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Week 181 - How Would You Spend Your Cash?


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Have to agree about the Ulster. I went there a couple of times with a friend who raced there in the early 90.s. Sat in the ditch on the inside of the cuircit about 500 yards from the start just as they come on to the straight, mindblowing! Puts spectating at Brands Hatch into perspective.

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I was very fortunate in the 90's to have some very good road racing sponsors on board. It always amazed me how much help people or companies were prepared to give for so little measurable return.

All I can put it down to much of the time is 'feel-good' factor. If a team makes the effort to show their appreciation then I believe that is giving value for money.

Increased sales due to the advertising on the bike is negligable but a large signed picture above the MD's desk is worth a fortune.

As trials riders we often choose one type of tyre over another because it is

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Leaving aside MotoGP and Superbikes, sponsorship is not always about returns, but helping out 'cos you can afford to and getting a personal kick when the lucky chaps/chapess you are sponsoring do well. If you are businessman, most of the outlay can be set-off against the tax bill anyway so instead of the tax man getting it you might as well let 'Young Johnny' have a bit.

What continues to amaze me in our little world of trials, is how much time and money parents of decent young riders (arguably future Euro/World champ material) plough into their offsprings season with trips abroad etc with very little or no help from the importers or the ACU. Wouldn't it be nice if the ACU could rustle up enough sponsorship to run a Federation Team (as the Spanish do) so that the hard working parents could take a back seat for a season or two. Pigs might fly.

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Wouldn't it be nice if the ACU could rustle up enough sponsorship to run a Federation Team (as the Spanish do) so that the hard working parents could take a back seat for a season or two. Pigs might fly.

All well & good but how many folk would want to pay the price the Spanish lads do for a competition licence?

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All well & good but how many folk would want to pay the price the Spanish lads do for a competition licence?

What is the difference $ wise between GB and the Spanish competition licence Perce. In Australia our governing body have reduced our Open full Trials ONLY yearly licence by about 20%, now about $180 yearly. ( bout 90 pounds)

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All well & good but how many folk would want to pay the price the Spanish lads do for a competition licence?

My point is that sponsorship would fund the team. Always amzes me that trials riders are as tight as ducks arses when in comes to licences and entry fees but don't bat an eye lid forking out for bits for the bike.

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well the uk licence is a tenner and the spanish is a couple of hundred euros or so . i dont need a couple of lads to ride round in a big red truck thanks very much so i'll stick to me tenner. as for sponsership sundays i ride but saturdays i do the football and support non league team Scarborough Athletic. http://www.scarboroughathletic.com/ I put a fair bit in through sponsership of the radio programme match sponserships etc. i odnt want anything back other than the pride i get when they win a game.

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Wouldn't it be nice if the ACU could rustle up enough sponsorship to run a Federation Team

Ive been in the middle of the same argument some time ago,the replies i got back was"why should i pay for a bunch of kids to be on holiday" Lol.

I guess theres just not enough belief among the ordinary trialer with how top level trials is run for people to want to start spending out for the kind of thing your talking about.

Its going to be a very long time before Britain see another World Champion.Theres to many spaniards in the way and there still young.

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