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Everything posted by fivebrick
  1. Mammal- Everything is easier to learn when you hammer down the basics. I am pretty new to trials so I am no expert, but maybe I can offer some advice. Balancing and turning are pretty much the most crucial things in trials. What seems to happen is that beginners like us get so excited about learning the cool moves and we neglect the basics. Like most things in life, if the foundation is solid, the rest of the house is solid. I would maybe divy up your practice time like this: Balance with the engine off in the yard or garage a couple hours a week. While riding: Turning practice (full lock figure 8's etc)- 40% Logs and rocks (double blip etc)-20% Climbing and descending hills-20% Just riding and having fun (trying more advanced stuff like hopping)-20% Something like that anyway. The better you are at turns the better you'll be in general. Good luck.
  2. I have mixed feeling about this. On one hand I like the idea of getting more people involved. On the other I like the fact that trials is somewhat 'underground' and obscure in many places.
  3. http://trialstrainingcenter.com/how-to-ride-motorcycle-trials/basic-turns/ Try this!
  4. Fred I would call Ryan Young Products and get some info from him.
  5. If Gas Gas bikes become unavailable, which brand will you purchase? If you feel like it, tell us your reasons.
  6. I know that feeling! Rode twice yesterday and man I am wiped.
  7. How many times per week/month/year do you typically ride?
  8. Billy sorry just saw your post. Got it sorted, was a clogged pilot jet, thanks all.
  9. Engine Ice brand maybe you're thinking of?
  10. If it is in good shape, clean and a fair price by all means get it.
  11. Exactly but so many riders are guilty of it. Even advanced riders.
  12. I was coached to keep the feet straight ahead on the pegs. Having the heels in and brushing up against the swingarm was discouraged. The paint on the swingarm being rubbed off was especially bad! Anybody have any ideas on this. This was at TTC.
  13. Not sure if this is relevant enough but the GAS GAS importer recommends 1/2 turn out on the Keihin.
  14. Should the tops of the forks be flush with the top triple clamp, or should the forks come out a bit, maybe a quarter inch or so?
  15. I ended up buying a new pair of boots. On the old ones I put some flex seal on and it appears to have mended the sole decently. I will give em a ride ands see if they hold up. Would be good to have a backup pair.
  16. Anybody have solutions for fixing a sole that is wearing through from footpeg pressure? Would rather fix than buy new boots if possible. Resole? Shoe Goo? Flex Seal? Cheers
  17. They get better and better as they break in- and they don't need much of that. Glad to hear that you like em.
  18. I have an Airoh, pretty good dome but still gets hot-just much less hot than my other.
  19. JFC the bike seems to act this way after a long climb or high revving section just as you had mentioned. I am living with it becuause it happens so infrequently. I am pretty sure the radiator and fan are ok.
  20. My bike runs fine 99.9% of the time. Last two outings for about 1-2 min the bike was knocking and sort of sounded like it wasn't getting enough fuel. During this I put the choke on and it sounded better (didn't ride with choke on just wanted to see what it would do). Turned choke off and it still ran but knocking and pinging a bit. Then after a minute or two it's just fine and rides normally. Totally went away both times and rode the rest of the day no problem-just wondering if anybody else has had this happen and what it was?
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