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Glasgow V America


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If last weeks attack had happened in a US airport,compared to glasgow

Eyewitness accounts.

America:"Oh my God! there was a man on fire,he was running

about, i just ran for my life..i thought i was gonna die,he got so

close to me"

Glasgow "C*nt wis running aboot on fire,so a ran up n gave

him a good boot,then decked him"

America:"I just wanna get home,away from here..i just wanna

get home,i thought i was gonna die"

Glasgow:"here shug,am no leaving here till am oan a f*ckin' plane!"

America:"there was pandemonium,people were running in all

directions,we didn't know what was hapening,i thought i was gonna die"

Glasgow:"F*ck this fir a kerry oan,moan we ll get a pint in"

America:"We thought he was gonna blow us all up he had a

gas canister,and was trying to get into his trunk,i thought we were

gonna die,i just ran for my life"

Glasgow:"a swaggered by the motor that wis on fire,and the

dafty couldnae even open his boot,he wis in fire annaw so a ran up n

gave him a good boot to the baws"

America:there was this huge explosion,it sounded like war,i

thought i was gonna die"

Glasgow:"There wis a bang,yi know when yi throw BO basher

intae a fire it wis like that"

America:"i'm too traumatised even to speak,i thought i was

gonna die"

Glasgow "here mate,gies 2 minutes till a phone ma auld

dear,if am gonna be

oan the telly a want her tae tape it"

& finally, two quotes from an eye-witness.........John Smeaton (these

are real)

John just surpassed himself on the National ITV news. The


asked "What message do you have for the bombers" - he replied

"This is Glasgow we'll just set about you"

John also did an interview on CNN and they asked how he restrained the guy and he said "me and other folk were just tryin to

get the boot in and some other guy banjoed him" !

John Smeaton - Local Hero

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Liverpool Airport was shut for 8 hours yesterday due to a 'suspect vehicle'.

A police spokesman said suspicions were raised as the vehicle was taxed, insured and the stereo was still in it.

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Liverpool Airport was shut for 8 hours yesterday due to a 'suspect vehicle'.

A police spokesman said suspicions were raised as the vehicle was taxed, insured and the stereo was still in it.


It must of had wheel's on aswell.

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John Smeaton, the baggage handler who tackled the fools and who appeared on TV has become a cult hero here in Scotland. A website has even been set up for him www.johnsmeaton.com with a view to setting up a fund to buy him 1000 pints. That target has now been passed.

Only the Scots will understand this, but it is sheer class :wub:

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John Smeaton, the baggage handler who tackled the fools and who appeared on TV has become a cult hero here in Scotland. A website has even been set up for him www.johnsmeaton.com with a view to setting up a fund to buy him 1000 pints. That target has now been passed.

Only the Scots will understand this, but it is sheer class :wub:

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No Andy I understand it, sheer class and I have not yet visited Scotland. Fair play to him a humble baggage handler just got stuck in and no messing. 1000 pints??? The bloke should drink for free for life in his home town. 1-0 to Scotland. Sheer class. :wub:

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John Smeaton and his act of bravery should be officially recognised, 1,000+ pints is all well and good but the bloke's a hero in my eyes. Sir John Smeaton or summat? :wub:

My fave bit off the front page:

"And there he towered. Feet firmly planted, arms folded, with a glowing Mayfair clamped between Eastwood-esque jaws, he surveyed me disdainfully, like he would an oversized golf bag needing to go onto the 10.25 BMI flight to Heathrow." :wub:

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In this looney, pc world that we live in I'm surprised he hasn't been charged with assault or sued by Mr Jihad.

Top bloke, if there were more like him willing to have a go then the world would be a better place.

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It is becoming blatently obvious that Bigfoot has never pi$$ed off a BBW at the Atlanta airport! :wub:

Dunno 'bout Atlanta but I'm pretty sure he's p*ssed off a few people in the DFW area.

Never been to Atlanta but have p*ssed off US imigration & customs people in plenty of other US airports. Imigration detention cell at New Orleans brings back some fun memories. :wub:

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It is becoming blatently obvious that Bigfoot has never pi$$ed off a BBW at the Atlanta airport! :wub:

Dunno 'bout Atlanta but I'm pretty sure he's p*ssed off a few people in the DFW area.

Never been to Atlanta but have p*ssed off US imigration & customs people in plenty of other US airports. Imigration detention cell at New Orleans brings back some fun memories. :wub:

Not DFW but what did I say?

Now where were we "Bubba"? I suppose I'd better watch out at Hawkstone.

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