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Everything posted by ringo
  1. The last mud I saw was when skully knocked my beer out of my hand.
  2. Now that's worth talking about! Way to go Dan, Shan, Geoff and others. Nice to see some team work. I wouldn't mind some 'off site' communication regarding what input you may or may not want with this venture. I'm sure that I can lead a great deal of people towards a community effort to make improvements to the sport in a postive way as the unofficial, self nominated President of the American Trials Association. Oops, did I just say that out loud Captain?
  3. I'm not dating the South African girl anymore. I'm back to the mainland babes. When are you coming stateside to get a taste of some real American women, beer and desert riding?
  4. Man, that does bring back some cool memories. I remember following the boys down a sand wash. They were all on Maico 590's [at the time TFM was called M-Train cuz they all had em] I can still hear and feel my poor little KDX screaming as I kept bogging down, then shifting down to get back up on top of the sand, bogging down, etc. as I attempted to keep up. You can imagine how far ahead they used to get and that was when I learned that you always stop at Y's or T's in road to wait for the last guy. As I was always last, I never got to rest cuz the second they saw me they were off again. Truth be told, I think I was around 24 years old before I finally 'earned' my Hawaiian shirt. Now my son is 15 and, yep, he has a kdx!!! Crazy isn't it. Cheers to you all and have a great weekend riding!
  5. Bob & Charlie had been riding together with 'B' for years before I showed up in the dez as a skinny 15yr old kid on a KDX 250 [22 years ago]. GOOD LORD, did I just say 22 yrs?!?!? Back then, the Hawaiian shirt had to be earned and then presented on an inagurual trip to the dez. The few, the proud, the distiquished, would have to have proven themselves to be able to keep up with "the shirts" on at least a 100 mile ride and be fully prepared to take care of themselves, [flats, tools, water, etc] in the event of a mishap, hence the question: "Do you carry a tool pack?" at which point a small ceremony would be held in Bob's van and a new hawaiian shirt would be presented to the proud recipient. The Hawaiian shirt represented our disgust with all the 'fancy boys' with their 'fancy bikes' and 'pretty matching riding gear' who couldn't ride fast enough to get out of the way of our grandma pushing her walker on the way to church.
  6. Dabnabit!!!! You know my girlfriends can't have their pics posted. If their agents gets wind of this it'll cost me a fortune. Of course you had to post the one with Bob grabbing her ass to get me all ticked off again.
  7. Nice that the kid got away with his minder helping him maintain balance!
  8. Cody has my vote for next champ!! That kid rocks and is an incredible sportsman. As far as farming the section... '5'
  9. Ron, Thank you for the information. This definately sheds light on what the NATC does and enables a great deal of respect to be shown to the organization. I agree that many people [myself included] are out of the loop and don't understand and this is why I ask. It's important for people to have knowledge about what is going on and why things are the way that they are. Again, thank you.
  10. from left to right: Skull headed Mother F,er [Tim for short], Iron Man [Nathan], & the godfather of of the buch... 'B' [brian] Don't let the size fool ya, that guy will ride circles around anyone in the desert. In fact all three of those guys will leave you so far behind that they'll have time to fix a flat before you catch up. Iron Man was with me when we rode the Tecate Hare Scrambles on our Montesas. He finished 13th out of about 50 riders who were all on regular dirt bikes. Tell me that guy's not fast. Skully is our full time Betty Ford Clinic resident. Go try to figure out what he's saying. Just don't ask them about me
  11. Thanks Lineaway, We get $18 per $50 entry and NATC keeps the rest. I'm not sure about the $100 same day entry yet. I'm know there are NATC members that read this board and I'm requesting some input from them. I've talked to other clubs that have put on nationals and they are not sure where the money goes either. We have been putting on two day events combined with El Trial and figure that with average 75 entrants for the each day, the NATC is receiving $2,400 per round. Multiply that times 12 rounds and the NATC brings in a nice $28,800 receivable [note I did not say profit as I don't know] from the Nationals. I'm sure it's put to good use, we would simply like to know what that use is and what is available, if any. I'm thinking that we may be able to use some of the NATC money to advertise future NATC events to grow the sport a bit but that is only speculation. Once again, thanks in advance for info. Back to the world round at hand!!!
  12. Would an NATC member forward information on what the duties and responsibilities of the NATC are? A website maybe? Also, how are the funds that are derived from the National entries used and is any of that money available for future promotion of a national? Thanks in advance for the information.
  13. Cope, You're alright dude. I always respect someone who can come back with a good rebuttle. BTW, there is no doubt that the Williams sisters scores are better than mine.
  14. Somebody help our poor misguided Copenhagen. Did he really just tell me what to do?? I know, he must have just swallowed some of himself and is getting a head rush. Ok son, here
  15. California Nationals round 7 Note: if you look at the results they seperate the womens class. These results are based on all entrants points wherein the Williams sisters thouroly spanked most of the competition. The only rider to beat Christy was last years Pro class rider, Ray Peters. Expert class Cristy Williams 2nd Kerry Williams 4th Signed, Christy Williams #1 fan
  16. Aw gee Wally, I'm so sorry. I'm off to my AA meeting then off to my counselor to help me deal with the great depression I'm feeling over my misguided post. Seriously, we're all friends here and I think neonsurge said the same thing but in a much more passionate, caring, loving way. [just cuz that's the kinda guy he is] I just tend to be slightly more sarcastic than the average guy [then there's ishy!] Welcome to the circus. Neonsurge, I have to give credit where credit is due... the Fraceman has copped to having done the Bermuda shorts over the riding pants sometime before I was even born but...... The shorts I was wearing are silk and velvet with cotton dingle balls. Now if you can find some of those and continue the trend then I would be honored!!!
  17. Some guy starts a topic and thinks he is the coolist s**t head around. 1] you have a hiden profile so we can only asume that you are some pencil pushing geek that has no life, no friends and no other form of entertainment other than spending every extera moment on your computor. 2] You obviously don't have a clue to my sense of humor. 3] You don't know me nor do I know you so your sadly mistaken if you think you can get away with disrespecting me. 4] Take this as lesson number 1. Find out exactily who it is your talking sh*t about before you go making some stupid as* comment like that and you wont find yourself in the midst of a berage of insideous comments that might make you consider changing your sex, reason for living, and wonder if whether or not you should consider taking up a sport that suits you more, like knitting coffee table doiles for your grandmother. BTM if your mama has some extra time, I have a dollar she can earn! Now if you think you can step up to the plate and go head to head with Ringo then go for it. Otherwise, stay hidden behind your wimply little profile, proove that you are one of the typical old school 'stick in the a**' trials riders and don't ever talk sh*t about me again.
  18. I usually start around 5:30pm and go until 11:00pm. I'm able to do quite a bit as I have great lighting in and around my garage. I've learned to stop and drink water about every 45 minutes to keep me fully hydrated and I feel much better the next morning.
  19. THAT'S IT Ishy!! I'll be running the gate for our nationals and El Trial next weekend so I'll just take my "official gate person" bib to Duluth!! You don't think anyone will notice the difference do ya? Why do I have this funny feeling there will be more than one cop ridding around on wheelchairs this year?
  20. Hey Vinnie, I'm always for trying a different motorbike on a trials course. How does the Puch 50 do on a 10 ft splatter anyway??? Did you run it on Av Gas!
  21. Now there's a real man with a real trials bike!!!
  22. Ride On!!! It's nice to come back and see that there are still a few people here with a sense of humor! So I'm guessing that you ride a Puch moped around the streets.
  23. What does ERE stand for?
  24. Now that's what I'm talking about!!! h
  25. I've always laughed at people that say AV gas is unstable as it is intended for airplanes that operate at 3000 feet. That being said, all I can say about your post is that I've had the same spark plug in my bike for about two years. Maybe that's why I had to kick it more than once at the last trial.
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