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Posts posted by petejohn
  1. Hi

    At a recent national a top rider screamed and swore at a observer, at the time i did not see what the argument was over. There were spectators present, and I felt so bad that I went and apologised to the observer. After finishing the lap I went to find the clerk of course, couldn't find him but left a message. Rider abuse to a official,I am putting in a official complaint. He came to see me and had already been told about the incadent. he said he had made the rider and minder appologise, do I still want to make it offical. I said yes. I was approched 3 or 4 more times during the day asking if I was sure i wanted to make it offical. At the time I did not know what the process involved (making it offical). In the end I felt guilty as if I was in the wrong and let it drop. I dont care if the observer was right or wrong, you should never abuse another rider or official. the whole incident wrecked my day and after looking through the rules I regret backing down.


  2. Hi Brad

    You are on a 250 now, but its old in comparison to the almost new bike. I got a 2010 125 evo for my son, after a 200 gg 04, no comparison. The evo is just a beast, lots of power, loads of tourque. you can do sections in 1st to 4th gear, and he never seems to be reving its nuts off. John has just had a double win at the last north island rounds at inters, so the skys the limit. You do have to work harder with more rider imput, but you will be a better rider in the long run. Dont be influenced by the point and shoot style used by many nz 250 riders. John Haynes will be at the nationals, make sure you ask him for a ride and have a decent ride, i am sure a 125 will last you many years.

    regards Pete

  3. Kiaora

    I think my son has had his gars 3 years. They are used a lot, at least twice mid week plus weekends. The soles were worn through where the footrest rub. We had them resoled as the tops were still good, plenty of scrapes and gouges but still very servicable. 40 nz$ for the soles and 45nz$ to be fitted. These boots are not looked after, live in the garage and are oiled with neatsfoot oil once a month if they are lucky. Well worth the money, NZ price 450$ so the soles were cheap.


  4. Hi

    Check that the throttle is not jamming on wide open. mine was worn and the cam with the cable running inthe groove use to hook up, but only when opened hard, as you do with engine not running. Riding it never caused a problem. good luck


  5. Hi

    At the top of trials central page click on the other box. the thingy drops down click on technical , Ron Milams collection comes up. Go to Engine oils and fuel ratios . All will be reveald about ratios that even a idiot like me can understand. Then go to Google and search 2 stroke fuel ratio and I got a chart with how much oil per ltr per 5 ltr per 10 ltr for most ratios. I think it may be from the Hell team website in Aussie.

    Now I am a expert


  6. Hi

    They tried useing 4t in mx in New Zealand. I think is was 125 2t 250 4t in the same class, with the 2t being faised out over a few years. Motorcycling New Zealand had to change their mind as the maintanance on the 4t was 3 or 4 times the cost of 2t. Not just piston and rings every 5 hours on the 4t puppys, and you need more technical knowledge


  7. Hi

    Hot and sunny again today :thumbup: Sunday we have a trial demo at the gold mine in Waihi ,NZ for their open day. It involves our expert and some junior riders. My lad is rideing and i am hopeing to find the air filter full of gold dust. This must be the first event ever in a gold mine. Just thought I would let you now so you can look at the snow and dream.

    Feet up (on the sofa) and stay warm Pete

  8. Hi

    Dont know what to buy for my 14 year old. we dont have any 010s 125s in the country yet, so cant try one. We would like feedback on the new gas gas and beta. Bottom end power , smoothness, get up and go. Its hard to make a decision just reading the spec. Has the new crank in the gasgas made much differance.


  9. Hi

    Thinking of buying a 2010 GasGas 125. I have some questions, we poor kiwis have not had any 09 imported so i have not seen the new frame model.

    Is the new frame more forgiving (stable) than the old, is the motor still a rev hungry monster or is there more bottom end power. Please let me have some feedback, is it more suited to better riders or is it my dream machine, a wobbly slack dabbing idiot thts capable of much better. The importer is going to let me know how much and when as soon as he knows, possibly arriving february. Having to wait that long, lifes a bitch, then you die.


  10. Hi Hondaman

    Iam sure Gorden Anderson from Nelson [ contact him through Pioneer mcc website] still has a small wheeled 80cc Sherco. Identical to a full size bike except for wheels and forks. You probably have a couple of years to find the parts to upgrade if you choose. Triplex motos in Auckland have a TXT Cadet 50 [ see trade me] that seems cheap, Small cc capacity bikes are few and far between. so just keep asking around . Lastly why not use the crf 80 untill you find something more suitable. This is new zealand just ask and i am pretty sure you will be ok. mx tyres ok. This definatly ok at club trials in north island, and people only complain when junior starts beating them. In kiwiland its bums on seats we need, or at least feet on footrests Have feet up fun


  11. I have got a GasGas 200 and have started having problems with the fan. It doesn't come on unless you give it a flick. I don't know if it is the fan that doesn't work or something else. Does anyone have any suggestions

  12. Hi

    Try looking on the wwwtrials training centre. this USA site gives you all the info on the basic technique and more. Gives you a start, and its too cold for you to go out today, probably snowed in. you will have to google it to find the correct address of the site.

    I dont know how the Kaikoura 3 day is going as the weather forcast is for heavy snow down to low levels


  13. Hi

    Water in the oil again. Gas gas 200 the waterpump was replaced 28th march, this fixed the problem. but today a lot of water in the oil. Is there a way to test if the water pump is leaking, Help need advice, very dejected . If i had a gun i would take the bike out the back and shoot the basta**


  14. Hi

    Need to repack the silencer on a 04 gas gas 200. Where is the best place to cut it open. Top straight across top on the grove thats pressed into the silencer bottom or length ways. Need to know before i attack it with hacksaw angle grinder and tin opener.

    Feet up


  15. Read a item in the press a few years ago. 3 motorcross bikes on a trailer, boys stopped at a supermarket and when they came out the trailer had been stolen. No one saw anything ect ect. We need to be carefull not to give the opportunity to the scumbags, even in kiwi land


  16. Hi

    If riders are taking longer in sections then it does not change the waiting at sections. They take longer at all sections so its just the same, or am i simplifying the thing. Had the rules here a while and works well. Riders hopping 3 times then footing then back on the pegs 3 more hops then footing etc, think they can hop when they can not. 1 dab line it up and go, thats me . I know i cant hop.

    Feet up


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