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Posts posted by timdog
  1. The standard batteries used to last a couple of hours turned up to full power,depending on use so I would charge the pack then use a volt meter to check each one on its own. They do occasionally need balancing as mentioned above, just use a 12v battery charger on each battery on its own, I had a cheep motorcycle battery charger.

    If after charging a battery is even showing 11.8 volts it's a dud and needs replacing, running one dud in the pack would certainly make a difference.

  2. If you are good at electronics you can buy all the stuff you need and do a lipo battery upgrade( plenty of discussions under electric bikes on this forum)

    I'm not so took the safer easier(yes more expensive) route of a ready made pack from boost bikes. Depending on terrain, speed etc they last up to 4 hours and save several kilos.

    Been worth every penny for the extra use he gets from the bike at a trial

  3. What a great present, pity car sos didn't do a programme with old bikes instead of just cars.

    Do you have the forks, just asking as I have just taken a pair of Bultaco Betors in excellent condition with new magicals progressive spring in off a pre 65 bike and intended trying to unite them with a Bultaco in need of some

  4. The video is what the Oset should be capable of, a few unwary adults have tried ours stood on it and opened throttle fully only to find the bike has pulled them off their feet due to the torque. Very manageable if you're expecting them.

    Afraid I'm no electronics expert but if you email jason@osetbikes.com they are very helpful

  5. There is definitely resistance when pushing the bike no doubt someone will be able to give the technical reason, but it's not like a petrol bike in neutral.

    Sorry to state the obvious but does yours the the power speed and response dials under the rubber cover below the key?

    My sons 48v 20 can still pull me along at a fair speed on flat and pulls me up a hill so I assume the 36v should still pull you ok, does it get up to speed with your son on. I haven't measured it but guess it's around 20mph. 12.7 v measured from a charged battery sounds right.

  6. My 8 year old is onto his second pair, just down to growing feet! Fit well, comfortable and 1st pair were still in great condition after 12 month when got too small.

    Not waterproof when paddling but they aren't chunky enough to cause any problems riding

  7. Two schools of thought sure people will argue their case which is the beauty of opinion/experience. Petrol or Oset

    Appreciate all the arguments for starting on small petrol, beta 80 with medium wheels may be too big still so there are the smaller autos

    I went for the Oset 20r and think it was best choice, performance is excellent power way better than any of the 50 autos, certainly teaches throttle control. My son learned how to use a clutch after without problems. Did a bit of waterproofing as they don't like it in throttle or relay and went for lipo batteries. Now it lasts long enough.

  8. I find 4T so controllable it's never got away from me. If the style suits you you won't look back but try get a ride on one to be sure as not everyone will take to them.

    Benefitted from the slightly stiffer springs front and rear if you are over 12 st and speak to someone who has one about starting as there is a technique that helps, never had any problems with mine. The Amal slow throttle made it smoother and it swaps straight over just put the end of cable in the "other" hole on carb,next to standard cable. Makes sense when you look at it.

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  9. Everyone has their own opinion on what's best etc but depends what suits you. Some don't like 4 strokes.

    Personally I rode 2T for a year when started then tried a beta 300 4T and loved it. For me I love the engine braking, smooth power delivery and the way it can just plod away down to almost nothing without needing to slip clutch. But it has more power than I would need if I want it.Tried a 250 4T but prefer the 300, slow action Amal throttle made it even better. Haven't had any starting problems, hot or cold.

    You have to ride them differently, not constantly blipping the throttle, although you can it's better rolled on/off smoothly.

    The instant sharper response of 2T makes things like double blips over bigger obstacles easier, or is it just different but I wouldn't go back to 2T unless I wanted to be hopping the the bike round,

    Having said all that the 250 2T was a lovely smooth bike!

    Try one first if you can and give it time to see if suits you.

    • Like 1
  10. Did Villiers services do the re lining or recommend some material. I have two bikes with shoes relined by them using their trials compound, bultaco chrome hubs, a cub hub and ajs stormer hubs. They are all v good for drum brakes and can stop dead on a fairly steep hill. The lining was a beige colour

  11. I'm biased having had both, from a novice point of view I found the beta much softer power delivery and preferred the suspension, I went the other way and went to a four stroke. Still have the 2015 evo 250 2t to sell though!!

  12. Sure the above is true, just peace of mind for the weeman riding/charging when it's all put together in a nice shrink wrapped bundle. I've lined someone else's pocket but happy., hopefully he knew what he was doing more than me with this stuff

    We put a car together from many bits as a project at school, but I still prefer being stung by a salesman for one built by a nice German factory 'cos I remember my wiring melting.

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  13. Had a set on for a few months now on 20R, pricey compared to some diy kits but I wasn't taking a risk as I'm not hot on electrics. They have all the safety features built in and encased in a waterproof padded pack. Very well put together. Depending on terrain, type of use, hill climbs etc have had over 4 hours use without any power drop off.

    The weight saving is very noticeable and has transformed the use of the bike, will help resale value too.

    The pack is much smaller than the original battery pack so needs securing in the battery tray, cable ties through the bash plate snapped so have had it tied in with metal cable ties now with no issues.

    Would recommend them and would buy them again without hesitation. They arrived in under 48 hrs and the owner of company was keen on feedback, haven't had any problems but he said get in touch if there were any questions or problems

  14. Can't speak from experience of the Mont although I know plenty of people who swear by them as a great bike. I've had 2 stroke and 4 stroke evos and they've been a joy to own and ride. Bikes are a v personal choice but generally get the newest/best condition you can.. Bear in mind the owner and care/service it's had though

  15. Hi, I started just coming up to 12 month ago, bought a 250 sherco and while I liked it, I often felt it was riding me. Changed to a 250 evo and found it much smoother and softer power delivery, call it personal taste (or lack of ability!) . After riding 4 stroke pre65 I had always had a hankering for modern 4 stroke, I like the way they ride.

    While different bikes suit different people I have just bought a 2016 evo 300 4t and love it, while the bike obviously has enough power for the experts it's so smooth and controllable. Fitted an amal 80/200 slow throttle and that has made it even smoother.

    Haven't tried the 250 as a 300 came up right time and place. Get a test ride if you can, early days on it for me but I'm glad I made the move.

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