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Posts posted by gasgasssser
  1. I got back int trials riding a about 3 years back.I used to go to a place in near laneshaw bridge,near the herders pub.A superb venue.Some of you will no doubt know it.But alass,it was shut down because some nearby resident wasnt happy(so i`m told).So i start to go to back cowm,it was a tad more expensive,about

  2. Hi Matt.Are the forks upside downies and paiolies?,If so do as you were doing.Get the seal reall hot so it goes really soft,then tap the fork with a copper mallet.It will come out.If i remember,they were not held by a screw at the bottom,but yours might be different.

    When you put them back together,each fork will have its own qty of oil.


  3. I used to love it.I saw a clip recently somwhere,it showed steve colly doing the buisness,i think he won a series unexpectedly then got "spotted".That program did his carrer no harm at all!

  4. My initial thought is to check the crank pressure.I have changed the seal at the ignition side,the clutch side is not as easy.A crank case seal test seems a good way of checking.If i cannot fix it my self,it will go to a specialist,but the are not cheap,so i am trying to eliminate as much as i can

    I`m pretty sure ther is no loss of compression regarding the piston.My friend has the same bike.There isnt any difference when trying to kick them up.


  5. After eliminating all external possibilities for the cause of a splutter at very small throttle openings on my 290,i think the next step is to look inside the engine.Today i changed the trans oil,thinking maybe its escaping via a dodgy seal and affecting the compression/suction.The oil was pink/cloudy.This is my first oil change on this bike.I`m thinking water in the oil,but rad is full.

    How do i do a compression test on my sherco 290?,I am now convinced that there is a loss of suction,which is in turn causing the idle screw to be wound right in to maintain tickover.I think beacause of this,the mixture is rich when the throttle is opened causing the splutter.Am i making sense??



  6. I had to repair my rad.(sherco 290).The plastic cowl round the fan had CHAFFED the vertical spines at the bottom of the rad!.You wouldnt think plastic could do that to ally.One spine had gone through,and the others were almost through.I took it to a local radiator repair place,they put a thick band of resin along the bottom edge to cover the chaffed areas.That cost me

  7. Hi gasgasser, i also think that the saturday novice route was too easy!! i agree that the biginners route on that section was actually harder than the novice route! Did you ride the center trial on sunday at Halton gill? The sections were of a good standard.  Overall a good weekend on the bike :D 

    I dont think i could manage two trials in one weekend! :D My dodgy back is not up to it.I`l just stick to the easy trials. :o

  8. Did anyone out there do the bradford begginner/novice at halton gill on saturday?

    What did you think of the 2 routes?,I thought that a couple of the novice sections were easier than the begginers!,especially the one at the top just through gate on the left.But i aint moaning,it was a great day,great people,superb venue,sunshine and FREE beer after!! :D:D .It doesnt get better than that!

    Steve :o:angry:

  9. Thanks for the replies so far.

    Mactavish,the carb works on the other bikes,so this rules out a carb fault.

    Copemech,the timing is ok.Although i havnt strobed it,the factory timing marks are in alighnment.

    Lineaway.I`m pretty sure there is no loss of compression.There is no air leaks at the carb manifold,and i have replaced crank seal bearing on ignition side.The exaust isnt blowing.Is there any other faults regarding the ekhaust that i should be looking for?

    I havnt swapped the reeds beacause they all look identical,plus i dont like keep stripping mates bikes down.(not sure if they like it either)Maybe i should try a new reed.

  10. Can anybody explain why when i put identical carbs off indentical bikes onto my troublesome sherco 290,i have to wind in the idle screw in about three to four turns to make the bike idle,even though they work normaly on the other bikes.My bike idles fine after adjusting the screw,but i still have a "splutter" on very low throttle openings,i would guess that this is linked to the fact that the idle screw is so far in.

    If i put the donor carb back on the bikes they came off,and cracked them up,the engine revs it a*** off.Why should my bike need this big adjustment of the idle screw to make it idle?.My jets are std,and the carb is clean as a whistle,and more puzzling,the donor bikes work properly with my carb on them!!

    What could be causing this.The bike runs spot on apart from the afore mentioned splutter.I think it could only be 2 things.First,the reed valve,which looks ok,no rips etc, If its not the reed,it cant be anything else other than the fact that the engine cant suck the fuel from the pilot. Could this be caused by a dodgy reed??Also,the plug is wet as if its running rich,but the mixture screw is the std 3.5 turns out.

    What do you guys think?



  11. Try loosening the clamps at the end of the forks,then bounce the forks.If the clamps are tightened,then the spindle is tightened after,the forks can get distorted and bind.The spindle should always be done firstin my experience.

    Hope this helps :wall:

  12. I agree coxy.In a beginners trial,from what i have seen,there is nothing that poses any danger.Slight inclines and a few turns and thats about it.The first begginner i did,i lost more marks by missing flags and going out the wrong exit,nerves probably.Best to walk the section if you can,especially if there is more than one route,then you know exactly where you are going.

    Good luck :thumbup:

  13. I'm no Beta expert or any other type of expert for that matter, but it sounds like 50:1 is too rich. My Sherco is run at 80:1 and I've heard of some going 100:1

    I think this oil mix thing is a grey area.Its all down to preference in my opinion.The recomended mix for a 290 sherco is 2%(50:1)I recently posted a topic regarding fuel/oil ratio,because my 290 seems to choke up slightly.Replies vary,50:1.75:1 etc etc.

    First,i wouldnt be tempted to mess.If you have run it the five or six times,take it back to the dealer as they requested.

    I`ve never heard of "running in jets"I would say just take the bike back,and hopefully the replacement jets will sort out the choking problem.If it still runs rough,they will have to sort it.As for the carb,i`ve lost count the number of times i`ve seen a beta parked up at a section while the owner has gone to checck it out,while his petrol drains away!!.Its one of those things you put up with.Like ferret says,dont park it facing down hill.

    Good luck

    Steve :thumbup:

  14. I ask because i did my first trial on this bike on sunday,i rekon the gears are to low,it seems to rev out to quick.I started using 3rd where a would normally use second on some steep bankings and i was getting much better grip with the lesser revs.I would never have neede to do this on my previous bike (gasgas)Strange these shercos.another thing that bugs me is the difference between 3rd/4th,youm really notice it going between sections,its like theres a gear missing!!The 11 tooth sounds a good idea.Thanks a lot

    Steve :thumbup::(

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