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How Many Trials Manufacturers Is Too Many?


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It's debatable if many of the P65/TS guys would still be in Trial if it was'nt for the P65/TS bikes being still in circulation.The owners of P65/TS are probaly not such a lose to the modern scene as you may think.

Trials is'nt just about the sections and at what rule there ridden,Trials is also about the character of the bike,If they made a moden TS i would buy.

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It's debatable if many of the P65/TS guys would still be in Trial if it was'nt for the P65/TS bikes being still in circulation.The owners of P65/TS are probaly not such a lose to the modern scene as you may think.

Trials is'nt just about the sections and at what rule there ridden,Trials is also about the character of the bike,If they made a moden TS i would buy.

And then there's guys like me,I bought a TS,then a Air Mono,and nowI'm hot to buy a modern bike,Trying to justify a new "Econo" model but hoping for that bargain 5 to 10 year old bike,I just want to do things my Fantic seems to struggle on, For me,once I get my AirMono through something I can then figure out a way for me to ride it on the 240.I don't think I'd risk a XPA with my money though...Don't have that much to burn...

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Trials is'nt just about the sections and at what rule there ridden,Trials is also about the character of the bike,If they made a moden TS i would buy.

I saw some pictures of modern twin shock bikes on here somewhere, they look good.

When you read debates on here about stop or no stop rules you get about a 50/50 split for one way or the other.

I don't see any reason an air cooled jug can't be married with modern bottom ends, and some very sensible twin shock bikes produced, I think if new machines were available the classic style trial could be very popular, the full meal deal though!! rules, sections, bikes, I'm fast loosing interest in what this game has evolved into, and chances are if dad isn't bothered my lad's won't be either.

I don't think the sport has the appeal it once had, because the whole game, machines, rules, bikes seem to be geared around what half a dozen circus acrobats want, and not the customer.

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Your bang on the money there Ishy, as the common plodder who 90% of the buyers are, why cant the manafacturers see what we need rather giving a pogo stick champion a bike and trying to convince us? I'm getting fed up with the modern scene and switching to pre 65, as many others are looking at the prices of bikes!

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I saw some pictures of modern twin shock bikes on here somewhere, they look good.

They did look nice,i would of looked into buying either one.

Greeves have missed a great opportunity here,instead of giving us more of the same they could of given us a modern TS.

Ok it would'nt of been suited to the WTC as it currently runs,but we do know from 2009 and 2010 that the david pye Fantic 300 TS made it round the SSDT,what more evidence do we need that a modern TS could work very well with young and old.

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I'm getting fed up with the modern scene and switching to pre 65, as many others are looking at the prices of bikes!

You haven't seen the price of a competitive 2"pre 65" then !

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I too would think a new Fantic or any other twinshock bike would be a great seller , We've already done all the R&D improvements to the bikes as a whole . They would be alot less intimidating to the newcommer too . And also cheaper to produce ...

Imagine being able to go to a dealer and buy a brand new Fantic 240 with a steeper fork angle , better footpegs , and a swingarm shaft you could lubricate , it would also have a flatslide carb and a new ignition system ! Or a Ty/Majesty with 350 cc ... And they would just have to use a floating pivot drum brake , as I don't think anyone ever came up with a better drum design ... Yet .

I think that as many that could be built would get sold , and our rider ranks would increase . And yet it would level the playing field a little , make the sections more realistic for most , and take some of the circus sideshow element out of the sport ...

Alot of what keeps the twinshock movement going is guys like me or Doug that are actually mechanics and see a old bike and think how easy it'll be to make a competitive ride out of that , instead of some guy buying a old bike and paying to have it built . Most of us trials Guys work on our own bikes , where as most of us TS/pre65 types have the want /need / desire / ability to build /fabricate the final bike we want ... If a modern TS could just be simply purchased , there would be alot more folks riding them.

Just my Sat. Morning Rant ...

Glenn :mellow:

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In my opinion the more manufacturers there are the better, this will mean that there will be an increased competition between companys. This will there for bring down the prices of bikes which will be good for us the consumers. :rolleyes:


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