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Everything posted by ralph
  1. Practise down hill, use a rock to help the back lift and remember not to swing the back round with your legs but push with your arms. You can pull the forks through a bit a little will help. Sorry if you are doing these, Ralph.
  2. Perce and Others, I do not mean this post to be a debate or knock anyone who has posted but i am not sure what poeple mean by to hard for a clubman. At the 3 day on the easy route apart from 2 or 4 sections with double steps in and some shaley climbs all the other sections were very getable for everyone. When riders say the sections were to hard for the clubman dose that mean they are unable to get out the end cards on a lot of sections or they paddled through most or riding up the streams and gulleys is hard enough. What i am trying to say is that at the 3 day i dropped sh&t loads every day not by not getting through or being unable to (if i had a good ride) get up things but by my feet going down every time the forks moved and i was shatterd after paddling through some flat ones because i could not get my feet back on the pegs which did not help my final score. Dose this mean its to hard because i paddled a lot and did not get up a few steps and was knackerd at the end of every day. Well i don't think so i should be a bit better. There has to be things in the trial some riders can not do to let the better clubman improve and then progress on to the hard route. Do any of the Expert say their route is to hard or is it just us clubman. Sorry if this seems to be directed at anyone or ones who has commented its not ment to but i hear it a lot around here. Ralph. Perce, Keep doing what has made the Richmond club so successful. John B Just saw your post and could not agree more.
  3. You wait weeks for a good trial then you get 2 on the same day.Will it clash next year with Man 17. Hope gasserboy is up on his feet soon and see if Barry can give him some tips on how to fall off gently. The Gasser did it survive?, couldn't have.
  4. I thought my butty from the butty van had been lased with mind bending drugs or something and STOP IT will you you will get me in to trouble if you keep on about other exotic animals.
  5. Cheers to all a great days riding, good sections and well marked. Would have liked to see some of the Experts ride 2 of the sections looked a bit nasty. Thanks again. Justin your keen with that post are you not, wont a job at TMX.And we did see a Bloody Larma thing or a very large dog with a long neck. All most fell off when i saw it a big fluffy thing looking over a wall.
  6. ralph

    Engine Covers

    You should see the size of Betarev3 house they go on.
  7. ralph

    Engine Covers

    Mr Lejeune How dare you say that about ones helmet but you are right. Betarev3 you little tinker.
  8. I heard it was a small pool and not a jacuzzi. Boyd made it a jacuzzi after 20 pints of best bitter.
  9. ralph

    Engine Covers

    Wicked bro. Betarev3 thats class,i had a tear do ya no wot i meen man
  10. I can't wait to do a trial now (Man 17).It's all right all this pratice but you can't beat a good trial. Hi Mac, Have done both of them will be coming up again. Nice. Sorry just seen butty van. You will now know me because i will be the one with egg all over my face, in my hair,on me ears,eye brows, on my CHINS and browsause down my top. Please no jokes about egg on faces.
  11. ralph

    Engine Covers

    How much would a new cover cost? I would rather have scratches than a naff chav looking thing on the side, any info please. Betarev3, we will have to take out the burberry seat covers from the van aweek Saturday so not to upset Heath. Wonder if we could sell them to Barrybaines.
  12. He will have a 1 in 3 chance of winning it when stocker rule comes in. Will it take a long time to get to grips with it ?.And has he just kissed the indoor tital away.
  13. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Legend, What an awfull thing to say about Dads Bott he would get upset and coming from a Broadys regular as well. Talking of Bums my wife would make a great Robber because her Bum is big enough to rub out her foot prints.
  14. ralph

    A Story.

    It is. Usually one is enough and the next morning you are like a beer with a sore head.
  15. Like it. Reath 3 Day or 2 as it was then. It was the first trial i done up north and never ridden a rocky stream before i was hooked. Every year slightly diffrent route not all the sections are the same, well flagged and all is friendly even to a southern poof. Cheers again Richmond Club.( the Marquee climbing was impressive)
  16. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Dad would have a fit if he saw that technique elbows in, knees together and looking at the front wheel. That camera seems to have added a few pounds don't you think.
  17. Betarev3 is that you with the wip i reconise that a#se anywhere. Is that where you went on Sunday with r2w crew. Andy did Heath pass this to you???.
  18. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Anymore pics of any of you on sunday?.Just looks like you are about to kiss the front mud gaurd on one of those pics. Nice. Off to the shead for an hour to see Lesley. Saturday or Sunday? Dad said Saturday is ok but he will have forgotten i aksed him by tomorrow.
  19. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Prince Albert did you all have a good day in wales any damage done to bikes or riders. Did it rain and did you take your passport this time.
  20. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Off to watch the football and off to bed with my Hallicks. A mate once piad
  21. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Dad even forgets what van is his sometimes.By the time he puts on his knee suports, tudie grip, deepheat elbow suports,one of those realy wide leather belts with the big buckles to suport his back and his nappy thing(incase he dribles) its bloody time to go home and we have to take him there because he forgotten where he lived. Still whoops me on race day. 20 mins to write and its playing up my arthritis. 10 post late Barry thats just the same as me.I ran a observers deck chair and flask over once because i lost it on pocksy tuner he only just got up and out the way. Only enter the hard ones.
  22. ralph

    Can't Wait

    See 4 posts late.
  23. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Heath thats a great pic of Just and no Blood.Saturday OK with me but Sunday might be best for the others. Barry will be ar#e whooopping soon.
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