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Sanz Has Big Impact On Us Pro Class

mich lin

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Dman, I totally agree with you!

Mental conditioning is the #1 factor in top level trials. If I was involved with the youth training camps at the TCC, I'd lock the kids up each night.

Only one bugger I can think of that needs locking up each night.

coaching, training and career counceling.

Just counceling for you Lane.

When your time is over, you really need even more help then.

You certainly do!! heed your own words and go seek it.

Well since no bugger at Mich central gives a toss what you write, I'll see how far I can go before they ban me <_<

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Can you be that uncaring and sarcastic toward the sports past and future top riders Isherwood? Don't you have a shred of compasion or are you simply screwing around?

A clubman like yourself that has profitted off the backs of the world's best riders, including Geoff. You of all people should understand as well as anyone it's the professional rider who works and commits it ALL and gets the least payback.

They sacrifice their youth, their friends, often their college education, their oppertunity to get a good start in life. All for a dream of a title! They endure terrible pressure, yet have to put on a wonderful front toward the public. It's a tough profession. Then when it ends, their whole world crashes down and there are few if any friends left to help then rebuild their lives.

They are the draw to the world championship trials that organizers like yourself promote. Yet you offer no purse or payback from your gate to them! Yet they are your draw for the spectators, not your drinking and riding buddies.

When their career is over, what then, what are their options? What about riders like Manzano, Bell or Peters who never make it? What do they have to show for their years of dedication to the sport?

John, you have put a great deal of effort into your local club, which you deserve a great thank you for. But toward the professional riders you are a shameless profiteer.

See I can play "the try to get banned game" also John, my old buddy.

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You may want to do double check on the profits made in U.S WTC.

Not 100% sure, but I can pretty much tell you investing your money in a 3% low yield savings account might be more profitable than investing in a U.S. WTC.

Also much less head aches. <_<

You might make enough to cover your expenses and pay yourself minimun wage for all your time and effort.

In fact the clubs in first round in Minn. had to raffle a bike after the balance sheet was tallied to recoup.

Lane: I know, I know, if you put a WTC on it would make millions and you would donate profits to the youth riders plus pay a 85% purse.

Edited by sideup
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The sob story about how hard it is to be a professional trials rider makes me want to puke vomit-smiley-011.gif

To get to do what you love doing AND earn an income that is enough to pay the bills is more than what most folk have. <_<

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Well guys, go for it, be a pro rider! Its no differnt than making your living as an actor, footballer or racecar driver, except your shelf life is shorter as a trials rider.

After all it's all giggles, umbrella girls and riding a bike everyday. Right? <_< What could be better?

As for me organizing a world round, I'm not in the trials business anymore BUT if you insist! Let's look at the books of the world rounds and give a PAYBACK to the riders from now on. Equal share of the profits for the riders as well, That's fair! If the trial loses money, hey they get no payback.

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What would happen if the riders and factories held out and said without the promoter offering a modest size purse it's too costly to fly the teams to the US. Who holds the power? Is it the rider who is under contract and already receiving a paycheck, or the factories who hope to sell more bikes by putting the best rider out there or the sponsors. Not many people in the world make a living at riding trials. With that said does anyone know the attendance at TTC this year vs. the attendance at Duluth?


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That was a real tear jerker, wasn't it Atom? I was bellowing chunks all over the keyboard.

How 'bout the part where he "has traveled the path before" or some such drivel. That made my head spin 360's while spewing coffee-plasm all over the walls.


I gotta give credit where credit is due. I come here every day, not for the "Trials needs to grow" stuff, not for the NATC stuff, and not for the World domination stuff. I come here for the same reason I slow way down to look at a traffic accident. I check in every day to read the latest Beave stuff.

Thank you Beave, and keep up the good work. <_<:):D


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