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Posts posted by ChrisCH
  1. Isn't the newer one (master cylinder) a braktec?  I can see that there is a replacement one in that brand available.  Wondered if this would help on the wife's bike.  Also there is an aftermarket disc, might help.  The Beta back brake is a bit wooden compared to my TRS.  I find it OK but she doesn't really press it hard enough.  We fitted Galfer pads on the front and this has improved the braking, but again a bit wooden compared to the TRS.  A friend has a late model Factory Evo and the front brake is noticeably sharper and again a braktec master.  (Std on Factory)

    I like the Beta but the brakes are pants.  (That's "shorts" for the US contingent)

  2. We import from the EU and the lack of any agreed deal on intra-community VAT will almost certainly noticeably increase prices.  Some products will also be subject to tariffs, again dependent upon whether or not some sort of trade agreement is done.  I think (as do most people) Johnson was waiting for the US election results and will now be forced to avoid the hard line no deal that would have been the outcome if Trump had won.

    I have had countless letters and emails from HMRC telling me to "get ready" but not what to get ready for.  We are near the end game now and soon it will become obvious whether or not EU imports will have to go up by a tiny bit that no one much notices or a lot, or (unlikely) not at all.

    My best guess is that it will add maybe around four or five percent to the cost of goods to us on the warehouse floor.  The primary cost will be the need to appoint an import agent and to pay bonded warehousing or other customs costs.  If tariffs are imposed then you can maybe look at 10% on motor vehicle parts and complete bikes, so what, 5-600 on a Beta 250.

    It is harder to judge the effect on the pound and we are already pretty low in terms of the Euro exchange rate.  I think it is unlikely that this will be a big factor in the short term but going forward downward pressure on GBP has to continue as exporting becomes much harder.

    Chinese and other non EU goods are mostly already subject to the same customs and VAT issues and so will be less affected.  Time to buy a Tenaci Wong.

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  3. 51 minutes ago, Intotrials said:

    I totally agree, unfortunately the government health advisers may not share the same view. I had a NHS senior nurse who complained to me about going out ""off roading" on my motorbike during this epidemic stating that it was selfish because I was potentially placing myself at high risk should I crash and require medical assistance adding additional strain on the NHS system.  

    It is an unfortunate reality that humans are not very good at risk assessment or statistics and especially things they know little about.  I would hazard a guess that doing DIY in lockdown is more "dangerous" than riding in a trial.  I never know quite the right way to react to such a comment, I guess it depends on the person.  You could ask her (stereotype on my part - or him) why pedestrians don't have to wear a crash helmet, but (and I guess) the irony would probably be lost.

  4. 13 hours ago, jon v8 said:

    ..Yes, it will be a bit different, but still a trial to ride - It could be worse,no trials is rubbish. The trials I have ridden in covid safe mode have been fine,the measures taken have been no big deal. 

    Likewise our club.  Everyone has been sensible and it has been as near to safe as you can get without a full hazmat suit (bit sweaty I think).  ACU doing a good job.

  5. 2 hours ago, mercuryrev said:

    ... There was also a bit of politics in buying locally......


    Yes, well done for that.  Probably a smart move.  Now you have ingratiated yourself you might want to have a trip to Dherby at some point.  (https://www.dherbeymoto.com/marchand/index.php) We called in on the way down year before last to buy the missus some trials pants (women's sizes seem almost totally absent in the UK).  It is a great shop.

    We stayed overnight in Grenoble (Holiday Inn) and the fireflies were swarming outside the building, the mountains in the background.  Quite something.  Then drove over the mountains past the ski slopes and some incredible scenery.  The walnut orchards are impressive too.

    Stunningly beautiful part of the world.  Incredible range of trials bikes and clothing and spares.  Lovely hotel and food and a memorable trip.  If only I could persuade them they need an English speaking salesman.....

  6. 1 hour ago, mercuryrev said:

    ... I wonder when it will dawn on people exactly what we are losing.

    My guess is when some oldie gets hugely fined for overstay one winter and then complains to the Daily Mail that that is not what they voted for...

    Glad you have some riding sorted out.  As you say there are lots of kind and lovely people there.  I cannot honestly recommend coming back here for anything.  I consider it to be the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.  Also I feel that in the last 5 years or so it has got much worse.  All that said I would not have enjoyed the lockdown in Montpellier, at least here we live in the countryside and it was not too bad at all.  If I can wangle an Irish passport we will retire to Normandy/Brittany area and buy somewhere with land round it.  I will be building a trials course needless to say and hope to find some new friends to play with.

    I might even buy a 300 Gasser now I know how to tame it.

  7. 11 hours ago, mercuryrev said:

    Lovely location to have a place and yes the French love their taxes! Shame to lose it though? Another benefit of Brex*t.

    We've got about 7 months to go and then we can have permanent residency and at the moment, once my French improves, I will apply for naturalization.

    I wish you every success.  If we did not own and run a business here I would have packed up and gone to France just in time to get the permanent residency.  We lived in Montpellier for three years and really enjoyed it there.  Then my wife's dad was diagnosed with cancer and she wanted to be nearer to him for his last year or so and we returned to the UK.  There is a good trials club just outside Montpellier ( https://www.trial-fabregues.com/) once a member you get a key and can ride as much as you like.  Prior to the vote no one seemed much to give a monkey's and be bothered by residency status and all that kind of stuff.  I fear people have thrown out the baby, the pram and next week's wages with the bathwater.

  8. 4 hours ago, mercuryrev said:

    With the cases higher than the last time he locked down, I don't think it's likely we'll come out any time soon. We've rented a place in Portugal for 3 months, starting in December, trouble is we can't get there.

    Where in France do you have a place?


    Montpellier.  We have not been able to get there for nearly a year now.  Still got the bill for Taxe though.  We think that when we go next we will leave the keys with the estate agent - not much point now and particularly as cannot work over there or stay more than 60 days next year.

  9. 4 hours ago, mercuryrev said:

    ... Although I have seen someone pull down their mask and do the two kisses thing when they met someone! Last lockdown was tough, with police road blocks everywhere, you had to prove where you were going, even if just for a walk! Only essential shopping and you weren't even allowed to ride a push bike. Highlight of our day was seeing a car drive past the front gate!

    Doesn't look like I am going to France for xmas then.  ?

  10. At 5 grand you have enough to buy a decent modern bike.  I doubt whatever you choose will disappoint you.  More a case of I wish i had tried x, y or z first.  A modern 250 is a good choice of bike and the Beta 250 very much so.  When I was looking for one for the other half pretty much anything decent had sold before the weekend and the chance to view it - looking at 2 - 2.5 grand at the time and Rev to trade in.

    If you do feel you want to change bike soon after purchase the 250 will sell quickly and easily.  The 300s seem to hang around a bit longer from what I can make out looking at the websites of the dealers and what is on eBay.  If you really are not sure I would keep an eye out for a late model 250 Evo.  Bikes seem a bit overpriced now after the lockdown (push bike very much so) - I have been watching eBay for a year to see if a cheap project came up and they do not.  Even an old heap of junk fetches a good price (who buys this rubbish?)  At the higher end of the price range things look a lot better.  Non stop in Wales have a factory 250 up at a bit over your budget (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Beta-EVO-250-Factory-2020-Trials-Bike-Finance-Part-Exchange-Road-Reg/224191454947)

    See if you can score a test ride off them - might help you make your mind up.

    • Thanks 1
  11. The problem is the ferry costs.  Though I can nearly see it from here FedEx consider the Isle of Wight to be overseas and charge me a tenner extra to deliver there.  This is due to ferry costs.  (UPS have a ferry contract and are no extra).  I am sure Dave will send you anything you want if you pay for it, it will just be the cost issue.

    It might be cheaper to get someone to fabricate a carrier than try to import one. 

  12. 23 minutes ago, Creepytheclutchmaster said:

    Thanks for the comments everyone, I had my eye on a 2003 scorpa sy 250,looked very well kept and sold before I could get there. I think I should stretch the wallet open abit more and go for a beta evo, I did like my old rev 3 tbh. 

    The biggest difference I found between the Rev 3 and my missus' Evo is the Evo lifts the front wheel much easier on the clutch and is more controllable for getting over obstacles.  She and I originally shared the Rev to learn on and it was not a bad machine, but the Evo is better.  It is hard to find a cheap Evo (or a cheap bike at all for that matter).  Realistically you need min. two grand IMHO.  Prices seem to have gone up a bit this year end after lockdown looking at eBay.  My TRS was newer than the wife's Evo (2014 250 2t, £2,300) and more expensive, but I have spent very little on it (rear wheel bearings 20 quid) but the Evo has had a few hundred (not counting the back mudguard which was not the bike's fault..)

    I read a lot of threads on here and the consensus seemed to be buy as new as you can and as much as you can afford.  All I can say is that I agree with that.  The TRS spat me off a few times until I got used to the power but I love it now.  My wife's Beta is an old nail by comparison.  She is happy enough with it but a newer bike will be on next year's list I think.

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  13. I agree with @richt the car would have the stress of the bike rack and the trailer.  Plus if you are not careful reversing the trailer might damage the bike on the rack.  Easier/cheaper to upgrade the trailer.  The Insignia is on the limit with the bike and rack (I have Insignia also).

  14. 15 hours ago, johnnyboxer said:


    It's a sporting event, outdoors with an ACU permit


    Sporting events are exempt from the 6 or less, are permitted

    I hope you are correct but the wording (as I understand it) is team sports and we are not a team sport.

    Nothing on the ACU site this morning and still accepting entries for trials.  I guess we will see.  (I think we are a very low risk and the current measures are working OK and are sensible so fingers crossed)

  15. 8 hours ago, dan williams said:

    If you mean a lot of work for no benefit I agree. But like buying her titanium screws and other goodies I figure she's good to me so I should spoil her. ? She's put up with the indignity of repeated teardowns just to figure out how she works and still runs like new. Good bike.

    Ahh.  Good old fashioned irrational emotional attachment to an inanimate object.  I am sure none of us have that do we?  ?

    I get a (irrational) pleasure from putting new parts onto something, "upgrading" if you like.  So the titanium screws make perfect sense to me.  (I would probably opt for steel anodised myself but that is just personal preference).   If you intend to keep a bike it is not really irrational - it is an investment.  My wife might not see it that way, but females have a different perspective on life I think?  So mostly I upgrade her bike and we are both happy.



    I should also say that the new sprocket I fitted was a red anodised one to match the bike and was much appreciated as an improvement over the stock silver item - colour is important to lady riders........

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  16. I bought a Rev 3 a while back with the idea I might green lane it as well as trials.  In all honesty the two are just not good mates.  As a cheap trials bike they are OK but for green lanes it really is sub optimal.  Mine never got ridden on a road and for that task I still fancy a CRF250.

    If you really really really want to do both something like a 4ride Montesa is much better (if over budget).  But I still think it is a poor halfway house.

    Beta do/did a tank/seat unit that "converts" the bike to a green lane bike and can be removed to ride trials again if you want.

    Green lanes are great but you really need a comfortable bike to potter about on and maybe stop for lunch and have a nice day out.  Lights and so on are really handy so you can ride a while to a good venue.  (Unless you have one on your doorstep).  To me the two tasks are different and need different machines. 

  17. 13 hours ago, rabie said:

    ...we as motorcyclists have got to look the part when we run these events and not make a bad name for ourselves. there are many things going on (be it pubs, beaches, shops, riots, etc, etc) that are not doing such a good job...


    Yes.  Very much the case.

    We have a pair scoring system so no need for observers.  Seems to work very well.  Very strict on paper and a bit more "commonsense" in situ.  Next ride tonight.  Looking forward to it very much.  I intend to very much "show willing" whether one thinks it is pointless or not.

  18. 2 hours ago, faussy said:

    ... It is annoying how overboard the clubs are going (maybe thats only right) and then you walk into a shop and see total disregard to any form of distancing or hygiene. 

    LOL.  Yes, that is very true.  I am beginning to wonder why we worried about all the old people that now are quite keen to push you out the way in the supermarket as they scrabble for the cheap cat food.

    • Thanks 1
  19. Our club is (AFAIK) accepting new members and I don't feel it is any great inconvenience to have to sign up prior to rather than on the day.  I am sorry to the OP if the club is not allowing renewal that sounds a bit daft.  The supplementary regs for our events are club member and no more than 40mi from the trials ground.  Seems to work OK.  Also online event entry.  Personally I prefer this as I don't ever have any cash to buy anything or pay for anything.  If you can't pay by card mostly I don't buy it, whatever it is.  Even the sandwich van takes car nowadays.

    Our event numbers are down as we don't get the 20 or so riders from neighbouring clubs who normally turn up.  This makes for a more relaxed meeting and I like it.  My missus is very much a fan of it and is enjoying this year's "summer series" much more so than last year.  (I'm pleased to say she is riding this year and often just sat it out last year).

    What this does to the clubs finances I don't know - I do not have that information.  Personally I would happily pay a bit extra (like the barbers).

    Of course this is more difficult to the casual rider who wants to turn up now and then if they feel like it.  In that respect it is "discriminatory" if you like that word.  I would use inconvenient.  But it is not universally a bad thing.  Perhaps the answer is to have more events?  All for that!

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