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Everything posted by ringo
  1. Good Lord!! There used to be a way to lock a topic so that babbling idiots could take their nonsense to another forum. Take a second to go to my original post wherein I indicated that this same bull has been debated over and over again. Definition of a fool: Someone who talks about the same thing and does the same thing expecting a different result.
  2. Unless I ran out of one dollar bills.
  3. Isn't Hotters the one where the girls wear short shorts and tight tops??? I wouldn't be caught dead in such an establishment.
  4. What's MORE important to me?
  5. Hotel accomodations are going quickly. There are a couple of places within 10 minutes of the TTC [one so shady I wouldn't even suggest the Beave stay there] but I've booked off the main HWY right in between the TTC and Chatanooga. Close enough to get to the TTC [about 20 minues] in the AM and close enough to Chatanooga [about 10 minutes]in the PM to get front row seats at the..er..BAR, yeah that's it, the bar. For the life of me I don't know how anyone is going to be able to tell who I am, or any of the other Team Full Monty boys are. I'm sure we'll be so quiet and incognito that no one will even notice we're there. :madsanta:
  6. That's genius I never use LOL unless I actually laugh out loud. A voice of reason from within so much **** Love it <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've said it many times before but it never gets old. "Ishy, you are the man!!!!" BTW, did I ever tell you guys how I helped bring the Lakers back to championship form. How about when I helped Lance Armstrong win the Tour de France. Oh yeah, I was also able to inspire Tiger Woods to new heights in the golf world. Don't forget how I was able to convince President Bush to pull the trigger on Iraq. You see, living in Southern California I'm able to rub elbows with the biggest celebrities and ya'll know what kind of pull that has. Call me for tickets to Arnold's next big movie premier. I'll have plenty for everyone.
  7. Jean, If you don't mind, would you explain to me why Chris can't ride whatever level he chooses at the World Round? I honestly haven't followed this to much but I find it difficult to believe that anyone out there has the right to tell him what he can and can't do. Again, I'm not up to date so I do not know the story. I was under the assumption that we could ride both the National and the World Round. Thanks Johnny
  8. Nicely put Jean!!!! Somebody please tell educate me on how one earns world round points. I have some incredible video footage of Geoff Aaron, Chris Florin, Andy Johnson and Ray Peters at the first Duluth World Round [you know, the one I wasn't kicked out for getting KILLER video footage or our AMERICAN riders] Did they not score WR points? At the next WR in Duluth, I witnessed Cody Webb attack the WR sections like no other and continue on after drowing his bike and almost killing himself in a section. There is no doubt in my mind, after witnessing Cody and Chris, that they have what it takes to enter and compete in a world round. Furthermore, they are not scared, nor do they lack the desire. Geoff, on the other hand, is a business man and has chosen to ride trials for a living, is successful and is very smart about how he conducts his business, therefore his
  9. ringo

    Fao Al B

    There are men out there who've given up their jobs to be able to say that they've experienced the Team Full Monty Executive Tour Package. Hell, there are even a few who gave up their wives... or was it that their wives gave them up after finding out about it??? Only you can determine how much you would pay to be there when Martin Lampkin knocks on your door at 2:30 am to check out how us good ole American men party! Rumour has it that he still talks about it to this day. Of course this is all rumour and should not be spread to anyone so don't say anything about it.
  10. No worries about me spoiling any fresh powder this year. I snapped the a.c.l. in my knee on Christmas Eve. Sadly, I'll have to delay my quest for USA World Round points this year due to surgery and rehab. If anyone asks how I did it I'll have to lie and tell them that my parachute didn't deploy when I base jumped off the Statue of Liberty. Good news for Dan Brown is that I wont be able to scurry in front of WR riders in the sections. Hmmm... maybe I can get a disablity bib???
  11. ringo

    Fao Al B

    My inspection of the TTC is complete. Well, actually I only needed to inspect the area for the local night life entertainment so we'll[TFM] will be situated halfway between the TTC and Chattanooga so that we
  12. Disclaimer for the beave. Dear Mr. Beaver, Sendero's post, representing the despicable behavior that is so rampant in the wrestling world of television was one of pure sarcasm. He was referring to the actions that you and cityboytrials have lowered yourselves to with regards to what you feel is needed to
  13. Man I love this guy! Really knows how to say what's on his mind. Watchout Copenhagen, most people don't know how to deal with people who 'talk straight'. I have an excuse... Johnny Ringo was the 'Gentleman Outlaw' who shot from the hip faster than anyone else. Now ifn yous ta decide y'all think yer faster than me then I'll be meetin ya at the OK Corral at high noon.
  14. Dan, Thanks to you and Kathy for your hospitality! It was worth the extra 1000 miles. I would've stayed longer but the depression of not being able to ride or even hike to watch anyone else was killing me. Good news for you as you don't have to fix anything I might've destroyed. It was also a pleasure to meet Steve, Louise, Will and Bruce as well. Fine representatives of our trials community. As seen on these boards, many people are quick to offer an opinion, idea and or solution but what most of us [the people who actually DO stuff] know, it's all talk. As Ishy stated, I don't see a huge change happening in this sport, at least not for many many years. However, I will continue to promote the sport and rally the troups to get involved for a very simple reason. If more people don't get involved the sport is going to fade. Keep in mind that 'trials fading' in my area is far less detrimental than it is to our friends in areas such as Wyoming, Montana, etc. We could loose 50% of the trials riders in California and still have plenty of people to ride and host events. Some areas across the country only have clubs with 10 riders or less. You can see how important it is to have everyone involved. By broadening the overall view of the sport and getting more people involved, you bring more help into the overall picture. The ATA has decided not to host a National event or El Trial this year due to lack of support from within. Quite frankly, we [the same small % of people who create it year after year] are fed up with having to spend incredible amounts of money out of our own pockets and donating incredible amounts of our own time with less than favorable results. The idea is to get more people involved so that the few who have been doing all the work for all these years can take a break and ride a little bit more. Happy New Year y'all
  15. Dam Sendero, You beat me to the punch... so to speak. I was thinking about writing that exact post as I was driving across the states. Of course you are the best one to put into 'interview' form. Well done.
  16. No doubt No jive, Like having his girlfriend sell his industry credentials in the parking lot for extra cash at the Endurocross race in Las Vegas. Very creative. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey Craig, I'm wondering why you have such a hardon to dis our champ. You made such an incredible ass of yourself at Endurocross when you tried to get other people to join you in slamming him for not winning. What a sight to see your girlfriend drag you away by your collar. Before you bash someone for not winning an event that you wouldn't even have the balls to attempt walking the track, let alone ride it, you might try growing a set big enough to stand up for yourself and your friends at a party when your beyatch disses everyone and drags you out by the ear. Geoff's woman works 'with' him to advance his career. Your woman 'works' you like a puppet. ..Giant Milwaukee beer can slams down on Craig... "Men should act like men"!
  17. Ya know, with friends like Sendero, who needs a motorcycle? Yep, that's exactly how I remember it. Infact, that's all I remember from the whole weekend.
  18. Hey Ya'll, I may just have the ultimate solution. I don't think anyone has tried this. I've just booked my flight to pick up a motohome in Providence Rhode Island on Decemeber 26. I'll be driving back home via heading south towards TENNESSEE and then West to California. I'm thinking I'll go "Mark my Section" for the world round. I can place a banner on the side of the motorhome that says "Searching for a world level trials competitor, inquire within" Watcha think Dan? Can you send me an address so I can stop by and check the place out. By the time I get home I'll have all the applications that I've gathered sent to Dan at the Trials Trainging Center so the new United Stated trials promotions group can pick our next winner.
  19. Onestop, As this topic seems to be going along well with ideas, suggestions and simply pleasant discussion may I suggest that we move that question to another post? I was the one who called the Beave on that, it was hashed over for an extended period of time and, as much as I love to Bash the Beave, I think it should be laid to rest, at least from this thread. Only a suggestion. Ishy, once again you are 100% correct in that we need more volunteers in this sport. Of course guys like you and I know that because we are the 10% of the people who put on the local events, national events, and in your case World Rounds. Once again this leads back to grass roots. Baseball, basketball, soccer, etc. have moms and dads who will sign up to coach, assistant coach, etc. because they want to see their kids "get a scholarship" to go to college. Here's a thought. Let's get someone to put up a college scholarship for trials riding. Maybe it's $500 or maybe a bunch of clubs get together to offer more. In order to earn the scholarship the rider must maintain a certain gpa and must compete the entire local trials circuit. Now that might get some parental support.
  20. ringo

    Merry Christmas

    Hey Cope, one Ringo isn't enough for the world? Cool, my son is working his way up the ranks.
  21. Let me back up here just a moment. Ishy, you're absolutely right and my only focus of this thread was to give everyone a different perspective. I'm not implying that we should do anything. I just think it's funny how so many people keep talking about the same thing and attempting to resolve it with the same solution. Definition of a fool: someone who continues to do the same thing expecting a different result. You and I both know that nothing is going to change, but maybe we can change the content of this board somewhat. I also agree that the 'trials exhibitions' are more like a circus act for the people that don't know anything about trials. We've been saying that for years. No offense to Geoff intended at all because we love the shows and respect what he does. The statement made about how people see it and walk away shaking their heads is correct. Just remember when you first saw a trials event and how you couldn't believe your eyes. Then you saw a world indoor video and were stunned beyond belief.
  22. ringo

    Merry Christmas

    WOOOOHOOO! That's KILLER dude! What better Christmas present than a baby. Congratulations. Somebodies getting some
  23. Y'all need to start thinking outside the box. "we did this and that" Yeah, "we've done this and that for 30 years" and it doesn't work If some guy can pick up a calander, put a picture of the local high school football team and schedule on top, then go out and sell sponsorships to "help support the high school" then anyone can go out and do something similar for thier 'Trials calander" The calanders you see with the high school football teams schedule are done by outfits in Hollywood that hire kids or people with 'young' voices. They give them a script like: "Hi, I'm Bobby with Santa Clarita High School and I'm helping support the football team this year. Would you like to have your business card put on the calander to show your local support?" They then offer a pittance to the school after they've collected all the money. Nothing wrong with it, point is that we can take a local pizza shop, burger joint, lawyer outfit to sponsor the areas local trial in exchange for advertising. A lot of business, big and small, have advertizing budgets that simply haven't been tapped and it would be a great excuse to use the money. I don't care if our sport gets any bigger but it sure would be nice to see some of our kids earn some money to pay for tires, fuel, gear, etc. and keep them motivated to continue on in the sport.
  24. Well there you go. I believe that would make me the highest paid professional trials rider in America. This should allow me to skip the nationals and head straight for Tenessee shouldn't it?
  25. On that note, Ted Gansberger has done more than anyone in that respect via creating and funding the USA indoor championship series. I'm pretty sure he lost his ass on the two events and not sure he's going to continue the fight by himself. Not sure many men are willing to spend near $50k per event to try and expand the sport.
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