and both had really bad clutch drag.

In addition to putting in ATF I was also advised to have a look at the clutch cages.

Found there were deep grooves worn in which made the drag worse.

I carefully filed the grooves out which improved the clutch drag (not quite cured) but also made the cages rattle a bit more.

Maybe new cages would be better but for now the bikes are fine.

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Now that I know the clutch problem is not too serious on the bike, is a 270 too much for a first trials bike? Would have been looking at a 250 but as I know the history of this one I am pretty keen on it. On the other hand though there is no point buying something I will spend all my time climbing out from underneath (well more than any other bike I buy!) :P

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