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What's happened to the Normandale Traditional Championship?


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From the Bemrose with 200 entries and over subscribed, to this weekends round with an enrty of approx 35% that number.

Many top names who competed in the earlier rounds appear to be dropping out each round.


Where is everyone?

Why are the entries declining each round?

What's gone wrong with the championship?

Other classic championships appear to be going from strength to strenght ie, the PJ1 Northern British Bike Championship and that's without twin shock classes.

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Bemrose is probably not a good comparison as it is a trial in its own right which attracted 100 entries in previous years. This year they applied for it to be a Normandale round and still included the normal Bemrose classes. Two trials in one. Normandales were averaging around 90 so put the two together and they ended up with over 200.

I know some feel that some of the rounds are too easy (so do I) for the usual Normandale standard. The Miller series caters for the next rung down from Normandale allowing the Normandale sections to offer more of a challenge. Travel to the events is very expensive now from any distance and if some riders feel that they aren't going to get a good challenge, then they may feel the expense isn't worth it. Nothing worse than a 4 or 500 mile round trip to lose a couple of marks and finish 10th. I haven't ridden this particular trial for a while now but when I did I felt it could have been more challenging, along with the Bemrose, Doncaster Cup and Presidents. If you have a five from misfortune (chain off for example) your day is over and that isn't how it should be in a national championship.

The clash with the Lakes certainly won't have helped as a good number of riders that compete in the Normandale ride the Lakes too. First time to my knowledge that there has been such a clash and something to bear in mind next year when setting the fixture list.

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Fair points Woody but:

3 Twin shocks

4 Air cooled mono

And 5 Pre 65 enteries

For what is a british championship round ?

I'm sure its nothing to do with the clubs, they all know how to run a good trial and there's lots of hard work goes in to organising these events

Woody I think you may be right. Plenty of people don't appear to have issues traveling large distances and in some cases including overnight stays to some events. Maybe the championship needs clear guidelines on section plotting, observing and application of the rules to ensure that the prestige of a british championship is re-created.

Good old fasioned sections observed correctly can be chalenging enough for anyone, yet not dangerous to less skilled riders (like myself).

Edited by d230
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That's a poor entry no doubt but I haven't got any answers other than what I put previously.

I disagree with you thoughts about the clubs, but I'm cautions of being critical as I know the hard work that goes into an event. But, if a trial is too easy it is the club's decision to run it that way - unless weather plays a part of course. Two or three of the rounds are too easy for a national championship and have been on a regular basis, particularly where we have had to ride sidecar sections. I know for a fact that whilst no-one wants bike or bone breaking trials, neither do they want to drive a 4-500 mile round trip to lose just 2 or 3 marks and still finish about 10th on that low a score. Riders will accept that situation in a local club trial but not a national championship which should provide a stiffer challenge. They can do that without being over the top. There is nothing wrong with a winner being on 15 or so marks. I've ridden this particular trial a couple of times and it was too easy on both occassions. If others feel the same they will stop going and ride locally.

Look at the Lancs County and Bootle rounds - huge entries as most agree the section severity is about right.

I do have one strong opinion on the series and that is that it should be run over two routes, as it was in its early days when it was just classic bikes, unless the nature of the terrain means the trial can cater for all over one route - Bootle manage this. Where it isn't possible, two routes should be used. At the moment, only a small percentage of the sections can contain an easier route for Pre65 and O50/60 on modern bikes. But the Pre65 riders that take part in this championship are of a good standard on well prepared bikes and don't want the easier route. Two routes woould allow the championship on one route and non-championship on an easier route, although it may be better to run the O50/60 championship on the easier route. I have friends who would ride on twinshocks if there was an easier route but they won't ride whilst it is one route. It would also solve the problem of the Pre65 riders who don't want the easier route.

I think given the hard times we are in, a trial has got to offer riders what they want before they will foot the expense of travelling long distances to events.

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Its a lot to do with the cost of travel as far as I am concerned. I have ridden this series for about 12 years now without missing many, but this year with the fuel costs travelling from the South Coast has meant a huge increase in costs.

We aslo need to get back to one rote, or if an easier route is needed for non championship only.

Edited by jordi
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Its a lot to do with the cost of travel as far as I am concerned. I have ridden this series for about 12 years now without missing many, but this year with the fuel costs travelling from the South Coast has meant a huge increase in costs.

We aslo need to get back to one rote, or if an easier route is needed for non championship only.

Definitely the cost of travel, and also accomodation if a stop over is required, is a factor at the moment, but I think more relevant is weighing up that cost against the event itself.

Going to events like Lancs County, Bootle, Hillsborough is worth the cost as the standard of the trial is right, therefore riders will be prepared to meet that cost. A 4-500 mile mile round trip to an event where you can clean some sections without having to get off your bike to look at them, then maybe you will think twice when money is tight.

Persoanlly I think there are too many classes now for one route, too much variance between rider ability and age. Some have dropped into the O50/60 class on modern bikes as it allows them to ride the easier sections as they no longer feel up to the challenge of the harder sections on a PRE65 or T/S. Still believe 2 routes is the way to go. Unless events are like Bootle and the terrain allows one route.

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I think a lot of championships dwindle towards the end of a series as people weigh up the cost of improved placings against the cost of travel.

If the trial is a cracker then they will make the effort as its worth it anyway. (lakes. Bootle/Lancs weekend etc)

Sundays trial was again very well organised and a very well run trial. Possibly not a classic as the trial is made up of several good bits of land linked with some basic road work. Sections possible a little easy this year but terrain seemed dryer than last year so hard to say.

Maybe 3 rounds in a month doesn't help. A double header with Hillsborough might of helped as would a double header down south for previous round. Fuel cost these days out weigh a hotel stay (including beer and grub)

Also plod in Derbyshire seem to be getting a reputation which was again confirmed on Sunday so maybe some riders don't want the hassle?

As an O40 rider on modern bike I think maybe the older rider on modern bike is where the championship is now heading and possibly most competitive. O50 and O40 both undecided going into last round.

I have enjoyed my 2 years of Normandales - harder traditional style trials suit me best as I'm good at slack dabs and hate hopping and flicking especially when we are supposed to be no stop.

A good championship takes all types of variation into the mix so it needs easy/hard, tight/flowing, muddy rocky. People will always ride what they prefer.

See you in Hillsborough and hopefully next year

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isnt there a real need in this series for weekend two dayers like bootle and lancs and the west of e and otter vale????

these are the ones that cost the money for the majority.

It's nice to have the odd weekend away with some mates at 2 day events now and again. It can still be cheaper than 2 seperate days of travel if your mileage is high and the events are on seperate weekends.

If the events give the riders what they want then they'll go. Lancs and Bootle had about 170 and 140? riders at their events, so that effectively answers any questions. If it came to it I'd miss other events to make sure I could do those two and the same for a few others.

On the flip side I've been to some where I haven't had to get off my bike to look at some sections as they are so easy and cleaned them no problem, and I am not the best rider out there. Up a bank, round a tree and back down again isn't what you expect in a national championship. It makes you think about that round for the next year - is it worth the expense, especially when there is a local trial that will offer more of a challenge.

I hate to sound critical as I know what goes into organising single lap 40 section trials and they are without question my favourite format. If it comes across as criticism isn't meant to be destructive or cynical, but the fact is, the event will influence the entry.

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Overall there is not much wrong with the Normandale series, making it harder may spice up the sharp end a bit, but would lower series support overall (imho). In fact it must numerically be the best supported National series. Though catering for such a wide variation of classes its a big ask to get it bang on every time. As said previously I think slightly lower entries later in the year is a natural ebbing of enthusiasm and economics, as I recall the summer lakes event was not a huge entry either, but likewise unlikely a reflection on the event or overall support for the series in its current format.

As Jimmyl says its good to have the variery of events with different sections and difficulties.

I'd be very suprised if next year doesn't kick off with a bumper entry as usual, economic situation notwithstanding.

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