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Posts posted by Andy
  1. I've had a good dig and can't understand why that topic doesn't exist. Only two people can delete topics - me and the person who started the topic. I can't see anything in that archive that would suggest either I would have reason to remove it or OTF would have had reason to remove it himself. :huh:

    • Like 1
  2. We have been advised by his family that, sadly, former DOT factory rider, Wilf Couldwell passed away peacefully last Friday, 29th September at the age of 81.

    The funeral will be held on 14th Oct at 11am.

    St Teilos Church
    Llantilio Crossenny

    NP7 8TD



    • Like 1
  3. We were talking about this at the Travers Trial on Sunday. Hawkstone was mentioned, but there are a limited number of days it can be used and it's under great demand. Apparently it's also VERY expensive to rent the place. Agree it was the best venue in the UK, but not sure it's viable or if you'd get anyone to take on the organisation even if it were available.

  4. 7 hours ago, zippy said:

    Oh My God!!

    You are such a strong fellow to be able to go on in life with out the caress of a scooby enveloping your bum when you need to travel.

    We should start a Go Fund Me for you to be reunited with a love of your life. 

    I do miss it, but last one was getting old and because of the high emissions the road tax on it alone was costing me £500 a year (or 680 of your Trump tokens)

  5. A while back I was given a rare copy of the book "Trials and Trials Riding" by A.B. Bourne, published in 1939. It was passed to me by a gentleman who had found it amongst his father's possessions and thought it would be of interest. He believes his father picked it up during his National Service and the book has "Orderly Room" written in pencil on the front and "Supplied for the public service" stamped inside the front cover which would support that theory.

    I've read it (it's amazing how little has changed) and it's now just gathering dust so I'll be donating it to the Scott Trial Charity Auction. Definitely one for a collector of Trials memorabilia.


    • Like 4
  6. 12 minutes ago, kingkopity said:

    I am not sure if posting the name of the company that built me the battery is against forum rules if someone could confirm either way and ill put the company details up.


    No issues in naming the company unless you represent that company (which happens surprisingly often) or you are receiving backhanders for promoting that company (which also happens). Guilty parties always get caught.

  7. I've just checked and the ability to delete attachments wasn't enabled for normal members. That is now enabled. As Stan says, TC Supporters have unlimited storage so for them this is not a concern.


  8. 1 hour ago, steve fracy said:

    I knew that your fulltime coverage of all the events was done but thought maybe one last trip to the USA might have been in the cards :-)

    Nah. We have our conference in Vegas every year. The 11 hour flight sucks - and that's after another 2 hours to get to London. Plenty events in the UK for me to cover and interest in the WTC has been waning for a few years now.

  9. 1 hour ago, steve fracy said:

    All flights and accomdations been booked for some time. Cant wait. Will you be making the trip Andy? Vegas is just an hour away

    Nope. After 13 years of hauling my ass round the world, I've hung up my cameras as far as the world championship is concerned.

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