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How Often Do You Change Your Spark Plug?


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Those darned Monty plugs are expensive too!

It is sort of a funny chain ov events, yet as I recall, the VX plug that was only used for a few trials came out of my '05 bike when I sold the bike and went into my '07 bike when I got it in about December '06 and is still in the bike.

All plugs in a 2T seem to require a bit of special treatment to prevent them from fouling with gas and oil, but the VX platinum is more resistant to fouling than a standard plug, and if you keep it clean it will last with no problem. You need some heat in the motor and do some hard runs and occasionally rev the pee out of it to keep it clean, same for exhaust. I run them at .027-.028 reliably!

I have a spare used VX that was in my '03 bike when I sold it in '05. Just an old beater for a pinch! :huh:

I still have 2 new spares somewhere in my kit box I think. :P

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I have a spare some where, I can only remember fouling maybe 4 plugs in the last 10+ years, two of those were the new split fire, which fouled within 5 minutes in my Banshee. I can't say I don't change one on occasion 2-3 yrs maybe, always wonder why after :huh:

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