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Everything posted by ringo
  1. If your going to go, GO BIG. If your going to wine, buy yourself one of those fancy motorized banshee wheelchairs and take your sorry a.. to glamis. "Here's how you fix trials" Now that's funny!!!
  2. The Denali guys brought a trailer full of these bikes out to El Trial a few years back and, I'm not positive, but I seem to remember Geoff putting the bike to the test in a fashion that only he can. They seemed to do alright, not competition for the upper class but then again not to far away. Pretty cool concept.
  3. Alright already. I'll step up. If Martin provides me with a new 4RT I'll proudly ride the "Pro" class as well as Duluth this year. Hey, just doing my part to contribute to the sport
  4. ringo


    Hey RJ, Will you get Sendero sparkies for his: 2002 Rev Whatever & 1999 Technologicaly Delinquent He needs them before February so he and his son can come out to ride in the Peoples Republic of California. I'm on the road all week so can you call me 909 744-0324 to take care of billing and get those shipped out to him asap? Thanks Brotha
  5. Hey Jerry, How the heck ya been? Still swigging a fifth of Jack a night? What about riding? No, not the couch, or do you even have motorized scooter these days?
  6. So here it is Christmas time, I
  7. Or course this is my opinion, but it makes incredible sense to have a "coach" when you are competeing at any level of sport. The essence of a minder is just that. Just like any sport, your coach watches you practice and determines where your weakness' are and makes you work more in that area. During the competition the rider should focus on riding whereas the minder is their to: 1] help pick the line that is best suited for his rider 2] encourage and remind him that he can do the line because he did it before. 3] inspire him because we all thrive on encouragement. The coach/minder does not have to be as talented as the competitor and rarely ever is. [Jordi and Martin are definate exceptions] but even they should be passed up by their predicesors as the youngster should learn all of the masters tricks and then some [Dougie, Adam] The minder should not have a hand in catching bikes as the course should have specified people for that in danger areas [as they have become today] A solution to the problem would be to have a dedicated area such as the press area that is outside the section for the minders. The minder can verbalize everything that he/she needs to from that point and that would mean that only riders are allowed in the section. Damnit, did I just screw myself out of a killer picture position? I guess if it comes to that then I'll have no choice but to enter.
  8. Personaly I prefer the Hawaiian style bib
  9. Ishy, sick minds think alike . Thing is Sendero's 'tow job' isn't worth $250. Just ask Bagger! Of course I'll get blamed for the pregnant cheerleaders, I get blamed for everything. Didn't you hear Rumsfelds response to the lack of armored vehicles in Iraq? From the assassisted press "We have all our armored vehicles surrounding Duluth to keep Ringo out, our country can
  10. Ha ha ha, that's f,ing hilarious Next he's going to call and tell me he got it stuck at the bottom of some steep two track behind the high school cheerleading tryout center and I owe him $250 bucks for the tow job.
  11. I have about 6 broken levers you can have. Lewissport lever is currently on my bike and have had no problems John McGregor also makes an excellent lever that doesn't brake either. Had that one on the last Monty. I have a brand new one I'll sell ya. ringomoto@yahoo.com I bought both and my size 14 boots prefer the Lewisport but you may like the McGregor better.
  12. It sounded good anyway Thanks for clarifying. Whenever I'm filming I always ensure that the people behind the line can still see the action.
  13. To all my old friends and new ones{in the UK } I wish you the best Thanksgiving ever. May God fill your homes with happy relatives, your hearts with love, your stomachs with food and your "Petrol" containers with fuel so that you might enjoy a most fabulous ride this coming weekend. Johnny
  14. Yeah, that's it. When I fell I was knocked unconscience. I woke up and was sitting in the rental van at the bottom of a hill stuck in the mud and there was a swat team with guns leveled at me. The helicoptor above was yelling at me to release the strippers and no one would get hurt. I turned around to see the van was full of ladies from the four different clubs we visited the night before all passed out from sheer exhaustion. ***It wasn't me*** Someone set this whole thing up to bring down the Ringmaster. *** I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING***
  15. I suppose you want to take notes to see how you can improve on that in order to attempt to be the second man ever kicked out of a Duluth World Round? You sure you can deal with the rath of certain high ranking trials officials? How about being disowned by your closest friends? The rumors spread about your criminal intent goes beyond your wildest dreams to the extent that the entire world thinks your some kind of deranged lunatic. {not confirming or denying } The "wanted dead or alive" posters sure to be at the next event? All this and "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING"
  16. This just released via the assasisted press: World Moto Trials competetor Adam Raga shocks the world by signing a 5 year contract with the comback company of the century OSSA motors for a reported $1,500 a year. In a recent interview Raga stated: "I am very excited over OSSA's new 4 stroke motor. This is the first trials motorbike that doesn't weigh more than me and has more power than I will ever be able to use. Best part of my new deal is that I don't have to hear about the crazy Amercian, Ringo, making fun of my motorbike everytime he comes to dinner. Infact I had to kick him out of my country last year for being so doggone obnoxious" OSSA's research and design team has been secretly engineering the revolutionary new "Trivialossa" whose name represents its trivial weight of 132lbs full of fuel and oils. Congratulations to OSSA for an incredible return to the moto trials scene and good luck to Raga in the new year.
  17. Hey Dominic, let's think about this for a half second. 6'5" Blonde, Blue eyed, LOUD green Hawaiian shirt wearing guy in Minesotta, known by a majority of the trials community gets kicked out via radio so that everyone on the property knows, complete with police escort out to the van. If you believe that I was really trying to get back onto the property, by driving a van up to the section, then you might also want to have your checkbook ready for the brand new 4 stroke that I'll have available for $1500 Rather, consider the fact that I had all day to wait for the rest of my crew and decided to find a place to take a hang out by the bridge. I don't suppose you would opt to take a rental van for a spin on a dirt road if you didn't have anything better to do.
  18. Hey Jay, Simple solution... Stop riding like me!
  19. Rookies take note; Joe has taken a sarcastic post and turned it right back in my face with a well thought out response clearly showing that it takes two [nitwits] to tangle. Well done! Of course he knows very well that those places don't carry Monty parts. BTW Joe, did harbor Freight give your money back on that clutch basket for your bike or did you decide to keep the exchange program going? Nice to know that you only have to pay for the thing once [no matter how many times it breaks]
  20. ringo

    Beta 4t

    Honda wrote the book on the four stroke and I rode the XR600 for years then KTM brought in the monster replacement and the second I rode it I couldn't get my wallet out fast enough. Now it looks as though, true to form, Honda has written the book on the four stroke trials bike and if Beta/KTM come out with one I'll have to take out a second on my house immediately. I can see the list price already at $10k and yes, it will rotate the earth. I can already see Martin praying for this scenario to come true.
  21. The blabster demonstrates his riding style for the world. Looks like the shop section was so tough you had to paddle your way through it. Yes Nigel, I noticed your middle finger solute to me from your brake side. Was that because you were caught on one of those Heavy Montesas? BTW, what do you feed those catapillers above your eyes to keep em so healthy looking?
  22. Don't quote me on this but I think my 99 had a one pot front caliper and the 2000 had the double. As previously stated, the multi color forks would not be cost effective to replace as they are in the thousands I believe. I'm sure someone out there can verify this.
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