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Posts posted by shercoman2k8
  1. I for one, and I imagine im talking for a lot of you guys, look forward to reading them after a good days trialling on the Sunday. As Donald says, we may not always respond but they are read, without fail in this household and also printed out for father to read, may not touch many nerves with me being 14 but him almost hitting sixty remembers the times you talk about.

    We both find them of deep interest and look forward to reading them weekly... hope you carry on for many years to come!


  2. What year is the bike, 08?

    If your a gentle rider maybe you could have a blockage in the exhaust, carbon buildup... this will cause a slight bogging down.

    Could be fuel? Drain the tank, empty the fuel from the float bowl on the carb, replace fuel hose and filter if using one and try again. With it being after a few hours your bike could be running low in the tank so not much weight from the fuel above forcing through.

    Only other thing I can think of is weak spark, take your plug out, dry out the plug cap and shove a new plug in. Remove flywheel cover, spray a load of WD40 in there, kick the bike over a few times, dry excess WD out.

  3. Personally, I dont think its a genuine 08, it may be 07 with 08 plastics and graphics, look at the forks in the video, the 08 had black kevlar wraps, they dont... also, a light season, yet he's managed to break the front mudguard to the point where it needs a replacement from another bike? Those mudguards dont break easily!

    I may be wrong but I smell a rat.

  4. Patience... patience? That took me a good four hours :thumbup: Just could not get those bits in the background with the selection tool, kept wanting to select his helmet too..

    Not a freind as such, just local rider Gary Macdonald, with a slightly strange look on his face?

    Will mess around with the intensities of dark and light patches later if I get time and see if you notice an improvement..



  5. Hey Mark,

    That telephone No. is 'live' for the US..betcha can't resist ringing it to see who picks it up?

    They sell everything ;)

    Too late, I found... to my surprise, myself speaking to the manager at Orlando Florida's Walmart supercentre!

  6. Been suffering now for a few weeks, quite surprised really with me being only 14, but I suppose anyone can get it... Its developed at a tremendous rate over the past three weeks to the point where I ended up having my wrist imobilised by the hospital, the pain's really really bad today so thought I'd pop in here :D

    I found getting a weights constriction glove, york fitness do one available from argod for

  7. Ahhh, these things...

    You cant adjust preload as such, but you can slow or speed up dampening and rebound seperately.

    If you want to do preload you'll have to dismantle the forks, remove the plastic tube and make up an new one of the same diameter.

    You can try screwing the large nut with the screws in it, a bit... not to far though, that will make a difference, if thats not to your liking just adjust the two screws, they make a huge difference to the feeling of the bike and you SHOULD be able to get it how you want!

  8. Cheers, I know the puddings in the preperation... had a few dodgy jobs before and had to start from scratch on various items. Although its a daunting task I suppose it'll need doing properly!

    Paul, where can I purchase the pj1 paint? Is the gloss black almost like the 09 sherco finish? Seen it somewhere before, just cant think for the life of me... ebay maybe.



  9. Hey guys,

    Just wondering, wanting to paint the block in my 06 black... what paint's best to use? What, if any needs doing apart from degreasing, should the old paint be removed considering its in perfect condition. Sanding?

    Anybody know roughly how many coats of what paint/primer will be needed?


    Also like to comment upon closure of the mechanical talk sub-forum.

    The sub-forum was quite frequently used, and most questions not related to a certain bike... many threads in there about tools, general maintenance for ANY bike, stuff that wouldnt be bike specific or general trials talk. Maybe, just maybe.. it could be re-opened, take this question for example, this isn't bike brand specific so it has to go in here, where only 30% of people with the right answer will look. Mechanical I'd say 90% of people would look in there! There's a lot of people who dont venture into any other forums apart from mechanical and their bike specific one!

    So yeah, any chance of it being re-opened but point out its for the non bike specific stuff?



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